WELCOME to the TKD-Dad Website

The Purpose of this Website is to share information about Taekwondo and Modern Taekwondo Competition in a manner that is both informative and easy to understand.

My son fell in love with TaeKwondo in 1996.  In my efforts to support him, answer his questions, and satisfy my own curiosity,  I strove to learn about  the History, Rules of competition, andTraining techniques of the multifaceted Marital Art  that is Taekwondo.  During this process I evolved from being a curious parent, to an enthusiastic supporter, and finally to an eager student.

I hope that this site will provide answers and guidence for anyone Interested in the Korean Martial Art  -  TAEKWONDO.



What is TaeKwonDo ?

A Short History of Taekwondo

An explanation of Belts

Goryoogi (Taekwondo Sparring)

Poomse  (Taekwondo Forms)

Gyookpa  (Board Breaking)

Competition Information

Sports Medicine / Sports Psychology

Upcoming Events

Whats New

Book and Training tape reviews

TaeKwonDo School (Dojang) Directory

TaeKwonDo Dictionary

Questions/Comments Page

Take the QUIZ


Demonstration of Poomse. 
9-Year-old Jason Mueller competes in Poomse at the 1999 USTU Junior Olympic Nationals, Held in Las Vegas Nevada.

Crowning a New National Champion!
Jason Mueller Recieves his Gold Medal in the Poomse Competition; Consolidated  heavyweight, 8-9 yr old  Male Black Belt Division.