MMP FINAL JUDGMENT Wednesday, October 25, 2000 MMP Coliseum – Springfield, IL
MMP Final Judgment is dedicated to the memory of
”Yokozuna” Rodney Anoai 1966-2000
MMP Final Judgment is on the air! Including special standing-room seating, more than 20, 000 fans are jammed into the MMP Coliseum in Springfield, Illinios for tonight’s spectacular, the final event in MMP history. Commentators Jerry Wood and Ray Brewer are at ringside.
Wood: Welcome, everyone, to MMP Final Judgment!! I’m Jerry Wood alongside Ray Brewer, coming to you live for one final time from the MMP Coliseum. Tonight nearly two and a half years come to a head with this, the final pay per view spectacular in the storied history of the Midwestern Mayhem Promotion. With the sale of our parent company, Tricolor, Inc., becoming official on the first of November, the MMP will be liquidated as a result of the new owners’ opposition pro wrestling as a form of entertainment. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t go out with a bang, and I know that everyone back in that locker room is fired up for this one final opportunity to showcase their skills and take home one of the prestigious MMP championship belts, all of which will be decided for the final time tonight.
Brewer: The best of the best will undoubtedly be decided here tonight. Everyone on the active roster is involved in some capacity, and we will even be seeing the return of a number of individuals who haven’t been seen in an MMP ring for quite some time. Like you said, Jerry, all six MMP titles will be decided, and it all leads up to the main event, the house of the dead match for the world heavyweight title as The Cult Master and Virus Richards meet one-on-one to settle what is without a doubt the longest running feud in the MMP today. I don’t know exactly what to expect from this match, but I have no doubt it will be something the likes of which we have never seen before.
Wood: It truly is a unique set up to say the least. The ring ropes will be replaced with barbed wire. There will be no turnbuckle pads. Weapons will be extended from poles in each of the four corners, while plains of barbed wire, broken glass, nails, and thumbtacks will surround the ring on the outside. The only way to win is to lock your opponent in the standard sized casket in the middle of the ring, and all the action will be encased in not one, but two cells, the outer one pulsing with electricity in order to ensure that no one gets in and no one gets out until a winner has been determined. And with MMP commissioner Grant Lindsay serving as the special guest referee, I have no doubt we will see a decisive winner tonight as we determine who will be the man that will spend the rest of their life as the MMP world champion. Tonight we kick things off with a wild tag team elimination match. Arguably the top three teams in the MMP today, the current champions Hades and Baital, Falcon and The Punisher, and Side Project will be joined by without a doubt the greatest tag team in MMP history, Harbinger and The Destroyer, in a four corners elimination contest. The final team left standing will leave the MMP as champions, and if you ask me, any team that can survive a match like this deserves exactly that. Let’s go to the ring here at Final Judgment!!
MMP Tag Team Championship Four Corners Elimination Match HADES & BAITAL (C) vs. HARBINGER & THE DESTROYER vs. FALCON & THE PUNISHER vs. SIDE PROJECT
With the three challenging tag teams in the ring, High Society made it’s way down the aisle en masse. Aries, Amarok, and Nashira accompanied Hades and Baital, who were carrying not only the MMP but also ICW tag team championship belts, towards the ring. Once at ringside, Hades demanded a mic:
Hades: I was talking to the rest of the Brotherhood and it seems unfair to Amarok to walk out of here without knowing what it is like to defend the gold. Therefore, I am handing my half of the tag title to him. Besides that just means we are the greatest stable ever have made a repeat in having every member of High Society holding a title.
The crowd started booing loudly as Hades handed his MMP tag title belt over to Amarok, but just as he started out to the floor the referee grabbed Hades’ arm and shook his head “no”. He reminded Hades that MMP rules state that wrestlers are committed to matches for which they are signed, and that if he chose to walk out of the match the team of Hades and Baital would be eliminated. And, just to even up the odds, the referee ordered the other members of High Society to leave the ring immediately or risk forfeiting the titles! Hades was furious, but fortunately for the High Society team he was able to channel that anger in a constructive way. Once he was back in the ring Hades went right for Falcon, hammering the luchador with hard right hands before raking his eyes against the ropes. He then tackled Falcon and mounted his opponent, hammering him with right hands as the referee insisted that Hades get off and let Falcon get back to his feet. Not wanting to risk disqualification Hades heeded the official’s warning, and once he was up he walked over to the Side Project corner and slapped Gunter Tod across the chest. The ref ruled that it constituted a tag, and Gunter entered the ring as the legal man. Gunter hurried into the ring but his quickness was no match for Falcon’s, and the Mexican easily dodged Gunter’s first attack and dropped the German with a drop toehold. Gunter hit face first against the canvas but shot back up to his feet just as quickly. Once up Gunter stumbled back towards the ropes, where he was immediately hit with a flying clothesline from Falcon that sent both men over the top to the floor. Falcon and Gunter continued to trade blows on the outside, and it wasn’t long before their respective partners, Punisher and Gerrit Rindfleisch, joined in on the action. The referee shouted at the four men on the outside and started a count to try and restore some order, but it was no use. The count reached ten, and the official had no choice but to eliminate both teams by countout. The decision was unpopular with the sold out crowd but, as evidenced by the number of referees that had to be sent out to break up the fight between the two teams, the ref had no other option. Once the backup refs were able to clear the four eliminated men from the ringside area Harbinger stepped through the ropes, but he ran right into a fired-up Baital, who hammered the three-time former tag team champion with a series of right hands, knocking Harbinger to the canvas. Baital then made a tag to Hades, who came in and grabbed Harbinger before he could get to his corner and executed a devastating belly to belly suplex. Hades wasn’t done there, though, and immediately pulled Harbinger back to his feet and nailed his opponent with a series of three rolling German suplexes. With Hades in complete control of the action in the ring, Virus Richards started making his way towards ringside with a steel chair in hand. Before he could get to the ring, though, Destroyer saw Virus coming and jumped down off the apron to cut the Cult’s greatest rival off in his path. While Virus had Destroyer distracted Hades made a tag to Baital before running around the ring and nailing Destroyer with a double-axhandle blow to the back of the head from the apron. Hades continued to punch and kick at Destroyer, allowing Virus to sneak past and get down to the ring. The referee got down to the floor to try and break up the battle on the outside, meaning that he never saw Virus sliding into the ring with the chair. He motioned towards Baital, who waited for Harbinger to get to his feet before nailing the Blood Drive, just as Virus slammed Harbinger across the back of the head with the chair!! Virus then immediately slid out of the ring, grabbed the referee, and tossed him back inside where he saw Baital covering Harbinger and counted the 1…2…3.
