Bark at the moon! Bark at the moon!

Rotating Moon

Have a barking urge to hare? Check out the proposed mooning dates below, then contact the Hare Razor, Slimie Limie, or Hon Sex, Al-kanida to volunteer.

Moon Phases and KFMH3 Run Dates 2009
Month Full Moon KFMH3 Run Hare? New Moon KFMH3 Run Hare?
March 11th 8th Yup 27th - -
April 9th 12th Yup 25th 26th Yup
May 9th 10th Yup 24th 24th Nope
June 8th 7th Nope 23rd 21st Nope
July 7th 5th Nope 22nd 19th Nope
August 6th 9th Nope 20th 23rd Nope
September 5th 6th Nope 19th 20th Nope
October 4th 4th Nope 18th - -
November 3rd 1st Nope 17th - -
December 2nd 6th Nope 16th - -

Someone already volunteered on the date you wanted? Check they really want to hare that day—they may have been "persuaded" by the Hare Razor and be happy to give it up. Otherwise, choose another date!

Bleeding line
COn Home!B

Page last assaulted by Slimie Limie on 11 April 2009.

© 1998–2009 Chisaii Neko Productions