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Laws of the Night, Mind's Eye Theater
~ Vampire: The Masquerade,

One World by Night chronicle, a live-action role-playing game in Baltimore, Maryland. Welcome from all the Kindred of "Balmer, Hon!" A City that rose from Ashes, because the Camarilla burned it once before to remove the Sabbat infestation, it didn't succeed. This time they're here to get it right. Bring your own Marshmallows !

House And OWBN Rules

LotN:R Clarification

Game Site & Directions (updated 03/12/02

The Battle Of Baltimore

In February of 1998, a force of Loyal Camarilla diehards, led by the famous & feared Lord Cornelius Vanderdecken, at that time, Archon to Lord Xavier, then Lord Kharel, and now, Lord Angus Justicar to Clan Gangrel, unleashed a devastating attack upon the historically Sabbat held area of Baltimore. The Sabbat were caught totally off guard, as they had been rebuilding their forces to the south in D.C., thinking that the Camarilla would attack again. None knew of Lord Vanderdecken's bold plan to invade to the north instead, except for his closest allies. Under Lord Vanderdecken was the infamous Alpha Squad, with his trusted right-hand & left-hand Alistars, Logan & Nathaniel, this squad was known for racking up more kills then any other squad as they battled the Sabbat on their home ground. Fierce was the fighting, that only one out of ten survived. As their Battle lord, Lord Vanderdecken pushed forward deep into the very heart of controlled Sabbat territory with his objective to take the Sabbat stronghold & center of goverment known as *Towson*.

But the Sabbat had drawn the line at Cold Spring Lane, and swore to not let Battle lord Vanderdecken & his troops pass it or perish trying. The Sabbat Bishop Nigel, himself held the front lines in a display to his troops that he would meet this threat head on. This whipped his troops into a frenzied fighting machine, ready for anything. Battle lord Vanderdecken & his troops were tired & had been fighting for weeks, but each and everyone of them would lay down their eternal life and do whatever Battle lord Vanderdecken asked of them. He now stood in front of his troops, and spoke from the heart, he talked to them as comrades, friends, & equals. He told them all what laid ahead of them. That the Baltimore Sabbat Bishop himself awaited them. He spoke in such away as to rally a war cry from all. They had the momentum behind them, for they had thrust north all the way from Hyattsville. They were not ready to let down Battle lord Vanderdecken.

As the Camarilla troops started to cross Cold Spring Lane, the battle was engaged. The fighting was intense, no one could tell who was clearly winning or not. The fighting went on for hours when from the top of the bluff at Cold Spring Lane & Roland Ave., insight of the Landmark Rotunda, Battle lord Vanderdecken had engaged the Sabbat Bishop. As they battled back & forth the sky became cloudy, lightning streaked across, lighting the battle scene in a eerie pale. Just as the battle was turning in favor of Battle lord Vanderdecken, his Camarilla troops raised such a war cry that it drown out the roar of the thunder & was clear, just as the final blow, that Battle lord Vanderdecken & his Camarilla troops had taken the day. As he stood on top of the bluff looking down at his troops it begun to pour rain upon them, he held the head of the Bishop aloft for all to see. The rain wash the blood down the streets and it all converged in the gutter. He then turned to his trusted comrade and said, " *Sip* Blyth lets seek shelter & bring the marshmallows so that we can celebrate."

It was clear as the Sun started to rise that the Camarilla had kicked ass, and was here to stay. It was pointed out over roasting marshmallows that the last time that the Camarilla & Sabbat had fought over Baltimore most of it was burned to the ground, this time is was going to take more then a lame excuse to cover up the Masquerade. The troops worked the rest of the night, and as the Sun started to rise, their ghouls finished to preserve the Masquerade, it was difficult at best, but achieved with only one slight slip, the next evening ghouls of Battlelord Vanderdecken, reported that the blood run-off was so great that it turned the Jones Falls crimson, and then the Inner Harbor, and a stream of crimson was reported as far south in the Bay as the Bay Bridge. This was blamed on the outbreaks of Pfisteria and dismissed. But hence forth the name *Bay of Blood* was used among the kindred who retold the battle & has marked the occasion ever since.

The territory liberated from the Sabbat, now known as the Camarilla domain of Baltimore, stretches from the Chesapeake Bay just south of Annapolis, running to Rt. 32 to the Howard County line, including Howard County (even those Anarch hold-outs in the area), north into Baltimore County to Rt. 26 into Baltimore City along Rt. 26 - Liberty Road to North Ave., across Baltimore City back into Baltimore County along Rt. 40 East to the Harford County line. These lines have been changing alot as the Anarchs emerge, the Sabbat try to retake what they consider theirs, and as the Camarilla continue to push ever forward to take *Towson* and all of Baltimore City & County.

The Kindred who have come to settle in the Domain of Baltimore come from a diverse background and from the corners of the world. Power-Mongers, Spies, Visionaries, Opportunist, and those just seeking a new start, coming together in this eternal conflict, risking everything to gain, or just trying to keep what they feel is rightfully theirs, whether Anarch, Sabbat, or Camarilla. Destruction lurks all around these Kindred who struggle to keep their new found domain as they fight in the rages of an eternal war between the two largest Kindred sects in the world: the Camarilla, dedicated to peace at any cost, and the Sabbat, dedicated to freedom at any price.

Baltimore has been chosen as the front-line & focal point of this conflict, not by choice, but circumstances, whether they like it or not, and blood shall run into the Bay until the Camarilla have been pushed out or the Sabbat are defeated. The Camarilla Kindred now face the hardest aspect of their triumph, the maintaining of their newly formed domain. All the while the Kindred shall strive to create a new life for themselves in what has become known as the Bay of Blood

The millennium is here, it is July 15, 2000, and Archon Vanderdecken has come back to his beloved Domain of Baltimore. Things are happening that can't be seen with the naked eye nor heighten senses, but they are happening, all around those of the Domain of Baltimore. The wind has shifted, the seeds of fortune have been cast adrift, the inferno down below is rising, and there is an eerie silence, just like the one before a storm comes... The Bay of Blood beholds a new dawning and change is on the horizon as the sunsets, when it all begins to unfold...

We hope you are interested with what you've read so far. We're always looking for new players (Sorry, 16 or older, please). Valid Photo ID is required or Parental/Guardian permission to participate. The game is played every other Saturday basis. If you have comments or suggestions, email to:

Bay Of Blood

1997-2001 // All Rights Reserved.

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