WELCOME to my Dojang! Here you will learn and practice the martial arts of the world. No specific country, no specific art. For those of you who are into the martial arts, these pages should help you to train harder. For those of you just surfing by, you might pick up a handy tidbit of information that might help you someday on the streets, when faced with a mugger or rapist.
The two gentleman at the top of the page are there because of their contributions to the world of martial arts. On the left is Ueshiba, Morihei (O'Sensei) who is the founder of Aikido, a Japanese Martial Art founded in 1942. On the right is Choi, Yong Shul, who is the founder of Hapkido, a Korean Martial Art founded in 1939-40.
What I will try to convey to you in this web-site, is the different facets of the martial arts. In some cases, where applicable, I will use drawings, pictures and even index pages from other sites. These index pages will be able to explain the art they practice better than I, in some cases.
The Circular principle at work in the pictures below. Two throws in a circular fashion and a circular spin hook kick.
Using the frame on the side for a table of content, just click where you want to go. This site will never be finished, just as a martial artist never stops learning.
Updated on JULY 26, 2007!