The Mark McGwire Shrine

"Your puny ballparks are too small to contain my gargantuan blasts! Bring me the finest meats and cheeses for a clubhouse feast!"

When Kenny Mayne (Sportscenter) thought that one up, he must have been watching McGwire in action. If you haven't seen him in person and your a loyal baseball fan, then buy a ticket to a Cardinals game and bring your glove. I personally followed McGwire for many years in Oakland even though I lived in the St. Louis area. My family made a trip to Kansas City to watch Oakland whip up on the Royals on April 15, 1992, and I thought that might be the only chance I would have to see the mighty McGwire. Then on July 31, 1997, I was on my living room floor when I heard the news. I had to pinch myself. The Cardinals traded for Mark McGwire? The Cardinals traded for MARK MCGWIRE! The picture above was taken during batting practice in he first game as a Cardinal in Philadelphia. This is my tribute to the Baseball god that is Mark McGwire.

I do realize a new season has started, but I have run out of time and space to update this site. Look for an update shortly! I'm currently in the process to make this site even better! Please keep sending pictures and such to the address below. I have several pictures waiting to be put on, but no space to upload them. Keep checking back for the update!!

Number 61!!!

**NUMBER 62!!!!**

* MacPics!

* MacLinks!

* MacMemorabilia!

* Mac1998 vs. Maris1961

Career Statistics

86 Oak 18 53 10 10 1 0 3 9 4 18 .377 .189
87 Oak 151 557 97 161 28 4 49 118 71 131 .618 .289
88 Oak 155 550 87 143 22 1 32 99 76 117 .478 .260
89 Oak 143 490 74 113 17 0 33 95 83 94 .467 .231
90 Oak 156 523 87 123 16 0 39 108 110 116 .489 .235
91 Oak 154 483 62 97 22 0 22 75 93 116 .383 .201
92 Oak 139 467 87 125 22 0 42 104 90 105 .585 .268
93 Oak 27 84 16 28 6 0 9 24 21 19 .726 .333
94 Oak 47 135 26 34 3 0 9 25 37 40 .474 .252
95 Oak 104 317 75 87 13 0 39 90 88 77 .685 .274
96 Oak 130 423 104 132 21 0 52 113 116 112 .730 .312
97 Oak 105 366 48 104 24 0 34 81 58 98 .628 .284
... StL 51 174 38 44 3 0 24 42 43 61 .684 .253
97tot 156 540 86 148 27 0 58 123 101 159 .646 .274
98 StL 155 509 130 152 21 0 70 147 162 155 .752 .299
99 StL 60 206 43 54 11 0 19 47 55 55 .592 .264
Total 1595 5337 984 1407 230 5 476 1177 1107 1314 .576 .264

Please Sign the guestbook, but note, I am a poor College student with no connections to Big Mac. I cannot get autographs for you. sorry...

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