Kennel buns logo! Revolving moon

Kinki Fully Mooned
Hash House Harriers

Next run
Spacer Congratulations to team FISHHH for winning
the bid to host Japan Nash Hash 2009
Details to be announced soon!
Spacer Contacts

Welcome, visitor number Counter to the Web site of the Kinky Fully Mooned H3, a West Japan-based kennel of the world-wide Hash House Harriers.
We meet, run and drink around the Kansai area of Japan once a month on the Sunday nearest the full moon during winter and twice a month on the Sundays nearest the full and new moons during summer.
Confirmed mooning dates and places are shown here. Proposed mooning dates are shown within the 2009 Moon Almanac.
For more information contact a member of the Mis-management committee.

Make a note!
KFMH3 meets at 3:00 pm for a 3:30 start from April to September and 2:00 pm for a 2:30 start from October to March.

KFMH3 2009 Up-cuming Runs

Run#264 Sunday 26th April
"Bark On The First New Moon Run Of 2009!"
Station: Esaka (Mido Suji Subway Line)
Meet: 3:00 pm
Place: In front of Exit 4
Run/walk/crawl: 3:30 pm
Hare: Dog Fucked
Dog Fucked laid a wonderful trail for Osaka H3 around this area a couple of months ago. The only problem was that it was too dark to see the beautiful rivers and muddy parks he took us alongside and through. Apparently there's still a lot more to explore, so cum out today and see for yerself!

Run#265 Sunday 10th May
"Al-kanida Blows Out (Up?) More Candles!"
Station: TBD (Some line going somewhere)
Meet: 3:00 pm
Place: TBC
Run/walk/crawl: 3:30 pm
Hare: Alkanida
Local friendly terrorist Al-kanida is out to blow our half-minds away on his birthday run. He promises plenty of both shiggy and beer. This hound for one can't wait!

Run#266 Sunday 24th May
"It's YOUR Run Today!"
Station: TBC (Some line near your place)
Meet: 3:00 pm
Place: Your kennel?
Run/walk/crawl: 3:30 pm
Hare: YOU
C'mon, don't be shy, volunteer! We won't bite. Much. Or very hard(ish...).

Mis-Management Oct. 2008 – Sep. 2009

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Moon Master Wanda (090) 9252-6861 Camera icon
Honorary Religious Advisor Urine Camera icon
Hon Sex Al-kanida (090) 6670-2191 Camera icon E-mail icon
Hon Sex's Ass Urinator (090) 5251-4983 Camera icon
Hash Cash Wanda (090) 9252-6861 Camera icon
Hash Cash's Ass Dog Fucked (080) 5356-7429 Camera icon
Hare Razor Slimie Limie (072) 676-2869 Camera icon
Hash Horn Smash My Smurf Camera icon
Beer Taster Mankophobia (090) 5887-3423 Camera icon
Wired Sex Slimie Limie (090) 4284-3736 Camera icon E-mail icon

(Remove the [spam-off!] from the address before sending e-mail.)
Page last assaulted by Slimie Limie on 18 April 2009.
Anything else you'd like to see on this site? Let Slimie Limie know!

© 1998–2009 Chisaii Neko Productions