and the reasoning therein
If you have ever seen the Luchadore's in might have noticed that a good percentage of the lads have mask's covering their faces...they use this to create a mystique , a larger than life, super being type presence.... and probably to get a private life, truth be known, the mexican fans are some of the most rabid anywhere
 Juventud Guerrerra, La Parka, Psycosis, Rey Misterio Jnr
for example the guys mask's above all have a distinct persona and meaning...Juventud(Youth Warrior), La Parka(death), Psycosis(phsycopath) and Rey Misterio (mysterious)the colours may change,but the design doesn't...the mask can only be removed by another wrestler if the owner loses a mask vs "whatever" match...if the mask is yanked off during a regular match, a DQ shortly follows thereafter.
BUT!! having said that the masks create the persona, some of the masks and the related persona's have been handed down through the family.....for example: REY MISTERIO.handed his mask to his nephew REY MISTERIO JnrEL SANTO after his death, his mask and cape was claimed and used by his son..EL HIJO DEL SANTO( the son of santo) LIZMARK'S son took up his fathers persona.becoming LIZMARK Jnr and so on ..ya get it ....good
The only Mask vs anything match I've ever seen was at
where Air Juvey lost his mask to Chris Jericho,as i said, the mask means a lot to the Mexicans and if he had to lose it then he shoulda lost it after a big fued angle with another one of his fellow Luchadores
Juvey minus his hood after SB VIII