IYH No Way Out

I must say this was a pretty good PPV. A little expensive for an IYH, but it was 3 hours long. The show started off with Golddust and Mark Mero taking on the Headbangers. The Headbangers, while the ref wasn't looking, and Mero and Goldust were busy breaking up the fight between Sable and Luna, Mosh switched himself with a severly beaten Thrasher. Then when Mero went for the 3 count, he got rolled over, and lost the match. Yeah Headbangers!

Pantera faced Taka for the Light heavyweight title. He did show he could wrestle, but he didn't come away with the title. He was grounded by the Taka Driver.

Big ol' Bradshaw faced off against Jeff Jarrett for the NWA Title. When it looked like he had it won, Jarrett used Cornette's tennis racket and was DQed. Then the NWA continued to pound on Bradshaw, until the LOD came out and helped clean some house.

Ken Shamrock was teamed up with Ahmad Johnson and the DOA. They faced the NOD, in an all out brawl. Shamrock won the match by making the Rock tap out with the ankle lock submission hold. After that the Rock pushed Faarooq, and started trouble between the NOD.

Kane went up against the man they call Vader. I was really hoping for Vader to kick the shit out of 'ol one eye, but as I was afraid, Kane got the win. He won by giving Vader another tombstone piledriver. Then if that wasn't enough, Kane hit Vader with a wrench from under the stage. He was taken away by medical assistance.

The main event between the team of Stone Cold, Owen Hart, Chainsaw Charlie, and Cactus Jack. Met The NAO, Triple H, and Savio Vega. It was a non DQ match, so Cactus and Chainsaw brought out alot of goodies to play with. It was an all out war with weapons that was ended by a stunner on the Road Dog. After that Chyna got in Stone Colds face and was met with a stunner with her name on it.

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