By special request the format of some pages have been changed to make viewing and
loading easier. Please let me know what you think of the changes.
© 1997
Please take the latest Paralympics Survey
After having talked with several people, men, women and kids alike,
it has been suggested that it might be fun to provide a place
for people to submit a variety of view points on all facets of sports.
This section is intended to allow both the positive and negative aspects on the
subject of sports. If you have something you would like to contribute, please
e-mail me at the address shown below.
The material submitted must be appropriate, (watch the language), and have a point.
Please try to keep your content brief. If it is too lengthy I may have to edit to
fit the space allowed. I will, however, avoid changing the content of the
information submitted.
If there is a subject you believe deserves attention in this space, please provide that
information at the same e-mail address listed below. All items will be considered.
Hopefully, those who don't have any, will also gain insight into the world
of sports from the average, as well as the informed, individual.
Choose The Subject of interest4>
(Updated 01/09/99)
Professional Sports
(updated 5/15)
Amateur Sports
(updated 01/04/99)
Men In Sports
(updated 7/06)
Women In Sports
(updated 5/16)
Kids In Sports
(updated May 2003)
Disabilities & Sports
(updated 08/2001)
Fantasy Sports
(updated 01/2000)
My beloved Broncos
Because the new Guestbook format does not allow for someone to post much information
I am offering the opportunity to submit comments or other items of possible interest on page linked below:
Your turn (Link to my feedback page) Posted
TopInformation provided on these pages is based on a combination of research of the
subject and personal opinions. Reprinted material or illustrations
used, are done so with permission of the parties involved. Statements expressed
by myself will be identified as, "my expressed opinion."
Links to other sites on the Web
My Other Web site
Denver Broncos Homepage