(the man of a thousand masks)
 name: Aaron Rodriguez
 born: July 15th 1942
San Luis Potosi, MEXICO
pro-debut: April 1964
Guadarajara, MEXICO
This man has wrestled just about anywhere there is to wrestle, especially popular in japan, where he was one of the first non-japanese wrestlers to be a fan favourite.
His name literally means Man of a Thousand Masks, more often than not at some point in the match he removes his mask to revel a more elaborate one underneath.
has held,  the U.W.A title for since 1975
Also, like his compadre's Blue Demon and El Santo, has had a very successful carreer in the movies in Mexico.
He has a famous brother who he tags with from time to time, namely Dos Caros.
 The last time i saw Mil Mascaras, he was competing in the WWF Royal Rumble, and when he saw one of his old foe's from mexico, he promptly performed a suicide dive over the top rope, eliminating himself from the match.