Wood: Hades and Baital are still the MMP tag team champions, and they will now presumably take the belts with them as they continue their careers in International Championship Wrestling where they are also recognized as tag team titleholders. These two men have certainly come together to form a dominant duo over the past couple of months when it was starting to look like they might never learn to co-exist.
Brewer: Well, championship gold will do that, Jerry. When Aries gave Baital his half of the tag titles several months ago he said it was intended not as a gesture of generosity but to force these two men to learn to get along. After briefly losing the titles to Destroyer and Ben Childs they came back to recapture the belts almost immediately and have been almost unbeatable ever since, both here in the MMP and down in that second-rate ICW promotion.
Wood: You know, after all this time, I would have thought you’d ease up on your anti-ICW rants. As you know, Ray, Grant Lindsay and JC, the man in charge of ICW, have been friends for many, many years, and since the MMP is closing down after tonight’s event our commissioner has offered ICW a chance to showcase some of their talent on tonight’s card. Coming up next, for the first time ever, and ICW championship will be defended on MMP television as the ICW television champion, the massive Volcano, puts his title on the line against Nick Sinister. Let’s go back to the ring!
ICW Television Championship Match VOLCANO (C) vs. NICK SINISTER
As the lights fade, a crimson spotlight falls over the entrance way. The crowd hushes, not knowing what to expect, as two red pyro explosions sent off a red fog. Amorphis’ “On Rich and Poor” played over the sound system and Nick Sinister made his way to ringside in his black silken finery. Sinister then asked for a mic from the ring announcer:
SINISTER: Greetings, fans of the Midwestern Mayhem Promotion! For those of you unfamiliar, my name is
Sinister .... but you may call me Nick. A pity I could not spread my presence throughout this organization as
well, but I come here tonight for a different purpose. My reign as the Television Champion in ICW is long overdue. There lies within ICW a boisterous, cowardly, and quite frankly fat man who currently holds my rightful Title. So Mr. Volcano ... bring your overweight carcass to ringside with my gold!
"Enter Sandman" hits the speakers. Volcano comes out with Wild Wendy while fireworks go off. Volcano
enters the ring and locks up with Sinister. Volcano overpowers him and pushes him into the corner. The
ref tells the two to break it up, and as Sinister lifts his arms up, Volcano lands some brutal chops to the chest of Sinister, who starts to hold his beat red chest with pain. Volcano looks to continue the attack, but Sinister motions to the video screen. Volcano turns and sees a forklift parked in front of the MOD dressing room with the group banging at the door. With Volcano's eyes fixed on the screen, Sinister attacks with a dropkick to the back. With
Volcano down on a knee, Sinister pounds on Volcano's face. He then applies a sleeperhold, weakening the
man's neck and cutting his circulation. However, Volcano stands up, and backs Sinister into the turnbuckle. Volcano goes back to work on sinister by grabbing him and delivering a snap mare. He picks up Sinister by the hair, and knocks him back down with powerful forearm shots to the upper back. Volcano then irish whips Sinister into the ropes, and goes for a clothesline. Sinister comes off the oppposite ropes with a flying rolling elbow, staggering his opponent, then goes for a quick cover. Volcano kicks out. Sinister runs at Volcano again, but volcano sees Sinister coming and delivers a powerslam to him. Sinister is now holding his lowerback in pain, as Volcano picks up sinister and puts him in a bearhug. Sinister is getting weary as the ref holds up Sinister's hand and it drops. The ref goes for the second time and Sinister's hand drops again. The ref grabs his arm for the third time, and Sinister thumbs Volcano in the eye, causing him to break the hold. Volcano steps back trying to gain his balance now, as
sinister goes off the ropes and delivers a flying clothesline. Sinister places Volcano's right leg over the bottom rope, and jumps high into the air and stomps on the knee. Sinister repeats until the ref warns him. While Sinister is distracted with the ref, Volcano runs at him with a clothesline, but Sinister ducks as Volcano crashes into the turnbuckle. Volcano turns Sinister around and delivers a belly-to-belly suplex. Volcano picks up a dizzy sinister and boots him in the midsection. He signals for the eruption, but when a fan in the audience starts heckling him,
Volcano mouths back, not knowing that sinister is quickly up and behind him. Sinister smiles, then pulls Volcano off the ropes. Quickly, he climbs to the second rope. He then jumps onto Volcano's back, and locks in the Weepers Sorrow! Volcano slowly fades ...down to one knee. The ref raises his arm, and it drops. As the ref raises the arm a second time though, The fans turn their attention to the outside .... Ronin dashes out from under the ring with a steel
chair. Ronin slides under the bottom rope, somersaults with the chair in Sinister's direction, and cracks him over the head with the chair just as Volcano's arm was about to fall for the third time. The ref calls for the bell and Sinister wins the match by DQ, but Ronin and Volcano double-team the fallen Sinister. The attack continues until Snake and the mystery woman from Ronin's life run down to ringside. Snake is brandishing a broken whiskey bottle and the mystery woman a pair of nunchukus, and the MOD flee the ring ... but not before Ronin and the mystery woman
exchange a long glance. Snake and the mystery woman help up Nick Sinister, who slams the mat in frustration before heading to the back.
Wood: A wild ending to this ICW championship match! I understand that man who ran in with the steel chair is known as Ronin, but as for his motivation…I have absolutely no idea. Volcano is still the ICW television champion, and there looks to be quite a situation brewing here between Sinister, Ronin, and the Masters of Destruction.
Brewer: Jerry, who the hell are these guys? I mean, seriously, the MMP gives ICW a chance to showcase their stars and this is what they send out? The only one of these guys I’ve seen before is that Snake character, and he wasn’t even good enough to land a contract here. He was relegated to following Punisher around everywhere he went. This is the company Grant wants to help promote? All I can say is that if this is what passes for top-flight wrestling these days, this business could be in serious trouble.
