Welcome to Matt Smigaj's Site
My interests are: Sports, Dancing, Traveling, and Science Fiction.
Seinfeld is the best show and Kramer is the best character in a comedy series, ever. I keep watching reruns, which, in my opinion, are still hilarious. Thank God, Larry David has created Curb Your Enthuiasm, which is another hilarious show. One of my favorite Seinfeld episodes was on just the other day: the "Spit" or Keith Herandez episode. That is the one were Kramer and Newman tell Elanie and Jerry about the time Keith supposely spit and hit both of them. The renactment and flashback to the event is hilarous where Kramer's head whiplashes because he was "hit." Jerry explains, though, that if their story was correct it had to have been "one magic loogie." He also says that in order for the story to make sense there had to have been a second spitter. Later, it is revealed that there was, in fact, a second spitter, and it was Roger McDowell. What an episode.
The three other sites on my page are : a Sports Page, a Bulls Page-all about Bulls and a Sci-Fi Page with an essay I wrote on the question "Are We Alone."

Come back soon and tell a friend about my site.
Email Me at: mattsmigaj@gmail.com

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