allie - 12/17/00 16:34:48 Age: 12 Location: buf Your favorite Sabre?: Stu Barnes and max afinogenov Favorite NHL team?: SABRES allt eh way baby Favorite part of my page?: pics WHO'S DA MAN?: STU | Comments: this site is great even though jay mckee isnt my fave.STU RULEZ!!!!!!! |
allie - 12/17/00 16:32:44 | Comments: |
maria - 12/13/00 16:06:54 My Email:onfire128 Age: 15 Location: hamburg Your favorite Sabre?: JAY MCKEE!!!!!!!! Favorite NHL team?: SABRES!!! WOO HOO Favorite part of my page?: EVERYTHING WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY MCKEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Comments: your the best. i think oyu are so good at hockey. |
Miroslav Nerad - 12/08/00 19:48:50 My Age: 32 Location: Felton, Delaware Your favorite Sabre?: Stuuuuuuu,Jay, Rhett Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: The whole thing WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay | Comments: Great page, keep it up. GO SABRES!! |
Jay Smith - 12/05/00 14:49:43 Age: 15 Location: NYC, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Jay Mckee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: The home page WHO'S DA MAN?: I AM! | Comments: You're my hero, i play deense cause of you |
Crystal - 12/02/00 20:02:55 My Age: 19 Location: Sydenham Ontario Your favorite Sabre?: Jay Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: all of it WHO'S DA MAN?: McKee | Comments: i never really liked hockey till i started babysitting for jay's brother kirk and started hearing about Jay. harley & Ashley looked so cute in your wedding good luck in the season!! hope to meet you when i am babysiting! |
Sara Gerhardt - 11/23/00 19:25:52 My Age: 15 Location: Sydenham Your favorite Sabre?: Miroslav Satan Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Favorite part of my page?: The Pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: You Da Man!~ | Comments: Hey Jay wuz up. You probably don't remember me. You guys deserve the cup this year. Go for the goal!Keep up the great defencive play.Your doing great! Luv ya Sara! |
Kevin Orr - 11/22/00 19:34:14 My Age: 14 Location: Moscow, near Kingston Your favorite Sabre?: Jay Mckee Favorite NHL team?: Toronto Favorite part of my page?: pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Yannick Perrault | Comments: i know sara gerhardt and she told me to go to this site. actually i hate you go leafs go |
Mandy - 11/09/00 20:49:36 My URL: My Age: 16 Location: Orchard Park, Ny Your favorite Sabre?: Stu Barnes and Jay!! Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Baby!! Favorite part of my page?: Cute pictures of Jay!!! WHO'S DA MAN?: Stu, Jay, Erik, Martin, Mika, Rhett and all the Sabres because U guys kick butt!!! | Comments: Hey this is such a cool page!! The pictures of Jay are awesome and really cute!! I love Stu Barnes he's my fav offensive player!! Jay and Rhett are the best defefnsive team in the entire NHL!! U guys rock!! Goood luck!! And come visit my page if guys have time!!! Go Sabres!!! |
Renee - 11/07/00 01:54:13 My Age: 14 Location: New York Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee + Rhett Warrener Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: pics WHO'S DA MAN?: McKee | Comments: Your site is awesome and I love the pictures! I can't believe you even got into a magazine with this site! Keep up the good work. |
Alicia - 10/20/00 17:11:20 My Age: 20 Location: NY state Your favorite Sabre?: Jay Mckee Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: pics WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay Mckee | Comments: I love your website...I have been looking for a site that has great pics. of Jay and I finally found one. Thanks for putting it together I really enjoyed it. |
Mieko - 10/16/00 23:50:29 My Age: 14 Location: Orchard Park Your favorite Sabre?: Erik Rasmussen Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: uh, anything with Erik Rasmussen WHO'S DA MAN?: | Comments: No offense, but do any of the other Sabres have websites??? I can never find anything. |
maria galley - 10/16/00 22:01:44 My Age: 16 Location: new york Your favorite Sabre?: jay mckee Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: the pics WHO'S DA MAN?: jay | Comments: Jay u know I'm ur biggest fan. Do u remember me i had u sign a toy pig from the hit movie toy story. Sorry it was all i had with me at the time. lol ur biggest fan |
maria galley - 10/16/00 22:01:20 My Age: 16 Location: new york Your favorite Sabre?: jay mckee Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: the pics WHO'S DA MAN?: jay | Comments: Jay u know I'm ur biggest fan. Do u remember me i had u sign a toy pig from the hit movie toy story. Sorry it was all i ahd with me at the time. lol ur biggest fan |