Wood: I wouldn’t agree with that at all, Ray. I was quite impressed by what I saw, especially from Nick Sinister who very nearly captured the ICW TV title right here at the MMP Coliseum. And with wrestlers such as Andrew Peters and Benjamin Childs signing with that company in light of the MMP closing its doors, I would say that ICW has a very bright future. Getting back to MMP action, it’s now time for the MMP TV title to be defended. Volcano was successful in hanging onto his TV title, however I’ll be quite surprised indeed if Adam Kogler, the reigning MMP TV titleholder, is able to match that feat. It’s a triple threat elimination match with Kogler defending against Aries and, yes, Mr. Beumont from the CWO. Before we go to that, though, I understand something involving Adam Kogler is happening backstage.
Adam Kogler is pacing backstage, with the TV title belt around his waist, Falcon and Punisher approach.
KOGLER: What was that?
PUNISHER: What was what?
KOGLER: That match. I've pulled better looking things out of my ass. You go down to High Society, you no-show Hardcore Saturday Night, and now this?
FALCON: Ey man, shut yo' mouth! We ain't gotta take no more crap from you! We do what we want, when we wanna!
KOGLER: I see. Punisher, do you feel the same way?
PUNISHER: I'm tired of taking orders from a scrawny pip-squeak Long Island bastard.
KOGLER: Well then .... consider this your release.
From out of nowhere, Twisted Steel cracks Punisher from behind with a steel chair. Falcon swings at Steel but is weary from the match but Steel ducks and connects with the chair. Steel then picked up Punisher and delivered a Living End on the chair before using the chair to assault Falcon’s leg. Steel and Kogler then walked away, leaving Falcon and Punisher motionless on the floor.
STEEL: I never did like that Falcon.
KOGLER: Hell, you and I were Kamp Kogler all the way anyway. And we still are. Now we have work to do; let's go.
STEEL: Works for me .... chico.
MMP Television Championship Triple Threat Elimination Match ADAM KOGLER (C) vs. ARIES vs. MR. BEUMONT
Familiar music started to play over the loudspeaker as Mr. Beumont came running down to the ring with colored bands tied around his biceps and warrior-like paint on his face. Welfare William, Hobo Richard, and China Town Lee slowly followed behind as Beumont slid into the ring and started shaking the ropes wildly, but shaking the ropes seemed to sap all of Beumont’s strength, as the challenger fell to the canvas exhausted even before the match got underway. Aries then made his way down to the ring with Nashira, and finally “Fucking Hostile” hit to introduce the television champion. Adam Kogler was surprisingly alone for the match, and was wearing his “Strong Island Scrapper” tanktop with black wrestling shorts. He also had the TV title belt around his waist and, as usual, had a mic with him.
KOGLER: "All right, you two clods stay the hell away from me while I make the introductory comments! Especially you Beumont, you reek. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a triple threat Kogler's Rules Television Title match! Now Aries, I vowed that no members of Kamp Kogler would interfere in the match,
and I'm a man of my word. However, I said nothing about members of Kamp Kogler that are INVOLVED in the match. So without further ado, I present tonight's very special guest referee .... your next Universal Champion, Twisted Steel!!"
The crowd booed loudly as “Hostile” kicked up again and Steel walked out in jeans and a cutoff referee shirt. He also carried with him the “Kogler Rulebook” that was seen on Hardcore Saturday Night. He entered the ring and searched Aries and Beumont for foreign objects. He then searched Kogler, and Kogler passed him the mic:
STEEL: All right boys, I want a good clean fight. Beumont, no crotch grabbing or pink bellies; and Aries, try not to bore the crowd to sleep till at least the 10 minute mark. Now, let's take a look at the Kogler rulebook ....(Steel produces reading glasses from his pocket)… All right folks, tonight's match, to eliminate any doubt as to whom the clear cut winner is, this Title match will be scored ... on the point
system! Ring the bell.
Aries went right for Kogler, but Steel immediately got in between.
STEEL: "Hey, hey! Infraction! Minus 5! Everyone knows that the challengers have to make contact before the Champ gets involved!"
Aries slapped at Beumont, knocking him toward Kogler. Beumont stumbled to his feet and got up in Aries’ face, telling him not to mess with the Ultimate Beumont. Aries responded quickly with a boot to the midsection and a Godly Drop.
STEEL: "Umm .... 50 dead hobo points awarded to Aries! The Ultimate Beumont has been
Kogler and Aries were left in the ring, prompting Kogler to scurry under the bottom rope to the floor.
STEEL: "Adam is the first to exit the ring; 100 points! Hurry up, Aries!"
Aries glared at Kogler before following the champion to the floor…where he was met with a dropkick from behind by Steel. Aries stayed on his feet and turned to face the guest referee, but while he had his back turned on his opponent Kogler nailed the “Beast from Greece” across the back with a steel chair! Steel then delivered a quick DDT on the floor before tossing Kogler on top of Aries in a pinning position. The ref got down on the floor and rapidly announced that this was now a falls count anywhere match and started to make a count, but Aries kicked out with authority after only two.
STEEL: "Kogler, 20 points for attempted pinfall! Let's get it back in
the ring."
Aries was noticeably angry, but Steel warned him about putting his hands on a licensed Kogler official, and thus he turned his attention back to the match and got into the ring. Once inside Aries lunged for Kogler again, but was again stopped by Steel.
STEEL: "Hey, into the greco-roman start position! This isn't that phony crap ya see in high school gyms!"
After much arguing and a loud chorus of boos from the crowd, Aries got down on all fours and allowed Kogler to wrap his arms around the giant man’s stomach. Instead, Kogler nailed Aries with a swift kick to the behind. Steel was quick to respond.
STEEL: "OK Kogler, that's minus 40 for the illegal gluteus kick. Watch your step!"
Kogler signalled for a test of strength and Aries obliged, nearly crushing the scrawny manager’s hands in his own. Steel acted quickly and swept Aries’ legs out from under him, bringing him down to the canvas.
STEEL: "Aries; minus 10 for tripping!"
Aries got to his feet again, but he had finally had enough and grabbed Steel by the collar.
STEEL: "Hey! Get your hands off me now Aries, before I DQ your ass and- uggghh!"
