Tiger Mask made his debut on April 13th 1981and was an immediate success. After having a series of matches with Tommy Billington(The DynamiteKid) to get him over with the fans, he went on to win the WWF Junior heavyweight title and the very next night proceeded to pin Les Thornton for the NWA junior heavyweight title(May 24th and 25th 1982).
The copyright for the Tiger Mask character was sold to an opposing wrestling
organisation, this meant that Sayama had to hand in the mask that had brought
him his great popularity, his replacement , MItshara Misawa, although no
slouch, just wasn't the Tiger Mask everyone knew, in 1985, Sayama then
went to wrestle for the UWF in japan, as firstly the Tiger then Super Tiger.
One night whilst wrestling Akira Maeda, things got a tad nasty
as Maeda began to "shoot"
Maeda was then DQ'D and to my knowledge Saturo Sayama has not
been seen in wrestling ring since.