Corner Graphic


Your page content will start here. Because there are 4 colors available in this style, all you need to do is replace the graphic names on this template with the color you selected. Using the black & white theme, all extensions of graphics are "-bw.gif". If you're using the maroon color, replace the -bw with -maroon on all graphics with color. The background remains the same on all as that is simply the grey bar. See? It's that easy!

You'll also notice that the scrollbar on the browser is black & white. You can change these colors as well by looking at the code toward the top of the page where the scrollbar designations are listed between the <style> tags. Simply replace the "000000" color (black) with the color of the template you've chosen. Green=006A41, Blue=0000B0, and Maroon=BB1E4A.

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Graphic & Template Design by:
Web Design Studio