Aries picked Steel up and delivered a Godly Drop, amidst a loud chorus of cheers from the MMP faithful. With no one left to protect Kogler Aries went right after the skinny manager. Kogler tried to get out of the ring but Aries grabbed him before he could leave, whipped him off the ropes, and nailed him with a devastating boot to the face. He then yanked Kogler up and delivered a Godly Drop when suddenly the bell started to ring.
STEEL: "Your winner .... by a score .... of 78 .... to 74 ..... and STILL Television Champ ... Adam....."
Before Steel could finish, Ray Brewer stood up at the announce table with a microphone in hand.
BREWER: “Very funny Kogler, but I think we’ve all had enough of your bullshit! You can come out here with your Kogler’s Rulebook all you want, but while you were drumming up this little scheme I was looking through another rulebook, specifically the MMP rulebook. I paid particular attention to the part that said the MMP television title could only be defended in standard matches, except on Hardcore Saturday Night. Now, since this is pay per view and it sure as hell isn’t Hardcore Saturday Night, your little Kogler’s Rules match is out the window. As a licensed MMP official, I’m declaring this match restarted under standard rules. Ring the bell!”
The bell sounded and Brewer got in the ring, right beside where Kogler was still unconscious from Aries’ Godly Drop. The challenger covered Kogler with one foot right away, Brewer counted 1…2…3, and a new TV champion was crowned. As Aries grabbed the belt, he also demanded a microphone:
Wood: Despite Adam Kogler’s latest trickery Aries is your new MMP television champion. It’s only fitting the man who is quite possibly the most celebrated champion in MMP history leave here with a championship belt. Aries’ legacy is one that I’m sure no MMP fan will soon forget, just as I’m sure there’s no one in attendance tonight that wasn’t absolutely ecstatic to see Adam Kogler get the Godly Drop that has been coming to him for months now. Kudos to Ray Brewer for setting things right. Coming up next we look to answer the question once and for all about who truly is the greatest midwestern champion in MMP history. “Amazing” Andrew Peters, the current champion, has held the title since February, and tonight he faces the only real challenge to his claim of being the greatest midwestern champion ever in The Joker’s Child, a man who held the title for several months last year before being stripped of the title in July 1999. The only two men who ever had extended title reigns with that championship belt are about to do battle, with the winner taking home the belt for good.
MMP Midwestern Championship Match ”AMAZING” ANDREW PETERS (C) vs. THE JOKER’S CHILD
Joker came to the ring first, accompanied as always by Ponch. He was smoking his customary cigar, but was sporting newly colored purple hair and a purple velvet trench coat. With Joker in the ring “Thunder Kiss 65” played over the loudspeaker and Andrew Peters made his way out followed by his valet Amanda. As Amanda was removing the robe from her man Joker walked right up to the champion and, while Peters’ arms were still held back in his ring attire, the challenger spit right in the face of his opponent! Once the saliva hit Peters’ cheek Joker backed away and started taunting his opponent, prompting Peters to toss his robe aside and run right for the challenger. The ref signaled for the bell as Peters grabbed Joker and started hammering him with forearms. A quick kneelift followed by a DDT put Joker down, but rather than go for a cover Peters mounted his adversary and laid into him with a series of right hands. The referee tapped Peters on the shoulder and instructed him to let Joker get back to his feet, but after being spat on at the start of the match Peters wasn’t in the listening mood. Luckily for Joker, the referee was enough of a distraction that the challenger was able to shove Peters off and slide out to the floor to catch a breather after Peters’ early onslaught. Joker waved back at the ring in disgust and started walking back towards the dressing room, but Peters wasn’t about to let Joker get away that easily. The champion slid out to the floor and gave chase, catching Joker about half way up the aisle. Just as Peters grabbed hold of Joker Ponch came running up the aisle behind the two men and grabbed Peters’ backside. Peters responded immediately, shoving Joker to the ground and turning to face Ponch. Before Ponch could get away Peters kicked him in the midsection and tossed him head long into the safety rail, but the distraction gave Joker a chance to regroup and nail Peters from behind with a clothesline. Peters hit the floor hard and Joker stomped him several times in the ribcage before heading back down to the ring. With the midwestern champion laid out on the floor Joker moved in on Amanda, who was seemingly helpless against a man the size of Joker. Joker gave chase around the ring and eventually grabbed hold of Amanda. She tried hard to get away but Joker was just too strong and the challenger laid a big wet kiss right on the mouth of his opponent’s valet. Once he was done Joker shoved Amanda aside. Peters came running down the aisle to come to his woman’s aid but Joker saw him coming and side-stepped the champion’s charge, sending Peters face first into the steel ring post. With Peters dazed once again Joker sent the champion back into the ring and gave the sign that he was ready to finish things off. Peters was lying face down on the mat and Joker applied a full nelson, the first part of the Last Laugh, but before Joker could get the hold fully applied Peters reversed the hold out of nowhere and rode Joker down into the canvas with an armbar. He then rolled over and turned the hold into a cross armbreaker. Joker started screaming in agony and probably would have had to surrender, but he was close enough to the ropes that he was able to reach out and hook the bottom rope with his left leg, thus forcing the referee to order a break. Peters let go of the hold, but the momentum was clearly shifting back in favor of the champion, who got to his feet and started stomping Joker’s arm, thus preventing the challenger from escaping to the floor for the second time in the match. With Joker clutching his arm in agony Peters pulled the challenger to his feet and whipped him off the far side ropes. As Joker came back Peters went for a clothesline, but Joker ducked out of the way. When Joker came back for the second time, though, he wasn’t able to avoid Peters, who locked on a sleeper hold. Peters didn’t have the hold locked on for very long before Joker, acting out of desperation, fired a series of elbows back into the champion’s midsection to break the hold. Peters finally had to release the sleeper and he stumbled back into the ropes, allowing Joker to signal out to Ponch, evidently trying to put one of their plans into action. Before Ponch could do whatever it was Joker was trying to tell him to do, Peters snuck up on Joker from behind and locked on the Antagonizer!! Peters quickly wrestled Joker down to the canvas, and this time the two men were in the middle of the ring. The ropes were clearly out of Joker’s reach, and the challenger had no choice but to tap out. The referee called for the bell, and Peters was announced as the winner.
