Capoeira News & Updates   



New Schools Added 6/9/00
I have added/updated 3 schools in the Schools Section. If you want your school listed use this Form.

The new capoeira website is here.
Most of the functionality is in place, so feel free to explore what you can and get an idea of the navigation. I will be erasing most of the old locator information, so if you do not see your name please resubmit the form. Also, any feedback about the site (good and bad) is appreciated.
New Pictures Section
I would like to open a new pictures section called Volta Mundo, where capoeiraistas from around the world can send in there pictures and post them to the site for everyone to see. If you have a picture to be submitted please e-mail it to
This site needs strength
I hope to introduce a lot of cool new features once this site moves to a different server. For me to be able to put this site on a new server it will cost me about $35 a month. Some of the enhanced features will be a message board, a more advanced chat room, movie clips, mp3's, merchandise, user customized pages and the ability to interact with the site in a way that Geocities will not allow. I am playing with the idea of offering Capoeira lyric books and live capoeira music. I have to check on the formalities of it, but I would apprecaite it if you would e-mail me if you are interested in making a contribution to the site in exchange for a lyric book or CD.
Instructors to write articles?
Currently I'm trying to negotiate with some instructors to write articles and other content for this site.