Mira - 10/13/00 04:38:41 My Age: 20 Location: NYC Your favorite Sabre?: Miro Satan Favorite NHL team?: Sabres and Avs Favorite part of my page?: Photos WHO'S DA MAN?: this where i say Jay McKee? LOL! | Comments: Well first of all, i would like to say that i really liked your site. Very imformative. Secondly, eventhough i am a huge Satan fan, i vehemently thnk that Jay is the hottest looking Sabre. I mean come on...Your pic that says "Infamous wifebeater pic" w s just amazing. I swear, it made my jaw dropped. However, i do think that Jay is a tremendous defenceman. I hope he stays a Sabre forever and good luck on him! GO SABRES!!! PS: Do you know where i can write Jay? Maybe an e-mail address? Thanks! |
Sara - 10/08/00 19:35:20 Age: 14 Location: blasdell Your favorite Sabre?: jay Favorite NHL team?: sabres!! Favorite part of my page?: everything WHO'S DA MAN?: jay da man | Comments: Jay McKee is my favorite sabres player by far!!He is a great defensemen. Go sabres!!!! |
Nick - 09/08/00 18:38:45 My Age: 15 Location: Hamburg,NY Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres WHO'S DA MAN?: yOu | Comments: Jay McKEE is my favorite player by far. He is a great steady defenseman. I try to base my play in games just like he does. He is young too so he can play a while for the Sabres. |
Deb Palya - 09/05/00 00:14:17 My or Age: almost 26 Location: Lackawanna ..soon to be Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Old sabre Matt a current Sabre...Curtis Brown! Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Pictures,the scoop WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay | Comments: Hi MaryAnn!Still a great page.Hope to hear from you soon!! |
Tom Snyder - 08/26/00 18:02:19 My Age: 33 Location: Erie,Pa. Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Favorite part of my page?: photos WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee | Comments: Good luck to Jay in the future seasons! Hope you remain a Sabre for your entire career!! |
Emily Dersam - 08/21/00 04:03:53 My Age: 15 Location: Amherst Your favorite Sabre?: YOU Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: All of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 WHO'S DA MAN?: # 74 | Comments: I made a mistake, I put NONE OF IT on my last one i read it wrong im soooooooooo sorry i meant all of it. im so so so so so sorry. Love your #1 fan emily |
Emily Dersam - 08/21/00 03:47:28 My Age: 15 Location: amherst NY Your favorite Sabre?: you of course Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: none of it WHO'S DA MAN?: YOU | Comments: Great page!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it is so cool that you let your fans email you. bye GO SABRES |
Hannah - 08/19/00 20:42:23 My Age: 12 Location: Ellicottville, NY Your favorite Sabre?: M.Peca (sorry about that) Favorite NHL team?: SABRES (of course) Favorite part of my page?: all of it WHO'S DA MAN?: You and mike are the mans | Comments: I can't wait until the first preseason and season games. I'm ready for you guys to kick butt!!!!!!!!! |
Caitlin & Kelly Breidenstein - 08/06/00 19:47:09 My Age: 12 & 17 Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: The Pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: You | Comments: You are the best defenseman on the team. |
Tom Cers - 07/29/00 15:39:15 My Age: 28 Location: Carlisle Ont. Your favorite Sabre?: Rob Ray Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: I enjoyed everything! WHO'S DA MAN?: McKee Da Man!!! | Comments: I hope you guys have a great season in 2000-2001. LETS GO BUFFALO !!! |
emily - 07/29/00 00:29:08 Age: soon to be 17 Location: blasdell Your favorite Sabre?: vaclav varada, rob ray, miro satan, and who else but jay mckee Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: the infamous wifebeater shot WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay | Comments: I think that besides varada, jay mckee is the coolest guy in hockey. i met him not too long ago and he was as sweet as can be. he had curley hair and the next day he chopped it off, i was quite disappointed, he lost that rugged look. he's still cute thoug ! good luck next year guys! p.s. this site is awesome, i love all of the pictures! |
Hannah - 07/23/00 21:17:10 My Age: 12 Location: Ellicottville, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Mike Peca(sorry) Favorite NHL team?: SABRES (of course) Favorite part of my page?: ALL OF IT WHO'S DA MAN?: YoU'r Da MaN | Comments: Hey Jay, I can't wait to see you back on the ice again along with the rest of the team!!!! Bring home the Cup!!!! |
