The Dog House
I recently attempted to hound Mark Messier & the Vancouver Canucks on February 12th. All I have to say is that Mark Messier ruins every single team he plays on. I remember when he was with the Rangers & Brian Leetch & Mike Richter were tough autographs. Since Messier left they have become two of the best in the league. When Gretzky with with LA he used to sign like crazy, once he joined the Rangers he got really bad.
Last week with the Canucks, I was really suprised. Not even Andy Moog would sign. It seems that when Messier joins a team the autographs disappear. Last week a friend of mine had an Oiler puck & went up to Messier at the hotel. He says "I don't sign Vancouver" My friend says I've got Edmonton, than Messier goes "I don't sign Rangers". When he finally noticed it was an Edmonton puck he goes "I don't sign at the hotel".
Bottom line is that he's just the worst signer in the league period. He reminds me of when I tried to hound baseball a few years back & all of these players walked out in long mink coats with diamond canes, nobody ever signed.
I've got to give Vancouver a failing grade, I found hounding them very tough. Don't get me wrong Mogilny, Ohlund & Jovonovski went out of there way to sign but guys like Messier & Moog killed the day.