This page is about me, and all of the stars that make up my sky.

Physical Stuff: 5'11, 150 lbs, short brown hair, sky blue eyes. I just turned 25 this past March 12th.
School Info: My major is Information Systems(current). Also have a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, and a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice(specialization in Legal Studies), 1996. Both degrees came from Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia. I am currently enrolled in their school of business, participating in their certificate program for Information Systems(specialization in Network Administration). I will finish school(I hope for good) in December of this year.
All I ever watch on TV is South Park, X-Files, CNN Headline News, and sports....
My favorite music groups are: Rush, Pink Floyd, Metallica, Van Halen...and actually Prodigy is getting up there with their last CD, Fat of the is awesome...
My favorite foods include: fetticuini alfredo, lasasgna, macaroni and cheese(Velveeta type), chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, mint chocolate chip ice cream, soft pretzels with parmesean cheese/cinammon, cinammon apples/sauce, broccoli, garlic bread/cinammon bread,and Pizza Hut Stuffed Crust Pizza.
More About Me...
I am a big Star Wars nut, as well as James Bond. Never got into Star Trek.
I love getting out and playing sports. My favorite sport that I still play today when school permits is ice hockey. I am a goaltender. That's right, it's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it! I started playing roller hockey about 3 years ago, and then a year later they built an ice rink down here, so I went over and played ice. Ice hockey is sooo much better!! I also co-founded and was the first president of the now defunct VCU Ice Hockey Team/Club. The team fell apart the year after I graduated from VCU in May of 1996. I'm going to come back when I get settled in a job after I graduate this December and see if I can put the team back together again.
The other sport I did reasonably well in was tennis. I was a ranked junior(under 18) player in the Mid Atlantic Tennis Association(MATA) for one year(23rd), the first year I started playing tennis (my senior year of high school). I guess I caught on fast, and had a pretty good teacher/friend who helped me.
I also tried my hand at wrestling for three years, and although I was never terribly successful at it, I do credit it for changing me permanently because when I first went out for it in 10th grade, I was a chubby little kid who hadn't done anything athetlic since I moved down from New York a year or so earlier. I was 160 lbs when I started, and 140 lbs by the end of the season. Ever since then I've never been overweight. I had been a cute little chubby kid most of my childhood before then...but never again(at least not the chubby part, dont know about the cute part) ;)
Other sports I play include volleyball(I'm the setter on the team typically, and used to have a nasty jump serve :), softball(would love to find an inexpensive way to play again), and I also work out at the gym quite a bit.
My family includes my parents, two younger brothers, Kevin (21), and Chris(20). I also have a rabbit named Dawn. n.
My dad is an electrician for the local union here in Richmond. My mother is a former registered nurse who now stays at home and provides child care for 4 children during the weekdays. She enjoys the job tremendously, and it brings her an incredible amount of satisfaction seeing the little peanuts grow up fat and happy ;)
Here are my brothers, Kevin and Chris.

And here is Chris...

And here are the four kids that my mother takes such good care of! These two are Madison(on the left, 14 months) and Claire ( 4 months) Claire is a blast to be around. Always smiling, cooing, giggling...she's dead set on talking before 9 months, I believe.
Madison is little miss independent, if you know what I mean..*laugh*. Tempremental yet adorable at the same time. She's a handful now, can't wait to see her in 20 years....

Here are the elder statesmen of the current class of 1998. Jamie just turned two years old last month. He's my boy! He helps me feed my pet rabbit every day he's here. He's going to be the ladykiller I never was in about 15 years :)
Lauren is 4 years old, and she's Mom's little helper. Lauren is the older sister of Madison.

Finally,here I am, hard at work at probably nothing constructive at all. I'm probably working on a trade for one of my fantasy baseball teams *lol*
I'm sure that database textbook under my keys was there to remind me I had something to study in there sometime this semester...

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