Links to other H3 Web sites
Links to the sites I look at before deciding where to go in Japan...
Rest of the world:
Links to what's going On-On abroad...
Hasher's Web Sites:
Believe it or not, some hounds have lives other than The Hash.
A most appalling waste of drinking/debauchery time and surely a
Down-Down offence! Check 'em out first...
Like to have
included here?
E-mail me
your url and a description (take [spam-off!] out of the address first) and they'll be added to the list! Found a
dead link?
Please let me know that too.
ZenNippOn-On Y2K
Details of the All-Japan Nash-Hash 2000 that was hosted by all Kansai kennels at Sanda,
north-east of Kobe, 21–23 July.
Kobe H3
Kansai's mother hash and the second hash to be "flounded" in mainland Japan. Going strong since 1978.
Kyoto H3
The "sometimes sensitive" hash. So sensitive it crawled off somewhere
and died without so much as a wimper. Was over 2 years old, and well
cultured as you'd have expected, running around such a city...
Kansai's newest hash meets the last Saturday of each month within
the city limits of Osaka. Being the middle of the weekend, it has been
known to encourage all-night drinking...
Samurai H3
The Mother Hash of this Wired-Sex (and where I got the name "Slimie Limie")
now has its own web site!
Tokyo H3
Web site of the first hash in Japan, as well as hosting most of the kennels
in Tokyo. Has a very useful A to Z of Hashes in Japan (though there's
neither A nor Z. Resurrect Akita H3? Create Zama H3? Any volunteers?).
Okinawa H3
Hosts of ZenNippOn-On '98 in March. Six runs (well, four assault courses, a swim down a river and one pussy-run, really) in four days...
Raijin H3
Where? Pass me a map, I have no idea either... "Only" 100 km from Tokyo apparently.
Having most On-Ins at micro-breweries however, this has got to be a kennel worth
A kennel in Kyushu, who have their own Hash Mutt, "Koku"! With Flounder Member
sphincter out of action having badly broken his ankle (on trail while haring!)
and Grand Master Sir Trots A Lot about to leave, others will be stepping
forward soon to keep this fine hash afloat....
And now a kennel in Gunma-ken, at Takasaki to be exact. "The hash with the biggest beer
mug". Check out the picture - Down-Down that sucker and you'd be good for the weekend!
White Snake H3
A kennel at Iwakuni, just down the road (well, about an hour plus, actually) from Hiroshima.
Rest of the World
Flying Booger's Half-Mind
A source of everything you need for happy hashing.
Hash House Harriers Homepage
More links to all known world hashes.
On-On to Tasmania 25-27 February 2000!
2002 - The Hash Odyssey!
Proposals for Interhash '02 in the UK!
C'mon ex-pats, remember good ale at room temperature and fish'n'chips? Got to
go back for more! All that shiggy too.... And sheep....
Interhash Goa
2002 - It's a Goa!
Weather looks great, but what about the sheep? (Sez the holder of Early Bird Rego 114....)
Mount Santo Tomas
Hash House Harriers
Located at San Fernando, La Union province, Philippines, these guys do all-day
runs followed by all-night drinking, often extending to On-On-On-On-Ins!
Where's my passport....
Hashers Web Sites
Wonderful World
Lots of "fishy" information from what must be one of Kansai's (if not
Japan's!) most enthusiastic hashers!
Martyn's Web Site
Better known to hashers as "Slimie Limie", find out what he gets up to
when not wearing those disgusting T-shirt/shorts/shoes combinations he's
so fond of.... Except that these days he's so busy with hash business that
his Web site became a cobweb then disappeared....
A-k's Blog
and A-k's Photo's
The blog and photos of Al-kanida, another of Kansai's enthusiastic hashers.
This guy is running the 2007 Sasayama marathon as a test for the
Oxfam Trailwalker Japan 2007. He's been training hard, so when he cums
calling, dig deep and sponsor as much as you can afford!
Web site (occasionally) maintained by Slimie Limie.
This page last interfered with on 3rd December 2007
1998–2007 Chisaii Neko Productions