Jay McKee - 07/19/00 08:42:18 My Age: 17 Location: north east england WHO'S DA MAN?: me | Comments: i just got onto this website because my friend typed in my name and this came up. its wierd seeing my name on someone else's webpage. anyway i'd better go and do some work, it was cool visiting this webpage. bye Jay McKee from the female Jay McKee in Engl nd. |
amanda - 07/18/00 03:56:09 My Age: 16 Location: orchard park, ny Your favorite Sabre?: stu barnes and jay Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: pics of jay WHO'S DA MAN?: jay!!!!!!!!!!!! | Comments: great web-site!!!! |
Pepper - 07/13/00 02:16:32 My Age: i dunno Location: earth Your favorite Sabre?: AFINOGENOV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Favorite NHL team?: SABRES~~~~ Favorite part of my page?: Photos WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee!!!!! | Comments: I luv jay mckee, i cried when i found out he was marrying this chick from the next town over, grrrrrrrrrrr. o well go 74!!!! |
Jen - 07/08/00 02:46:21 Age: 22 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Jay Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Pics WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay | Comments: Congrats on the wedding tomorrow Jay. All the best toyou and Nicole. |
Alissa - 06/29/00 02:58:47 My URL: My Age: 14 Location: Vancouver, B.C. Your favorite Sabre?: Haha! Um...well since everyone keeps getting traded and I can't keep track, hold was Ge-off Sanderson...I like Peca except for the fact we traded him away...I like Marty Biron...Jay McKee is EXTREMELY cool. We traded t e pick to Buffalo for Mogilny...I like Holzinger (or was he traded)...Geez! I signed this book before, you can find my entry somewhere! Favorite NHL team?: VANCOUVER CANUCKS Favorite part of my page?: The Great Pics WHO'S DA MAN?: ANDREW CASSELS!!! He is GREAT! But Jay's pretty cool too :o) | Comments: Great site, love the pics, love Jay! The Sabres are pretty cool despite the fact they didn't protect Geoffy Sanderson and traded Cory Sarich and Zinger...Well the CANUCKS KICK ASS!!!!! We're gona miss former Sabre May :o( |
Maria - 06/25/00 03:29:39 My Age: 16 Location: Buffalo NY Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: THE PICS!! WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee | Comments: I LOVE THIS PAGE. I JUST SEEN JAY MCKEE TODAY AND I THOUGHT IT WAS SO COOL! HE IS SO HOT. I HOPE YOU KEEP THE PAGE GOING GOOD. |
Frank - 06/22/00 03:36:59 My Email:blink 182 Age: 12 Location: derby,NY Your favorite Sabre?: Sanderson Favorite NHL team?: Phoenix Coyotes WHO'S DA MAN?: you da man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Comments: |
Faye - 06/12/00 03:08:56 My Age: 24 Location: London, Ontario Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Ottawa Senators Favorite part of my page?: Pics of Jay WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay | Comments: I've known Jay for 6 years and I haven't seen him in awhile but he is the sweetest guy in the world and damn good sexy if I do say so myself. This page rocks, keep up the good work. Faye |
Victoria - 06/06/00 23:40:16 My Location: Ransomville Ny Your favorite Sabre?: Rhett Warrener ...Sorry Favorite NHL team?: Sabres !!! Favorite part of my page?: Pics WHO'S DA MAN?: RHETT.. I could gaze into those eyes all night! | Comments: |
christian clarke - 05/30/00 14:27:41 Age: 13 Location: amherstview,ont Your favorite Sabre?: jay mckee Favorite NHL team?: buffalo Favorite part of my page?: pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: jay | Comments: |
Hannah - 05/20/00 21:12:20 My Age: 12 Location: Ellicottville, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Mike Peca(sorry) Favorite NHL team?: Sabres of course Favorite part of my page?: ALL OF IT WHO'S DA MAN?: YoU'r Da MaN | Comments: Even though I haven't seen you guys play like forever you still kick butt!!! Bring the cup home 2001!!!! NO GOAL. |
Lisa - 05/17/00 20:33:05 My | Comments: |
Mary - 05/17/00 03:43:04 My Age: 18 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Wayne Primeau (yes i know he was traded on March 10th, but let me pretend for a little longer), Jay McKee, Rhett Warrener, Max Afinogenov, Marty Biron, & Vaclav Varada Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: the pics are cool, but i also do like the little hummer on the page WHO'S DA MAN?: all of my fav players | Comments: Hey hon, you're an awesome player! You and Rhett are my fav defsensemen in the league, the two of you are an awesome duo. I love all of the Sabres, you guys are great. Next time you see Varada, tell him the psycho chica in the Prague airport says hi & sor y if she annoyed him at all (yes i know he doesn't like to be bothered, but I couldn't resist getting a pic with him at an airport in a different country). Good Luck next season, I'll be cheering for you guys from Rochester next year (don't worry I'll sti l get my butt back to Buffalo for some games). Love ya! Bye! |
