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![]() Your MemoriesIf you have a personal memory of Ted Williams for inclusion here, simply email it to me at tedwilliams@geocities.com. I reserve the right to edit for space and readability.
"Now that's a role model." LTC Lee F. Kichen (KICHENl@emh12.monroe.army.mil) Your Teddy Ballgame page is fantastic. I'll never forget the first time I saw the Splinter up close. It was an afternoon game against the Indians at Fenway. It was some kind of mid-week "kids day". We must have out numbered the adults 10:1. The may have been a total of 5,000 paid fans. I remember the Sox weren't going anywhere and Williams was playing hurt that year with a pinched nerve in his neck. Game conditions were abysmal, it was cold and damp, the lights were on. Williams wasn't in the lineup that day. Us kids figured there wouldn't be much of a chance to see him. We were content to holler through the pop-corn containers that you could use as megaphones after we ate its contents. Miracles of miracles!!! He pinch hit that day, When he came out of the dugout the place was charged with electricity, The kid in the stands went crazy. We got to see our hero. No home run into the bullpen that day. If my memory served me correctly, he walked and, of course, came out for a pinch runner. Just as quickly as he appeared at the plate he vanished into the dugout. We went home just as happy if he had hit a grand slam to win it. We knew that there would be other days and more home runs. We could never understand why a lot of the adults were down on Ted. The kids knew the real deal, Anyone who did the things that Williams did for sick boys and girls was our hero. The unframed 8X10 black and white picture I bought that day stayed under my reading lamp until I left home for college. Today my most cherished possession is a baseball autographed by Ted Williams given to me by wonderful wife. She knows boys of all ages still need heroes. After almost 28 years in the military, I have had the opportunity to be associated with many heroes. For me, Ted Williams will always be the most heroic figure in my mind. Ted Williams has done it all; arguably the greatest hitter ever, a veteran who served his country in two wars and a man who gave of himself unselfishly to kids in need. Now that's a role model. "Obviously, I remember it pretty well." Alan Gann (alan.gann@hq.doe.gov) 1955, twi-night double header at Fenway with the Senators; Parents night; sell-out; I get in by hanging around the ticket booth and some guy already inside offers to sell me a bleachers seat for the regular price of $.75. Pouring rain. Buckets. Second game called immmediately after the Clown fin1shes his act after Game 1. Game 1, first inning. Williams hits towering fly in the downpour to the Sox bullpen wall. Carlos Paula reaches up and grabs it. Third inning. Still pouring. Williams hits another blast. I'm in Row 10 of the centerfield bleachers. I thought I was going to catch that ball. Lands 2 rows in front of me. What a blast in that downpour. Obviously, I remember it pretty well. Useless trivia: 1956, freshman year at U Of Vermont; German 1 class; drop dead gorgeous woman (she wasn't 18) sat next to me all semester. What legs. Years later, I'm reading 'My Turn at Bat', and he refers to his 2nd wife, Dolores Wettach. THAT WAS HER! before they were married. ![]() |