Jayz Hockey Autograph Page


The much anticipated ALL STAR REPORT is finally here! As many of you already new, I would be in full force over the February 6th ALL STAR weekend & I did not disappoint.

The weekend was a huge success overall with a ton of suprise hits & misses. Security was extremely tight is some areas and very loose in others. Overall I found the weekend very overwhelming. There were way to many hockey greats in town that it was next to impossible to stay on top of everything. Everyone from Gretzky, Lemieux, Richard, Kurri, Bossy & Bure were here. The hardest part was that everyone was staying in different hotels across the city so every hound found it next to impossible to get everyone they wanted.

Overall it was an extremely long weekend & maybe the toughest hounding experience I have ever had.

Check out my AUTOGRAPH FEATURES for a full ALL STAR report on everything that happened to me that weekend.

In other news, I'd like to thank everyone who visited my page in the last month. Jayz Hockey Autograph Page had a record number of hits for a single month. Many people enjoyed my article on the Web Site awards & sent me their support. I also received a large amount of hate mail challenging my creditability. One guy wrote me & claimed that I was a fake & I was lying about all of the autographs that I had. Like I've been saying all along, I've got so many hockey autographs that it would be next to impossible to scan all of them. You see, all of these other chumps wait by the mail box, get one letter a week & then put them on there page. I bring in close to 200 signed cards a week. I try to put a few new scans up on my page every update, but I'm not going to waste all of my time scanning cards that nobody will look at. Like I've said all along, just e-mail me & tell me which autograph you would like to see, I guarantee you 95% of the time I'll have it & I will post it on this web site.




ABOUT ME- Read about who I am, where I'm from and what I like to do.

HALL OF FAME- See the best of the best scans. I'm constantly adding new scans to this section. You can also see my little baby, the 1987 Edmonton Oiler team set.

AUTOGRAPH FEATURES- This is an autograph article that I write discussing different issues or tips going on in the world of Hockey Autographs.

DOG HOUSE- This is where I rip some poor slouch. Sometimes it's a player, couch or another autograph hound.

NEWS - Autograph news as of today. Who is signing? Who isn't signing what? Who travels with what team? It's all here as I witness it with my own eyes. Noting in this column is from another source. It's all from my eyes only.



LINKS - See what I really think of these other hockey autograph pages. It's my honest opinion and judgement on how good these other pages really are. Check out the link to Kuch's page, my finger must have slipped when I was typing in his link!

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