jon - 05/12/00 02:15:08 My Email:cavalierz2421 Age: 17 Location: cheektowaga Your favorite Sabre?: maxim afineginov Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: the lil truck lol WHO'S DA MAN?: im da man | Comments: i like to site peace out |
Erin - 05/09/00 21:41:57 My URL:/dphierin My Age: 24 Location: Rochester, NY Your favorite Sabre?: McKee and Biron Favorite NHL team?: SABRES!!! Favorite part of my page?: the photos | Comments: Jay is the Best defensemen out there. It great to see a guy to gets down on the ice for his goalie. Go Buster. |
Nikole - 05/08/00 00:42:08 Age: 11 Location: Orchard Park Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres!!!! Favorite part of my page?: THe pics WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY MCKEE:) | Comments: I love you Man |
michael jones - 05/08/00 00:15:19 My Age: 33 Location: bakersfield,california Your favorite Sabre?: curtis brown Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: the class shown WHO'S DA MAN?: u da man | Comments: sign my hat jay! it costs 675.00 to fly to buffalo to watch a game and i go 2 times a year. i've paid my dues man.GO SABRES |
Lauren Sara - 05/05/00 23:58:08 Age: 14 Location: Blasdell,N.Y. Your favorite Sabre?: Jay of course Favorite NHL team?: Sabres!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Favorite part of my page?: Pics! WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay Da Man | Comments: Hey Wuz ^? So when are we going to see you..... P.S.When is our hummer ride? Can"t Wait. See you soon. Sabres Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
christopher mattison - 05/04/00 15:06:21 My Age: 28 Location: Albion Your favorite Sabre?: All of them Favorite NHL team?: Sabres of course Favorite part of my page?: Photos WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay you are of course | Comments: I would like to say to all you Sabre fans out there in western NY. We will get revenge and win that infamous cup one of these days. When we do I'm sure we all know how to throw one of the best Victory parties ever recorded in NHL history. GO SABRES & NO GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Danielle Allein - 04/28/00 22:19:33 My Age: 10 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Geoff Sanderson Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Geoff is all the way baby | Comments: |
Katie - 04/26/00 05:31:47 Age: 14 Location: buffalo,ny Your favorite Sabre?: MARTY baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Favorite NHL team?: SABRES duh! Favorite part of my page?: pics WHO'S DA MAN?: MARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Comments: Jay you rock keep up the great work blocking shots but be careful. Hopefully next year the sabres wont get cheated and theyll go all the way and WIN THE CUP BABY!!WOOHOO!! |
tina - 04/25/00 20:23:37 My Age: 21 Location: fredonia,ny Your favorite Sabre?: Zhitnik Favorite NHL team?: sabres, duh! Favorite part of my page?: your pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: you of course!!!! | Comments: I cant e-mail you because the address wont open. I met you at a bar last weekend, and wanted to ask you a question about someone else you knew there. If you get a chance could you e-mail me back. thanks. tina :) |
JESSica - 04/25/00 06:56:17 My Age: 16 Location: Niagara Falls, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Marty!! and #74 of course!! Favorite NHL team?: SABRES!!!! Favorite part of my page?: all of it! especially the pics WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY!! | Comments: LOVE the page! Keep up the great work! The Sabres weren't the same without you, Jay- get better for next year so you can hold the Cup!! (knock on wood!) GO SABRES! |
Laura - 04/23/00 00:38:35 Age: 17 Location: Buffalo, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Marty Biron and Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Photos WHO'S DA MAN?: #43 and #74 | Comments: |
Geoff Sanderson - 04/22/00 15:30:34 My Age: 24 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Dominik Hasek Favorite NHL team?: Ottawa Favorite part of my page?: The Pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Dom is | Comments: I like your page, and feel free to e mail me. oh and my 2 little nieces were on my e mail address before so that is why they have signed it with this e mail address. |
- 04/22/00 15:21:50 | Comments: you are not jay! |
