Some info about myself

I am 14 years old and I live in Israel. I lived in the USA (Ohio) between 1984-1993. I like to play soccer and other sports. To see which teams I like visit my Favorite Teams page.I also like to play computer games and have a Computer Games page. I also have a links page for sites related to these subjects. My e-mail address is I am learning HTML at the same time I am making this site so, with time, I will be able to do more compicated things in my site. Sometimes, I put a link before I actually do the page so if you get a "this page doesn't exist" message, do not worry, nothing is wrong with your connection.

I like to chat on the IRC. If you want to talk with me come on Friday nights at 20:00 GMT. I am on server Undernet, channel #soccer. My nickname is usually Kitter (my cat's name) or Yorgi. I always welcome thew opportunity to meet new people from all over the world. Please tell me what you think about my site and don't be afraid to criticize me.

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