The Oldtime Keeper League
The OK-L revisits baseball's golden era through a play-by-email, draft league format. The retention of players from one year to the next will allow the building and maintaining of dynasties and encourages longterm planning on the part of ownership. It will also prove interesting as teams negotiate their way through the war years without many of their star players. For more information on the OK-L's format, see below.
We are currently seeking a core group of longterm owners who will keep the OK-L active for years to come. If you think you might be the type of owner we are looking for, please visit the franchise request page to inquire.
Owners will be required to purchase SOM's most current software (CDROM Baseball v.4) and the season disk for the year in question.
Owners will be expected to play their assigned games or submit instructions to their opponent on a weekly basis.
Play will commence with the 1940 season and progress forward annually.
12 clubs; 2 divisions; first place clubs shall play for league title.
162 game regular season schedule played in 27 weekly blocks of 6 games/week.
(each team will have one opponent for the week: 11 weeks at home (games played on your computer); 11 weeks on road (send HAL file to opponent); 5 weeks split-series (3 games home/3 games road)
Clubs shall consist of a 25-man active roster with no more than a 15-man Reserve List.
Players shall be selected from the current season's SOM season disk.
Clubs may retain 25 players from one season to the next.
After 6 consecutive seasons with the same franchise, a player must be released into the draft.*
Players who do not appear on an ensuing SOM season disk may be retained as part of the 40-man roster, but do not accrue service time for that season against the 6-year limit.
Players who do appear on a SOM season disk will accrue service time even if they spend the entire season on an OK-L Reserve List.
Players may be traded from the close of the OK Series (championship playoff) through July 31 of the following season. 40-man rosters are then frozen until the end of the playoffs.
*Clubs will be allowed to waive this restriction on a maximum of 3 players in any given season.
The maximum supported* level of SOM rules by each season disk shall be utilized.
Injuries will not be used.
All players will be limited to 100% of actual Plate Appearences or Innings Pitched.
SOM ballpark ratings may only be selected by OK-L clubs from the season disk in use.
*closer ratings will be inserted for unrated seasons according to guidelines provided in past SOM manuals.
Initial draft order will be determined by lot and drafted in surpentine order through the 40th round. In ensuing years, the draft will be ordered as follows:
First Round: #1 thru #4 determined by lottery (among the bottom four W-L records from previous season); #5 thru #10 are all non-finalists in reverse order of finish (W-L Pct.); #11 and #12 go to the league finalists, with the winner of the OK Series drafting #12. Remaining rounds shall be reverse order of finish for #1 thru #10 with the finalists again selecting #11 and #12.
SOM season disks that do not contain complete MLB rosters will be supplemented with "fringe" players, using ratings assigned in accordance with recommendations in past SOM manuals.
Clubs must stay in same ballpark for at least 3 seasons (ownership changes exempted).
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