Michelle Kwan, Luminous Grace

Fate of Carmen, beginning
screen capture by Wayne
Figure skating, it is a sport of athleticism, art, and beauty. At the top of this sport majestically stands Michelle Kwan, a skater of unmatched grace and elegance. Her ascension to the pinnacle of skating has been filled with spectacular highs and disappointing lows, but the spirit Michelle shows through seemingly devastating moments only works to endear her to us. Through this page, I hope to lend my support to Michelle throughout her skating career. I admire Michelle greatly because she emanates a class and elegance, even in times of disappointment, that will remain forever unequaled. Here's to Michelle, a heavenly angel on and off the ice.


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Site created and maintained by Chris. Please do not take any of my work or ideas.

Images by Chris and cannot be used on any other website.


Contact Michelle at:

Michelle Kwan
c/o Ice Castle
P.O. Box 939
Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352

September 22, 2000

Well, ladies and gentlemen, there's one last update before I say goodbye to updating this site forever. It's a year later, but it's something I never had the confidence to share. Go to my Personal Thoughts to read my final entry. Good luck to you in your life, and good luck to Michelle in all she does.

Winter, slide
photo © of J. Barry Mittan


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