katie - 04/21/00 19:02:51 My , xcarouselx182x Age: 11 Location: west seneca Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee and Chris Gratton Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: the pics and your guestbook WHO'S DA MAN?: jay da man | Comments: hi jay is the bestest hockey player in the world don't ya think ttyl!!!!!!!!!! BYE katie |
MaNdY - 04/21/00 18:14:17 My Email:McKeEz GrL 74 Age: 14 Location: EdEn Your favorite Sabre?: JaY mCkEe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Favorite NHL team?: SABRES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Favorite part of my page?: PiX WHO'S DA MAN?: McKeE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Comments: McKee is the best !!!!! |
Ang - 04/20/00 05:30:29 Age: 14 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee and Marty Biron Favorite NHL team?: SABRES!!!! Favorite part of my page?: the pics! WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY! (and marty) | Comments: I LOVE the pics on this site! They're great and jay, of course, looks great in all of 'em! Keep up the great job! |
Tracy - 04/20/00 02:33:33 My URL: My Age: 31 Location: Fredonia,N.Y. Your favorite Sabre?: Jay Mckee(of course) Favorite NHL team?: Sabres(of course) Favorite part of my page?: Pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay's the man!!!!!!! | Comments: Looking forward to seeing you up close and in person again.I need your autograph on my jersey! |
Dawn - 04/19/00 00:47:55 My Age: 23 Location: Raleigh Your favorite Sabre?: #74 Favorite NHL team?: Canes Favorite part of my page?: all WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY Baby!!! | Comments: Jay, Good luck with the playoffs, especially since our guys are out. Hope we took care of you and Erik well at Jillian's in Raleigh. We're all cheering for you guys!!! Keep up the good work!!! Dawn |
JIll - 04/16/00 04:50:50 My Location: Hamburg Your favorite Sabre?: I must say Curtis Brown, but you are a very close second Favorite NHL team?: SABRES Favorite part of my page?: The guest book is so much fun! WHO'S DA MAN?: All of you Cutie Patooties! | Comments: Hey Jay, I don't know you and you don't know me, but that's a-okay! I'm super impressed with your new found scoring abilities. Way to be! I love all of you guys, and I'm so sorry that once again Buffalo has been screwed, and you can't participate in th festivities. Hope you feel better really soon, I miss you out there. |
Grace Moser - 04/15/00 20:13:59 My, Age: 10 Location: West Seneca Your favorite Sabre?: Chris Gratton Favorite NHL team?: Sabres (who else) Favorite part of my page?: Pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Chris is da man! | Comments: I think chris is hot! |
Stephanie Haley - 04/15/00 13:12:40 My URL:/wim3113/-->Under Construction!!! My Age: 17 Location: Ontario, Ny Your favorite Sabre?: JAY!!!! Favorite NHL team?: SABRES!!! Favorite part of my page?: Everything! WHO'S DA MAN?: Keezer | Comments: Hi MA! It's been a while, but the page looks gr8! Keep up the good work and best of luck to Jay and the rest of the Sabres in the playoffs! We Want The Cup! =) |
katie (goofy ) - 04/14/00 22:46:19 My Email:xcarouselx182x Age: 11 Location: west seneca Your favorite Sabre?: jay jay Favorite NHL team?: sabs Favorite part of my page?: signing your book e-mailing you and your cute pics WHO'S DA MAN?: jay jay da man | Comments: hi jay told ya i was in your guest book !!! your the bestest hockey player i had ever seen. ask danny gare if you could be in more intermissions than just like once or twice like ya are .I love ya i love ya i love ya i love ya i love ya i love ya i love y i love ya i love ya ttyl bye love ya katie(goofy) |
Christine Stevens - 04/14/00 13:22:29 My Age: 19 Location: Hamburg Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: photos of you WHO'S DA MAN?: you | Comments: I just want to say you are the cutest sabre I have seen in a long time. I have been watching the Sabres for 17 years and we deserve a cup. Your performance this year has been 300% better and I know you will only keep improving. If you and Warrener contin e to play this well, we will be champions in no time. The only thing I have to left to say is you should not get married this summer. Stay single for all of us. :) |
Christine Stevens - 04/14/00 13:14:03 My Age: 19 Location: WNY Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: photos WHO'S DA MAN?: you | Comments: |
Katie (goofy) - 04/12/00 21:57:46 My Email:lukey10889 Age: 11 Location: west seneca Your favorite Sabre?: of course you baby Favorite NHL team?: yours Favorite part of my page?: the cute pics of you WHO'S DA MAN?: you da man baby | Comments: Don't listen to those other people who sent an e-mail i'm your biggest fan ttyl!(talk to you later) bye |
