(King of Mystery)
Oscar Gonzales
born : 1975
 pro-debut: 1991
Think about this for a second, when a non wrestling type person imagines a Pro-wrestler, they usually picture some guy 300lbs who is not quite there idea of athletic excellence, well if they ever saw a picture of Rey, they would be doing backflips themselves, 5'4" and 140 lbs.....I know , I know ya saying he will get squished..well I saw Kevin Nash's Powerbomb on him, and it bleedin near did squish him.
BUT!!!!....stick him in the ring,  with say Super Calo or Psycosis and ya gonna get a picture perfect lesson in Luhca Libre....FAIR DINKUM, ya start to think its raining Misterio's ..hahahahaha
Rey has mastered the springboard Hunacanrana...and he delivers it with such velocity, that it pops the crowd every single time.
He received his mask and persona from his uncle, the original Rey Misterio who lost his mask in a mask vs mask match, more on that later!!!
Rey hits Super calo with his
springboard Hunacanrana
Rey gives Psycosis a