The X-Files Most Unwanted

----Welcome to the FBI's Most Unwanted----
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--The FBI's Most Unwanted Club News--

The X-files is a show that was started 5 years ago by Chris Carter a realative unknown until the X-Files became popular. The two main charactors he chose for his show were unknowns as well. Gillian Anderson (Dana Scully) had done no screen work before the X-Files except for a small role on a little known movie titled "The Turning." David Duchovney (Fox Mulder) was an unknown as well with his only big screen thing being a part he played on Twin peaks as a cross dresser. and So the X-Files was born and become the most talked about Sci-Fi show since Star Trek.
So sit back relax and enjoy my page, If you have any comments fell free to E-Mail me.
Links to other sites on the Web
The X-Files Multi-Media Archive
X-Files Sounds
Detailed Episode Guide
Character and Actor Index For All Episodes
GAWS.... Great Gillian Anderson Site
Official X-Files Web Site
Webpages Done By Club Members.
FBI Memos --U/C--
Club Round Robins
X-File Top 10 Lists
There is still a lot more to come including an X-Files sound archive, Picture archive, and a downloadable movie section. Pages done by club members, FBI memos, and round robins. Please come back soon.
Once you are finished here please visit my other page. Just click below.
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