Wood: Andrew Peters retains the midwestern title one final time here at the MMP Coliseum, and I must say Ray this is a very appropriate conclusion for what has been the longest title reign in MMP history. Like him or not, Andrew Peters truly is the greatest midwestern champion of all time.
Brewer: The most interesting thing about this Andrew Peters/midwestern title story was that no one ever expected for him to do this well with the title. He captured the title from Hot Crimson amidst a lot of controversy back in February, and a lot of insiders felt that Peters became the champion simply by being at the right place at the right time and that he would end up being a very short lived champion. To Peters’ credit, that’s not what happened. He took on all comers and held onto the title, so I guess it’s only fitting that he leave the MMP with the belt around his waist.
Wood: Coming up next we have a return match from a bout we saw several weeks ago on Saturday Night Slams, featuring two of the top prospects that entered the MMP over the past six months. Both Twisted Steel and Glycerine have been almost unbeatable since they joined the MMP at almost the same time back at the beginning of the summer, and both men have achieved great success in the championship scene in a very short time. Twisted Steel upset The Destroyer for the television title and held onto it for many months until handing the belt over to his manager Adam Kogler after beating Destroyer in a rematch at Vindication. Glycerine, on the other hand, did even better than that and achieved that which was almost unheard of in capturing the universal championship very early in his MMP career. He has defeated some top stars since coming to the MMP, including Benjamin Childs, The Joker’s Child, and Virus Richards, but does have one blemish on his record, and that came against Twisted Steel. Tonight these two men meet again in a ladder match. Glycerine will be looking to avenge his prior defeat while Steel has his sights set on the universal championship.
MMP Universal Championship Ladder Match GLYCERINE (C) vs. TWISTED STEEL
With Glycerine making his way towards the ring, the camera cut backstage to the Kamp Kogler dressing room. In the room Kogler lay motionless covered in ice packs and bandages as a result of his earlier TV title match. Steel is getting ready to go to the ring.
KOGLER: Steel...
STEEL: Damn man, ya look like crap. I tried to stop him; I didn't know-
KOGLER: (Slowly) The hell with it. All I want is one thing. No bullsh*t. Go out there ... and become the Universal Champion ... forever!
STEEL: (Slapping Kogler on the back) Adam .... was there ever any doubt? This one's for you. Time for the MMP to feel the Steel one last time.
Back in the arena “Fucking Hostile” played again and Twisted Steel came to the ring alone in his black glam wrestling pants, with no shirt or vest. He had a serious expression on his face and immediately entered the ring, where he locked up with Glycerine directly under the universal title belt. Steel got the upper hand with a headlock and immediately dropped down, smashing Glycerine’s face into the canvas. The challenger then got to his feet and stomped his opponent on the back of the head, and when the referee intervened and ordered Steel to let the man get back to his feet, Steel surprisingly agreed. He took a couple of steps backwards, but as soon as Glycerine was up Steel nailed him with a spinning heel kick, sending the champion through the ropes to the floor. As Glycerine was struggling to his feet on the outside Steel ran off the far side ropes, and once the champ was up the challenger nailed a baseball slide dropkick under the bottom rope, sending Glycerine back into the guardrail. With Glycerine collapsed in a heap Steel walked around the ring and grabbed the ladder, which he brought back over by Glycerine and set up horizontally between the ring apron and the safety rail. He then pulled Glycerine up and whipped him into the ladder, which struck the champ right in the small of the back. With Glycerine down again Steel shoved the ladder into the ring and set it up under the belt. He started to climb, but before Steel could reach the belt Glycerine got back in the ring and climbed up the opposite side. Once both men were up near the top the two traded punches back and forth until eventually the ladder tipped over, sending both men crashing to the canvas. The official began to administer his count, but at six Steel started to move. The challenger was the first man to his feet, but Glycerine wasn’t far behind. Steel’s first move was towards the ladder, and while he was bent over to pick it up Glycerine snuck up on the challenger from behind and nailed a forearm smash to the back of the head. Steel fell back to the canvas and Glycerine stood the ladder up, again under the belt, and started to climb. After getting a couple of rungs up Glycerine looked down and saw Steel starting to pull himself up the other side, but the champion paid him no mind and continued towards the top. Glycerine, though, was still feeling the effects of Steel’s offense throughout the match, and as a result he was moving a little slower than was Steel. Both men reached the top at about the same time, and again the two men traded blows at the top of the ladder, high above the ring. Glycerine gained the upper hand with a pair of solid rights and, with Steel barely holding on, the champ wound up for one final blow to drop the challenger to the mat. Steel, though, ducked the roundhouse right and managed to hook Glycerine in a full nelson from the other side of the ladder. He then quickly tossed Glycerine off the ladder with a version of the Living End!! The ladder started teetering again, but this time Steel was able to stabilize it just long enough for him to reach up and grab the universal title belt from it’s hook. Soon after Steel grabbed the strap the ladder fell over, sending Steel collapsing to the canvas, but collapsing to the canvas as the new universal champion.
Wood: Twisted Steel absolutely dominant here tonight at Final Judgment as he captures the universal championship from a greatly overmatched Glycerine! I guess things aren’t all bad for Kamp Kogler tonight. They will leave here with at least some gold to their name, even after Kogler’s defeat.
Brewer: You know, I’ve always said that Twisted Steel had the talent to be much, much better if only he’d get rid of that little rodent Kogler that he’s been carrying around this federation for the past few months. I mean, have a look at this match….no Kogler, Steel dominates Glycerine, and snatches the universal title in near record time. Maybe now Steel will see what I’ve been talking about.
Wood: Steel certainly seemed a lot more focused, a drastic change from the joker we saw out here “officiating” the TV title match earlier tonight. He’ll now take the universal belt, presumably, down to ICW where he recently made his debut.
Brewer: You hear about the beating Steel laid on Mr. Marvellous? That’s almost enough to make me actually want to watch an ICW event. Then again, if it means I’d have to sit through any more matches like Volcano/Sinister, I think I might be well served to pass.
