My favorite redwing: Darren McCarty #25

The one.....
The only.....
Darren McCarty!

My favorite hockey card of my favorite player

making a score on my hate mighty quacks

on my wall at home

this picture is my pride and joy, signed by darren.. givin to me by my brother, Chris.. thank you Christopher! The picture would be more clear, but it was so big I had to actually take a picture of my pic! hope you can still make out the signature! *grinning from ear to ear*

read what espn has to say about McCARTY

wallpaper your pc with Darren! it's a large file, but worth it! right click when done loading and set as wallpaper.. BINGO! McCarty wallpaper!

Mccarty wave files
June 7th
March 26

My Collection of pics
thanks to Lisa of the anti avalanche club for some of these

more to come on a separate page

now playing....Mortal Combat

there is alot more to come.. just started this page.. please visit me at MY original home........ hope you live through the experience.. it's been known to kill browsers with all the graphics.

Hockey links
International Ice Hockey Federation
The Hockey News
Hockey Hall of Fame
The Sporting News
International Olympic Committee
Fox Sports Online
The Sports Network
ESPN Sports Zone

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PS.. I'M not done yet!

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McCreary has given Penalty minutes to Darren McCarty... and the refs missed most of his cheques!

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