Welcome to our Guestbook. Tell us what you think of the site, or the upcoming matches. Thank you - the Bruins

- 12/21/00 04:33:37
My Email:annie21@ptd.net

nice web site it needs to be updated alittle but since the last time it has been keep up the good work

Auston Freda - 12/06/00 01:55:03
My Email:AF4sports@hotmail.com

Cool Web Page! with alot of Info. See you Sunday .

Coach Jim - 09/18/00 22:28:56
My URL:http://www.Nearfall.com
My Email:wrestle@AECLinks.com

Looking forward to another successful season!

Daryl Long - 09/10/00 11:22:11
My URL:http://www.eteamz.com/tigerswrestle
My Email:jvliltiger@aol.com

Nice job on the website Ken. Here at Northwestern, we can't wait for the season to begin. Hope everyone has a great 2000-2001 season. Good luck to all the wrestlers. The "Tigers" welcome Pennridge and Boyertown to the league.

Dom DiGioacchino's Warrior Wrestling Camps - 03/30/00 02:09:52
My URL:http://www.warriorcamps.com
My Email:coachdom@warriorcamps.com

Great Site!

Saint Anthony's Wrestling - 03/10/00 19:44:03
My URL:http://www.eteamz.com/saintanthonyswrestling

Congratulations to all your wrestlers that had a great year! See you next season!!

Norhtwestern Youth Wrestling - 01/26/00 17:03:36
My URL:http://www.eteamz.com/tigerswrestle
My Email:JVLilTiger@aol.com

Great site...Wish i would have known this site existed before! Very informative...especially the league results and standings Keep up the good work

- 01/24/00 01:55:30


- 01/21/00 00:47:48


RON HELLER JR - 01/16/00 15:39:57
My Email:rnc1088@aol.com

cool site,keep up the good work guys.

Shawn Smith - 01/10/00 01:34:53
My Email:bluebearwrestler@yahoo.com

great job coach see you at practice From Shawn Smith

Michael Frantz(Flex) - 01/09/00 22:20:51
My Email:michaelfrantz@hotmail.com

Cool site!It would be even cooler if it was longer. SEE YA

Stacy Pokrinchak - 01/07/00 17:10:28


Sheri - 01/03/00 15:45:39
My Email:awrestlersmom@aol.com

Hi! Just love your site. I noticed that you have the wrong score for one of the matched you have listed. On December 4th, St. Anthonys beat Liberty - 58-18. Thanks!

- 12/19/99 05:14:33


Robert Wagner - 11/25/99 15:02:12
My Email:bnbwagner@aol.com

Cody Howell's aunt and uncle from FLA. Go Cody!!!

Taunya - 11/05/99 10:52:42
My Email:tsp6@ptd.net

Nice site Thank You for acknowledging the Pettis children they were excited to see there names on the web. Is there an easier way to get to the Bruins web page than searching youth wrestling links? Keep up the good work Bruins you create many good wrest ers GO PV

Jim - 11/03/99 18:18:47
My URL:http://NearFall.com
My Email:wrestle@AECLinks.com

Hi Ken. You can find the PVBYWA calendar at our new site. It's optimized for MS Internet Explorer. http://www.NearFall.com

Dave Emerick - 10/28/99 21:24:10
My URL:http://www.wbymca.org/wrehome.htm
My Email:David.Emerick@wbymca.org

Great Site. Check our youth wrestling site out. Hope Zyou enjoy it

nicole ferraiolo - 10/16/99 19:21:44
My Email:chicatorre_22@hotmail.com

good luck guys!!! luv ya all

Dave Cutchineal - 06/07/99 21:20:50
My Email:Cutch15@aol.com

very nice site.Pennsbury Wrestling Club in Lower Bucks County will be running an 8 team, 6th &under dual meet tournament on Sat Dec 18 1999 (guaranteed at least 3 dual meet matches with teams from Pa and NJ. If u mite be interested let me know at my E-mai address before the fall season gets running to far, you guys have a great program, I think u would enjoy the tournament.

- 05/13/99 17:12:32


Andrew Valish - 02/20/99 02:06:47

I think that when you congratulated the Saints on the website, that was nice!

Gary Beer - 02/12/99 00:24:36
My Email:realbeer@bellatlantic.net

You guys have a really nice site here!

Jim Spinola - 02/07/99 00:57:21
My URL:http://www.aeclinks.com/wrestle
My Email:wrestle@aeclinks.com

Ken, You're doing a great job of keeping the site up to date with all the individual, team and league standings! Jim

PETE GEORGE - 01/09/99 02:34:43
My Email:Petepack81@aol.com

great site!!! very interesting!!!!! sorry, but i'm a Northern Lehigh fan!!!!

Ken Pritchard - 01/06/99 16:39:05

Thank you for looking at our guestbook. Stop back often and feel free to leave your comments. Thank you - the Bruins.

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