Wood: Yes, well…as you can see, the ring technicians are out and are removing the ropes from around the ring. Momentarily they will be replaced with barbed wire, and as the four full-length mirrors are brought out we send you back to the ring for extreme championship action. The Ryno defends the title for the final time against Psychotic Sam, The Destroyer, and Benjamin Childs in an elimination match that should set new standards for brutality. This the final night for the MMP, and as such these four men have nothing to worry about in terms of fines or suspensions. No one will be holding anything back in this extreme showdown!
MMP Extreme Championship Falls Count Anywhere Barbed Wire/Vanity Four Corners Elimination Match THE RYNO (C) vs. PSYCHOTIC SAM vs. THE DESTROYER vs. BENJAMIN CHILDS
Once the ring crew had finished their alterations, “Struck a Nerve” blared over the loudspeaker and the reigning extreme champion, The Ryno, made his way down the aisle pushing a dumpster filled with weapons. He slammed the dumpster against the ring apron before climbing into the ring where he held the extreme title belt high in a salute to the fans that were still filling the MMP Coliseum with cheers even during this final event. The Destroyer then made his entrance, followed by Benjamin Childs, and last but not least “Space Farm” played, introducing Psychotic Sam, who was leading Mike the Giant Retard and his “cult” of goats down to ringside. Sam gathered his group in a huddle out on the floor in the corner before Sam slid into the ring, and once he was inside Ben Childs was right on him, hammering Sam back into the corner with a hard series of right hands. While Sam was dazed Childs tossed the strange Philadelphia native between the barbed wire ropes and back out to the floor, leaving Ryno and Destroyer alone trading right hands in the middle of the ring. Riding the momentum of the crowd’s cheers Ryno started to gain the upper hand, nailing several consecutive blows with Destroyer unable to get a shot in in response. Ryno then nailed Destroyer with a boot to the midsection and a DDT, driving the big man down into the canvas while Sam and Childs continued to battle on the floor. The champion somehow managed to drag the big man’s near 500-pound frame over towards the ropes and started raking his forehead along the barbed wire, opening a large gash along the Survivor’s Cup winner’s forehead. Out on the floor Sam had taken over control against Childs after hitting him in the head with Marbels’ wooden base and slammed the larger New Orleans native into the steel safety rail. While Childs stood slumped back against the barricade Sam reached out into the front row and snatched a cold drink away from a fan, which he slammed against the side of Childs’ head. Back in the ring Ryno was still in control against Destroyer and, after standing him against one of the full-length mirrors in the corner, nailed him with a spear, causing the glass to shatter and Destroyer to fall hard to the canvas. Ryno then hurried over and made a cover, hooking both legs to keep Destroyer from hooking the ropes, and scored a three count to eliminate the first challenger. As Destroyer was being ushered back to the dressing room with his head hung down in disappointment, Sam nailed Childs with a version of the Psychotic Smash out on the floor, driving Childs head-first into the side of the steel steps. Instead of going for a cover, though, Sam rolled Childs back inside and reached under the ring. A few moments later he came back out with a long piece of rope in hand and followed Childs in. Childs was slowly getting to his feet as Sam approached him from behind with the rope, while in front of Childs Ryno was waiting with a steel chair. Once Childs was up Ryno ran in and swung wildly for Childs’ head, but Childs ducked and instead the chair caught Sam right across the top of the skull. Sam went down hard, and before Ryno could reach Childs grabbed him from behind and snapped the extreme champion down to the mat with a Russian leg sweep. After taking a couple of moments to catch his breath Childs grabbed Ryno as he was getting back up and nailed him with a hard kick below the belt. Ryno doubled over in agony and Childs capitalized, setting the champion in position for a powerbomb. Instead of simply slamming Ryno down to the canvas, though, Childs ran across the ring and drove Ryno down through one of the mirrors in the corners, landing Ryno in the middle of a pile of busted glass. Before Childs could go for a cover, though, Sam was back up and he immediately started choking Childs with the rope, dragging Childs out towards the middle of the ring by his neck. As Ryno slowly started to his feet in the corner Sam began digging his long, dirty fingernails into Childs’ face as the choking from the rope had left Childs almost unconscious on the mat. Once up Ryno grabbed the steel chair yet again and for the second time in the match he slammed the chair down across Sam’s head, knocking Sam off of Childs and almost sending him out of the ring. From there Ryno wasted little time in pulling Childs to his feet and delivering the Ryno Charge, right in the center of the ring. A cover and a three count later and the match was down to two men…The Ryno and Psychotic Sam. Ryno knew his task was two-thirds completed and looking to finish the job he went over and grabbed Sam right away and tossed him over the top strand of barbed wire to the floor before reaching into his dumpster. A moment later Ryno pulled out a small black bag, and after getting out to the floor after Sam he opened the bag and revealed its contents…one large, dead squirrel! Sam looked up, saw the squirrel, and after shouting at Mike to get the goats to safety took off running back to the dressing room. The crowd started laughing at Sam’s fear, and after taking a moment to bask in the comedy of the scene Ryno ran after Sam to the backstage area. Once Ryno came through the curtain, though, he was caught with a shot to the midsection from a hockey stick swung by Sam, causing Ryno to drop the squirrel. After breaking the stick across Ryno’s back Sam started stomping the squirrel, finally kicking it away as Ryno crawled away towards the arena’s glass doors. As he saw Ryno starting to get up Sam got a running start and nailed Ryno with a spear, sending both men crashing through the doors and out into the parking lot. The referee ran out to watch for a possible attempted pin, but both men were down. After a few moments Sam started to stir, and the challenger was the first man to his feet. Once he was up he pulled Ryno up as well and went to whip the champion into the side of a nearby dumpster, but Ryno reversed it and instead it was Sam whose back struck against the giant metal wall. Before Sam could get out of the way Ryno ran in and nailed a crushing avalanche against the dumpster, causing Sam to fall back down to the cold concrete of the parking lot. Ryno didn’t let him stay down for long, though, quickly pulling Sam to his feet and lifting him up in a gorilla press slam. He carried Sam over to one of the MMP’s equipment trucks and tossed him up on the hood. After taking a moment to climb up on and join his opponent on the hood of the truck Ryno slammed Sam head first into the windshield. He then lifted Sam up in position for the Ryno Horn, but before he could slam Sam down the challenger slid down the back, spun Ryno around, kicked him in the midsection, and delivered the Psychotic Smash on the hood of the truck!! Sam then made a cover and the referee, looking on from down on the pavement counted 1…2…Ryno kicked out, nearly throwing Sam over the side in the process. The crowd in the arena, still watching via the giant television screens, cheered loudly when they saw Ryno get his shoulder up, but those cheers were quickly silenced when they saw Sam pull Ryno up and deliver another Smash, this time going down from up on the hood of the truck all the way down to the concrete below. Again Sam made a cover but this time Ryno wasn’t able to kick out. The ref counted three, awarding Sam the extreme title for the sixth and final time.