Katie Parucki (Goofy) - 04/12/00 21:51:31 My or Age: 11 Location: West Seneca Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: The picture where you have your hands in the air WHO'S DA MAN?: Jays da MAN !! OH YEAH BABY | Comments: Your my favorite hockey player and you are soooooooooooooooo cute . When you were signing autographs at Tops International I was the one who showed you the ring that says JAY-74.I was also the one who was stalking you at the sabres dinner last year .(not he one you just had). After Matthew Barnaby left you were my favorite.Tell Darcy Regier I hate the trade he made with Holzinger (cute),Sarich (cute) and Primeau (cute)So I hope you get this !!!! Your DA Bomb Love your number 1 Fan! Katie Parucki (Hopefully Mrs.McKee P.S.I like it that Chris Gratton is here!!! BYE!! |
Heather - 04/07/00 20:24:17 My URL: My Location: Tampa Bay Your favorite Sabre?: Chris Gratton Favorite NHL team?: ?? WHO'S DA MAN?: Chris Gratton | Comments: Hey, I like you page even though I'm not a HUGE Jay fan... Keep up the good work!! :) -Heather |
Mandy St.Jean - 04/07/00 18:12:26 Age: 18 Location: Niagara Falls Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee | Comments: I used to watch you play hockey for the Niagara Falls Thunder . I have seen you play for a Buffalo a few times and I'm your #1 fan! |
sosa - 04/07/00 16:22:49 My Age: 22 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: my baby McKee Favorite NHL team?: SABRES Favorite part of my page?: The Montreal shot-such a cute face WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay's da man | Comments: McKee rules!! Keep up the hard playing and I'll be watching you in the playoffs. I hope we can go all the way this year and get the Stanley Cup. Buffalo needs a celebration. Keep smiling and looking as good as you do. |
Pooja - 04/06/00 00:25:46 My Age: 15 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee and Curtis Brown Favorite NHL team?: Sabres, of course Favorite part of my page?: Gotta love the wifebeater picture WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay da man! | Comments: Wow, this is a great site. Love the pics. With your new offensive talent, you could be the next Bobby Orr! Keep on blocking those shots, just be careful. |
Dan - 04/04/00 03:00:43 My Age: 19 Location: cheektowaga Your favorite Sabre?: Jay Mckee, James Patrick Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Favorite part of my page?: Email WHO'S DA MAN?: Ron Hextall used to be but Jays cooler | Comments: Hummers rule! Finally a player whos not afraid ands got the balls to block shots for Dom. Mckee rules and hes tough in his white hummer |
Sara - 04/04/00 00:17:21 Location: Blasdell Your favorite Sabre?: Who do you think! Favorite NHL team?: Sabres!!!!!!!!!!! Favorite part of my page?: Pics! WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay Da Man | Comments: Hey Jay! Great job this year!!! Now, how many goals is that? Keep doing a great job. Sabres Rule!!! |
Kristy H - 04/03/00 05:56:33 My Age: 30 Location: canandaigua,ny Your favorite Sabre?: you and marty biron Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: being able to e-mail you WHO'S DA MAN?: you of course | Comments: thanks for having a page where we can talk to you and read about the things you do! this is great! go sabres!!!!! |
Johstin Lehman - 04/02/00 19:24:54 Age: 11 Location: Beaver, Falls P.A. Your favorite Sabre?: JAY MCKEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Favorite NHL team?: Sabres!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Favorite part of my page?: EVERYTHING!!!!! WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY'S DA MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Comments: Your doing great this year.Keep on trying hard! |
james salamone - 04/02/00 06:52:30 My Age: 34 Location: buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: varada Favorite NHL team?: SABRES Favorite part of my page?: pics WHO'S DA MAN?: you are | Comments: |
Johstin Lehman - 04/01/00 21:26:00 Age: 11 Location: Beaver, Falls Your favorite Sabre?: JAY MCKEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Favorite NHL team?: GO SABRES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Favorite part of my page?: EVERYTHING!!!!! WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY'S DA MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Comments: Your the best defensive player in the NHL.Ihope I get to see you soon! P.S Your webstite is great. |
