Unforgiven IYH Results

Faarooq, Ken Shamrock, and Steve Blackman defeated Rocky Maivia, D-Lo Brown, and Mark Henry w/Kama with Faarooq's Dominator.
Both tag teams were showing great signs of team-work, while action was impressive inside the ring. As Steve Blackman was getting beaten on by the Nation of Domination for a long period of time, he made a relieving tag to Faarooq. Faarooq and Rocky Maivia then started to battle it out. Faarooq was able to hit Maivia with the Dominator, for him, Ken Shamrock, and Steve Blackman to get the win.

Stone Cold Steve Austin Interview.
Stone Cold Steve Austin confronted timekeeper, Mark Yeaton. Austin questioned Yeaton if Vince McMahon told him to ring the bell during the Dude Love vs. Steve Blackman Raw is War match. Yeaton did not give a direct answer. However, Austin warned Yeaton if he rung the bell once again during his match with Dude Love, both him and Vince McMahon would be in a world of trouble.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/Chyna defeated Owen Hart via Pinfall, retaining the WWF Eruopean title.
As previously announced by WWF commissioner, Sgt. Slaugther, Chyna would be locked in a steel cage above the ring. She attempted to escape by using a saw, but that fell down to the ring. She later got out by bending the bars, and Jesse James lowered the cage. As she tried to get involved in the match, Slaughter stopped her. Owen Hart executed the Pedigree on Hunter Hearst Hemlsley. However, X-Pac hit Hart with a fire extinguisher, behind the referee's back. HHH took advantage, pinning the Owen Hart, and retaining the WWF European title.

The New Midnight Express w/Jim Cornette defeated The Rock 'n' Roll Express via Pinfall, retaining the NWA Tag Team tites.
Jim Cornette was able to introduce Bombastic Bob and Bodacious Bart as they made their way to the ring. The New Midnight Express first dominated The Rock 'n' Roll Express by using great team-work. As soon as both Rock 'n' Roll Express members entered the ring, Jim Cornette entered. Gibson immediately floored Jim Cornette. Bombastic Bob then hit Gibson with a Bulldog from behind, letting Bart Gunn get the pin. The New Midnight Express were able to retain the NWA Tag Team titles.

In an Evening Gown Match, Luna w/Goldust defeated Sable w/Marc Mero.
Thanks to the help of Marc Mero, Luna was able to strip down Sable completely to get the victory. Sable then gave a powerbomb to Luna. Luna and Sable went under the ring, and Sable returned with Luna's brawl and panties.

Vince McMahon Interview.
Vince McMahon continued to say something "catastrophic" would happen later in the show. McMahon stated the reason he is in Greensboro, North Carolina, was not to "screw" Stone Cold Steve Austin out of the WWF title, but because North Carolina was the stage he was born in. McMahon finished things off by saying he would not be held responsible, if Stone Cold "screws" Stone Cold.

The New Age Outlaws defeated LOD 2000 w/Sunny, retaining the WWF Tag Team titles.
Animal refused to give up, after the Outlaws kept him in the ring for the majority of the match. After LOD secured a pin, they were announced the new WWF Tag Team champions. However, the referee reversed his decision and let The New Age Outlaws retain the titles. LOD 2000 then executed the Doomsday Device on the referee.

Jeff Jarrett did an amazing performance with Sawyer Brown. Afterwards, Jarrett bragged about how great of a singer he is. In came Steve Blackman to attack Jarrett. However, Tennessee Lee was able to help out Jarrett. Blackman was then knocked out cold with a guitar shot to his head.

Undertaker defeated Kane w/Paul Bearer.
Both men came very close to the flames. Each time they did, the flames would rise higher than the top rope. Out of no where came Vader to attack Kane. The Undertaker leaped over the flames and top ropes and landed on both Kane and Vader. Bearer hit Undertaker with a chair from behind, but UT then used it on Kane. Taker traced Paul Bearer down the aisle, attacking him with Sawyer Brown's equipment, and Bearer started to gush blood. Taker then went back to the ring, and set Kane's right arm on fire. Undertaker was announced the winner.

Dude Love defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin by Disqualification, letting Austin retain the WWF Heavyweight title.
As Dude Love took the advantage, Vince McMahon came down to the ring along with Pat Patterson and Gerry Brisco. McMahon instructed Patterson and Brisco to leave, and then sat down in a seat. As Dude Love was continuing with the advantage, Vince McMahon taunted Austin. Even with the referee knocked out, Austin was announced the winner after nailing Dude Love with the Stone Cold Stunner, and making the pin on his own. Vince McMahon was knocked out cold whenever Austin hit him with a chair. However, Gerry Brisco then reversed the decision, and let Dude Love get the win by Disqualification, since Austin attacked a WWF official. Medical officials then came to the aide of Vince MaMahon.

Credit: Ryan Vanboxtel & The Real Wrestling Newsboard

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