-15 Team Battle Royal 15 Teams compeated for a shot at the Tag Team Belt at Aprils IYH. The fifteen team s included:Headbangers, Rock N' Roll Express, DOA, Truth Commision, Faarooq/D'Lo Brown, Mark Henry/Kama Mustafa, Savio Vega/Miguel Perez, Jesus Castillo/Jose Estrada, Godwinns, Quebecers, Brian Christopher/Jerry Lawler, Furnas and Lafon, New Midnight Express, LOD, and Steve Blackman/Bradshaw. Lod came out with a new apperance(there gear was painted like skeletons) and a new manager, the one and only SUNNY! Boy did she look fine. It came down to the final four teams of Midnight Express, DOA, Godwinns, and LOD. First out was DOA, then the Godwinns. This left the ME, and LOD as the final two teams. Hawk and Animal both elimanted one of the ME for a shot at the Tag Team Belt on April 26's IYH.
-Taka Vs. Aguila - Light Heavyweight Belt Taka and Aguila went on for a short match for the Light Heavyweight belt. It was a pretty good match, but compared to some other light heavyweight matches it was kind of dull. Taka won this one with a Mitsinoku Driver on Aguila.
-HHH Vs. Owen Hart - European Title Match Triple H and Owen's fued comes to a great apex with this match for Owen to try and get his belt back. Unfortunatly he was unsuccesful in his try. Chyna got to watch this match handcuffed to Comissioner Slaughter. This still didn't stop her from interfering. She threw a handfull of powder into Slaughters face, and then nailed Owen with a crotch shot from behind, which let HHH get the Pedigree on Owen.
-Mero/Sable Vs. Goldust/Luna WOW! If you watched closely you got a tit shot twice from Luna, as she was beaten to a pulp by Sable. This was all Sable in this match, not only did she get her hits on Goldust, but she powerbombed Luna, and followed that up with a TKO to get the win.
-Ken Shamrock Vs. Rocky Miavia - Intercontinental Championship
Ken easily defeated the Intercontinantal champ with the ankle lock submission hold. But because he refused to let it up the ref switched his decision and let the Rock keep the title. Shamrock the went apeshit and started smashing refs and officials and then went after Rocky again as he was being carried out on a strecher. He throws the beklt back to Rocky and raises his hands to the crowd which gives an awesome ovation.
-Chainsaw Charlie/Cactus Jack Vs. New Age Outlaws - Tag Team Belts
This was the first ever dumpster match, where both members of a team were to be put in the dumpster and the lid shut for a team to win the belts. This one went backstage where the NAO were put on a forklift and dumped into a dumpster in the back. The lid was then shut and the forklift rested on the lids so they couldn't be opened. And if you looked closely at Terry Funk at the end of the match, you could see a huge ass bruise on his back. It looked really, really painful.
-Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs. Shawn Michaels - WWF Heavyweight Championship
This was a pretty dull match because of Michaels back injury. Twords the end of the match he was showing it hurt really bad. He was lifting with his legs, walking slow, and leaning on the ropes alot to gain some strength. Austin won this one with a countered superkick into a Stunner. Mike Tyson made the count and showed that he really was on Stone Colds Side by displaying an Austin 3:16 shirt. Hail Stone Cold!