Lisa - 04/01/00 20:01:51 My URL: My Age: 21 Location: Connecticut Your favorite Sabre?: Geoff Sanderson Favorite NHL team?: Carolina Hurricanes Favorite part of my page?: pics of Jay WHO'S DA MAN?: P.J. Stock | Comments: I just visited your page because I think Jay McKee is ADORABLE!!! Great site and photos! |
Jessica - 04/01/00 15:36:07 My Age: 13 Location: NY Your favorite Sabre?: JAY MCKEE!!!!! Favorite NHL team?: SABRES!!! Favorite part of my page?: the pictures of the JAY MAN!! WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY MCKEE!!! | Comments: Hey! waz up? this site is awesome!! and so is Jay McKee! I saw him playin yesterday n he kicked arse!! =) |
Kaity - 04/01/00 15:35:10 Age: 14 Location: Eden Your favorite Sabre?: Mckee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Pics WHO'S DA MAN?: JaY!!! | Comments: Hey!! Okay so I just wanted to write and comment on how awesome Jay has been playing lately! Come on guys..'First 241 games: 4 goals; Last 3 games: 3 goals'! That rules. Not to mention last time i checked he was 4th in the league for blocked shots. Thats y baby! :-) |
bow weval - 04/01/00 01:32:56 My URL:working on it My Email:who is Email ? Age: younger than you Location: Im always happy to boast about Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Curtis Brown and Erik Rasmussen your from Canada isn't favorite spelled favourite? Favorite NHL team?: sabres Not Dallas Isles Bruins Pens Flames Lightning or Leafs Favorite part of my page?: the slang on your g-book WHO'S DA MAN?: all the fine women that e-mail -ed you | Comments: Blow leafs Blow C'mon everyone Blow Leafs Blow If everyone said that once a day the sabres would have a bigger rivalry than it already is w/ toronto but they do have good teams like the Raptors and BlueJays !!Jays!! I'm Done! or Start Over |
HIS BIGGEST FANS! - 03/31/00 19:35:59 My Email:No Age: 17 Location: Mckeeville Your favorite Sabre?: Jay Mckee and all his little friends Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Jay with his shirt off I didnt know he had a smooth chest!!!!!! WHO'S DA MAN?: u r Baby | Comments: Jay is the awesomest man in the locker room. We would like to reiderate the picture of him with no shirt .... very nice!we would like to send our best wishes to the sabre team. that is all for now talk to you soon I'm done love Us |
Jolene - 03/30/00 14:42:10 Age: 12 Location: West Valley, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Rob Ray Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: All of it WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee | Comments: You Rock the Arena! |
Crystal Moore - 03/30/00 14:06:29 My Age: 19 Location: Sudbury Your favorite Sabre?: Jay Mckee(KeeKee) Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Favorite part of my page?: All the great pictures of you. WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay | Comments: I have been following Jay since his days as a Sudbury Wolf. Over the years I have watched him grow to be a great player. |
Catie Beth Cross - 03/29/00 01:20:27 My Age: 13 Location: Orchard Park Your favorite Sabre?: Miroslav Satan,Curtis Brown,Jay McKee,Stu Barnes,Chris Gratton, Doug Gilmour, Martin Biron, and all the other guys!!!! Favorite NHL team?: BUFFALO SABRES (of course) Favorite part of my page?: the WHOLE thing!!! WHO'S DA MAN?: MIRO SATAN and JAY McKEE!!!!!!!! | Comments: Hockey is the BEST sport in the world and the SABRES are the Best hockey team. Your having and awsome season and The SABRES are so much better than The Backstreet Boys!!!!! I hope you guys make the playoffs and WIN THE STANLEY CUP!!!! Say hi to Miro an Curtis for me !!!! I'm Miroslav Satan's and YOUR BIGGEST FAN!!!! Love, Catie Beth Cross P.S. NO GOAL 99' AND DALLAS SUCKS!! |
Catie Beth Cross - 03/29/00 01:17:01 My Age: 13 Location: Orchard Park Your favorite Sabre?: Miroslav Satan,Curtis Brown,Jay McKee,Stu Barnes,Chris Gratton, Doug Gilmour, Martin Biron, and all the other guys!!!! Favorite NHL team?: BUFFALO SABRES (of course) Favorite part of my page?: the WHOLE thing!!! WHO'S DA MAN?: MIRO SATAN and JAY McKEE!!!!!!!! | Comments: Hockey is the BEST sport in the world and the SABRES are the Best hockey team. Your having and awsome season and The SABRES are so much better than The Backstreet Boys!!!!! I hope you guys make the playoffs and WIN THE STANLEY CUP!!!! Say hi to Miro an Curtis for me !!!! |
Molly O'Rourke - 03/28/00 23:35:37 My Age: 15 Location: Salamanca, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee (duh!) Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: All of it!!! WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY!!! | Comments: I am your #1 fan, I swear!! I couldn't be more happy with the recent point streak. While all the other girls are sitting in class dreaming about the Backstreet Boys, I'm dreaming about you!! Your soooooo HOT!!!!! |