Wood: For a record sixth time Psychotic Sam is the MMP extreme champion after an absolutely brutal encounter here at Final Judgment. Ryno defeated both Destroyer and Ben Childs, but in the end knocking off all three men was too great a task as Sam will now leave the MMP with not only a trio of loyal goats, but also the MMP extreme championship belt.
Brewer: I can’t think of a more fitting way for the extreme title lineage to come to an end. This hardcore wrestling is nothing but garbage, and I’ve said that all along. What better way for it to end than for this demented little transient to leave as its champion? Sam is the poster boy for garbage, so I guess it’s only fitting that he leave here with the garbage belt.
Wood: Just look at the carnage here in front of us…blood spattered on the canvas, pieces of broken glass scattered everywhere, and bent barbed wire where the ring ropes should be. And folks, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. We’re about to erect poles in all four corners with weapons hanging from the end of each. Foreign objects will be scattered around the ring. The turnbuckle pads are coming off, and the gigantic double cell that is hanging above the ring will be lowered to contain it all. Why all the wires you ask? Well, 50, 000 volts of electricity will be flowing through the outer cage to ensure that, once The Cult Master and Virus Richards are inside, no one leaves until we have a winner. The man in charge of the action? None other than MMP Commissioner Grant Lindsay, who is leading the casket where the loser will be placed to the ring as we speak. This is it, folks. The house of the dead, the final match in MMP history, right here from the MMP Coliseum!
MMP World Championship House of the Dead THE CULT MASTER (C) vs. VIRUS RICHARDS
Special Guest Referee GRANT LINDSAY
”Simply the Best” played over the loudspeaker as Grant Lindsay, MMP commissioner, made his way down to the ring. He carefully stepped between the barbed wire strands amidst a standing ovation from the MMP crowd that held nothing back in showing it’s appreciation. The crowd chanted “speech” but the commissioner politely waved it off, refusing to take the microphone and address the crowd. Almost immediately Lindsay’s music was cut off by “Ode”, indicating the arrival of the challenger, Virus Richards. Virus surveyed the area, looking up at the baseball bat and lead pipe that were hanging from poles above the near side corners, as he entered the ring, completely ignoring the man who had signed his paycheques for the past two and a half years. Finally “Carmina Burana” came on and The Cult Master, the reigning MMP world champion, approached the ring, surprisingly without any of his usual Cult followers at his side. Once the champion was in the ring the huge double cage lowered down around the ring, enclosing the two combatants and the guest referee inside. He handed the title belt over to Lindsay, but got right in the commissioner’s face and demanded an explanation when Lindsay didn’t bow before The Cult Master. Lindsay simply laughed Cult Master off and called for the bell, and just as soon as the ref turned away from the champion Virus was all over his opponent, hammering Cult Master with repeated forearms to the back of the head. Cult Master stumbled over towards one of the exposed corners but Virus wasn’t letting up, repeatedly chopping the champion across the chest before whipping Cult Master across the ring into the far side. The world champ hit hard back-first against the exposed turnbuckles and stumbled back out towards the center of the ring where Virus grabbed him and whipped him into the opposite buckle yet again. Cult Master, though, reversed the last whip, sending Virus hard into the corner. The champion charged in after him with a running clothesline but Virus moved out of the way, causing Cult Master to hit sternum-first against the top turnbuckle. The force of the blow knocked the wind out of the champion, allowing Virus to go to the outside and look for something under the ring. He found what he was looking for almost immediately, and pulled out a pair of bolt cutters. Without hesitation Virus started cutting a hole in the side of the cage, but before he could cut very much Cult Master nailed him from behind with a double axhandle blow to the back of the head from the ring apron. Virus fell face first to the ground, landing right down in a pile of broken glass. Cult Master left Virus down in the glass and started stomping his opponent in the back of the head, grinding the glass deeper and deeper into Virus’ flesh. After a few stomps Cult Master pulled Virus up and rolled him back into the ring, tearing Virus’ back on the bottom barbed wire rope as he went in. The challenger crawled over to Grant Lindsay and tried to use the commissioner/referee to pull himself to his feet, but Lindsay would have none of it, shoving Virus back down to the canvas. Cult Master slowly stalked in after his opponent, almost daring Virus to get to his feet, and once Virus was up the champion laid into him with a series of European uppercuts that would have dropped Virus to the canvas if it were not for the casket that sat center ring propping the challenger up. After slamming the challenger head-first into the casket Cult Master pulled Virus out a short distance before hooking him in a northern lights suplex that slammed Virus down on the casket once again. The challenger fell limp over the other side of the coffin to the mat, but Cult Master wasn’t about to let his opponent have even a single moment’s rest. The champ pulled Virus back to his feet and whipped him into the corner with such force that the challenger was sent head-over-heels over the top rope and back out to the floor, right near the board covered in barbed wire. Cult Master quickly followed Virus out, but as he was moving in Virus pulled off a desperation drop toehold, causing the champion fall face first down into the barbed wire! With his opponent down Virus slowly stumbled around to the other side of the ring where he had left his bolt cutters earlier on and continued cutting the cage once again. This time he was able to finish his hole, which was large enough for a human being to fit through. By this time Cult Master was starting to get to his feet on the other side of the ring, but Virus was getting his second wind. The challenger got up on the apron and started climbing the ropes in the corner where a crowbar was hanging from the pole. He reached up, snatched the crowbar, and jumped off the top rope with the crowbar aimed at the back of Cult Master’s head, but the champion turned around at the last minute and caught Virus with a hard right hand to the midsection before the challenger could get his shot in. Virus landed on his knees on the floor, just on the far side of the barbed wire board, and dropped the crowbar which slid all the way over to the corner of the cell. Before Virus could recover Cult Master pulled the challenger over and nailed a DDT down into the barbed wire, leaving Virus laying nearly unconscious on the arena floor. The champion then began berating his opponent, screaming at Virus for having the audacity to challenge his authority. Virus responded with what was possibly the only option open to him, and started crawling slowly under the ring to