NWSC Security guards
Yes ladies and gentlemen the
Northwestside Connection is pleased to bring you our very own
"security team."
Heading up the team will be Mike
Dennison, star pitcher for the BVNW baseball team.
Name: Mike Dennison
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 190
Body Fat: 9%
Hobbies: Keepin it real
Security Experience: Who cares, I
can kick your ass
Quote: Don't touch the players
Story: One time I cracked a guys
head open.
Name: Tyler Hood (Security)
Nickname: T-Hood
Height: 6'3
Weight: 285lbs.
Body Fat %: 3.1%, the rest is all muscle baby.
Hobbies: Drawing, Getting Tattoos, Beating People Up, Forcing
Others To Bow Down
Basketball Experience: Last played in seventh grade, but made the
team due to being 6 feet in heighth.
Security Experience: Middle school birthday parties, and a few
weddings. Claim to fame is his job as a Part Time rent-a-cop at
Rosana Square McDonalds.
Quote: Bow Down, or I'll beat you up!
Second Quote: I have an aerosol can of woop ass, and Iım 'bout
spray it on you.
Story: When our football team played North, an angry group of
tried to stop us. But we all know that was a joke. (28-17). I
beat my own record of pancakes, thanks in part to Fat Matt
Now that the season is over, that puss #10 spends his time trying
mack on my girlfriend. Here's a clue: ITıS NOT WORKING!