Welcome to my homepage!
This page is always under construction and will continually be updated whenever I have time, so come back soon!
I have links to my Colorado Avlanche page, Denver Bronco page, my personal page, my friends page, and my links page! And hopefully, soon my page deditcated to goaltending and their job will be up and ready! So make yourself at home and have fun!
Click here to go to my Super Bowl XXXII Champions Denver Broncos page.
Click here to go to my 1996 Stanley Cup Champions page.
Click here to go to my friends/personal page where you can meet some of my good friends and myself!
Here are some links to some of my friend's pages and other cool sites I've found on the web!
Here is a link to my page devoted to the
. Come check it out!
Due to extreme lack of time, only my Colorado Avalanche page is up and running. Stay tuned to see the other pages once I get them set-up! I also want to set-up a page dedicated to goaltenders and their unique job. So keep coming back and soon I'll set everything up! Thanks for your patience!
Any questions, comments, or suggestions? Don't be afraid to e-mail me!