get away from his opponent. The Cult Master responded with a hearty laugh before reaching down, grabbing Virus’ ankle, and pulling the challenger back out. Virus appeared to be holding onto something under the ring, and when Cult Master got him all the way out Virus quickly spun around and splashed Cult Master in the face with a bucket of water. The champion turned away briefly but quickly turned back to Virus and began stomping his opponent again before pulling him up and dragging him around to the other side of the ring, near where Virus had cut the hole. Cult Master went to whip Virus into the ring steps but Virus turned it around and whipped Cult Master towards the cage, sending the champion right through the hole in the inner cell and into the electrified second cage!! Just as Cult Master hit the wall of the cell the lights in the arena went out and a loud shocking sound could be heard echoing through the arena. The crowd fell silent under the darkness, and when the lights came back up The Cult Master was down, lying in between the cages under a big cloud of smoke. A wide grin crossed Virus’ face as he moved towards his motionless opponent, and once he had hold of Cult Master he motioned for Grant Lindsay to open the casket in the ring. Virus rolled Cult Master into the ring under the bottom strand of barbed wire and followed right in behind his opponent. Once back inside Virus slumped Cult Master over the side and into the casket, and once the champion was in there Virus slammed the lit shut. Lindsay called for the bell and “Ode” played again as a new world champion was crowned. The cages were raised back to the ceiling and Virus was presented with the title belt as a group of medics frantically ran down the aisle to check on the former world champion. Grant Lindsay started to leave the ring, and Virus demanded a microphone:
VIRUS: Cult Master, I don’t know how many times I tried to tell you before, but now you know that what I was saying all along was the truth…you don’t have shit on me!! All you got from that little Harbinger stunt was an over-inflated sense of self-confidence. All I got was your precious world championship belt. Now what are you left with, Cult Master? You lost your gold, Glycerine felt the Steel and lost his, and let’s not forget the stellar performances of Childs, Destroyer, and Harbinger, who pulled off the biggest 0-for in MMP history. The Cult is dead, and I stand here before this sold out crowd as the man who did what no one, not O’Conner, not Barlotta, not ANYONE could do, and that was sever the head and DESTROY The Cult Master. Maybe the sheep can go join Sam and his goats, I don’t know, but at this point that looks to be the only option open to any of you since this so-called leader of yours has finally been exposed for the pure fraud that he is. However, I’m not ready to leave here just yet. This is a wrestling company, damn it, not some underground junkyard fighting nonsense like that imbecile Ryno would have you believe. So this is how it is…I’m putting out an open challenge to ANYONE in this building, absolutely anyone at all that has the guts to come out here and face me, one-on-one, in a wrestling match, for the MMP world heavyweight title. This is your last chance, so if anyone thinks they can match me hold for hold, this is the time to try and prove it!!
Virus then tossed the mic and the title belt down and started to climb the turnbuckle in the corner where the steel chair was hanging. Just as he reached up and grabbed hold of the chair, Puff Daddy’s “Come With Me” blared over the loudspeaker, prompting an unparalleled chorus of boos to reign down from the MMP faithful. Bodyguard Jamaal led the way down the aisle for two-time former MMP world champion Diamond King, who made his first appearance at the MMP Coliseum in almost two years, much to the chagrin of the new world champion. Virus jumped down from the top rope with the chair as Diamond King picked up the mic.
DK: Erik, you just never learn, do you? After all this time you really should know better. You think you own that belt now? Well, let me assure you that nothing could be further from the truth. Think back, kid. Think back to when you first got your start in this company. Hell, think back to what this company was when you started here. You were one of the first guys in the MMP, so was I. At that first event in April 1998, we both walked out with championships, you with the TV belt and me with that belt lying right there on the canvas. But hey, let’s be honest, Erik…back in April 1998, this company sucked. The talent level here was down in the sewer. Only a handful of guys lasted any length of time at all, and when the whole roster was let go a month later you were one of the few guys Lindsay kept. You know why? Because I went to bat for you. I said you had potential, and that’s the only reason you still had a job even though you had some midcard belt. But to think that you might retire the belt that I made great…frankly, there’s no way. The only reason this company made it was because I took that belt to the Hardcore Wrestling Alliance and challenged the whole damn roster to come over here and try to take the title from me. Almost that whole outfit showed up here and, just because of me, the MMP had a talent roster. If not for me, none of this that you see around you would be here tonight, and I’ll be damned if a piece of white trash street scum like you is going to walk off with that strap. There’s only one man that ever wrestled in the MMP that deserves to close things down as champion, and you’re looking at him. So, if you’re even a fraction of the man that you would have us believe you are and you actually intend to follow up on that challenge, ring that bell, because I’m taking that belt back right now.
DK reached over to pass the mic to Jamaal, but while he had his back turned Virus immediately ran at his former ally with the chair. He wound up and swung right for Diamond King’s head, but the two-time former world champion and Hall of Famer ducked out of the way at the last minute, causing Virus to catch nothing but air. As soon as the challenger turned around Virus tossed the chair at him, and DK instinctively caught it. As DK was holding the chair up in front of his face Virus lunged at him with a superkick, but DK knew the move and was ready for it. Just as Virus’ foot shot forward DK wound up and swung the chair, slamming it hard against Virus’ ankle! The new world champion collapsed to the canvas, screaming in agony and clutching his ankle as DK threw the chair away. The challenger then grabbed Virus by his other leg, dragged him out to the center of the ring and, after telling him that someone so predictable could never be a champion, locked Virus in the Lethal Injection!! As Virus was writhing in pain a referee came running out from the dressing room, and once he got to the ring he asked Virus if he wanted to give it up. With the incredible pain flowing through his ankle Virus nodded in agreement almost immediately, and the ref waved for the bell!! The winner, and new MMP world champion, Diamond King!! Out on the floor Jamaal reached in and grabbed the world title belt, and then tossed it to Diamond King, who stood victorious mid-ring with the title belt held high as the scene fades to black for the final time.