Sassy - 03/28/00 13:03:12 My Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Rhett Warrener Favorite NHL team?: Sabres!!! Favorite part of my page?: all | Comments: WTG on # 3 Jay! Congrats to you guys for a well played, fast skating, kick-butt game! It was great to watch. Looking forward to goal number 4 on Friday :-) |
Cheryl - 03/27/00 04:58:11 My Age: 23 Location: St Albert Your favorite Sabre?: Jay and Geoff Favorite NHL team?: Oilers but Sabres are up there also Favorite part of my page?: It all rocks MaryAnn WHO'S DA MAN?: You Know | Comments: Hey Mary Ann, we haven't talked for awhile so I thought I'd drop by and say HI!! Cheryl |
- 03/26/00 04:43:07 My Your favorite Sabre?: Of course it's JAY McKEE! Favorite NHL team?: SABRES Favorite part of my page?: Jay's photos! WHO'S DA MAN?: #74 | Comments: Wow!! There are alot of comments since Jay scored twice! Just want to say that Jay is the best and that I hope to see lots more goals in the playoffs!!!!!! Go Jay, go Sabres!!!!! |
Jenn Gravius - 03/25/00 23:55:24 My Age: 19 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Florida Favorite part of my page?: Pics WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay, who else?! | Comments: I feel so connected to you right now, our shared love of the current hottest Sabre scorer. |
Brandon Rudroff - 03/25/00 22:59:24 My Age: 13 Location: Buffalo NY Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee BABY!! | Comments: JAy McKee Rules !!!!! |
Leah,Johstin,Sara,&Lauren - 03/25/00 18:22:33 Age: You Know Jay!! Location: Blasdell,N.Y. Your favorite Sabre?: Jay Mckee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Favorite part of my page?: Everything WHO'S DA MAN?: Guess Who??!!! | Comments: Nice Goal On Thursday!! Thanx For The Autographs!!!! Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Sassy - 03/24/00 19:02:21 My Location: Buffalo, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Rhett Warrener (forgive me :-) ) Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: the pix WHO'S DA MAN?: You | Comments: Way to on your goal, and the win! |
Hannah - 03/24/00 14:13:27 My Age: 12 Location: Ellicottville, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Mike Peca Favorite NHL team?: SABRES (of course) Favorite part of my page?: ALL OF IT WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY MCKEE | Comments: Nice game last night!!! YOU SCORED!!! Man that's 3 goals in 6 games. You Kick Butt!! |
Hannah - 03/23/00 22:49:38 My Age: 12 Location: Ellicottville, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Michael Peca Favorite NHL team?: SABRES Favorite part of my page?: ALL OF IT WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY MCKEE | Comments: Jay, Good luck at the game tonight. You guys are alot better than the Flames. GO SABRES!!!! |
Amanda Martel - 03/23/00 19:36:29 My Age: 20 Location: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada Your favorite Sabre?: JAY McKEE, and MIKE WILSON(until he was traded) Favorite NHL team?: Toronto Maple Leafs Favorite part of my page?: the pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY!! | Comments: I have followed Jay since he was in the OHL. He played for the Sudbury Wolves, as I am sure you know!!! He was and still is an amazing player!!! |
Hannah - 03/22/00 22:24:46 My Age: 12 Location: Ellicottville, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Michael Peca Favorite NHL team?: SABRES (of course) Favorite part of my page?: ALL OF IT WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY MCKEE | Comments: Jay you are the most intersting defense player!!!!You Kick Butt!! Sabres rulz! |
Adrienne - 03/22/00 21:39:30 My Email:ADRIEADAPITA Age: 17 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: duh, it's gotta be you Favorite NHL team?: do I really have to tell you ??? Favorite part of my page?: all of it WHO'S DA MAN?: As my brother loves to sing during the game "GOTTA BE GOTTA BE JAY MCKEE" | Comments: Since your not single anymore, who on the team is?? Maybe Varada or Afinogenov??? Just wondering that's all. Much love and luck Adrienne. |
skip k - 03/22/00 02:41:45 My Age: 13 Location: buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: you Favorite NHL team?: sabres WHO'S DA MAN?: you | Comments: nice goal last night |
Hannah - 03/21/00 22:54:46 My Age: 12 Location: Ellicottville, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Mike Peca and Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: SABRES Favorite part of my page?: All of it WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY MCKEE | Comments: Hey Jay, you kick butt man!!!! |
Kelly Farrell - 03/21/00 01:49:21 My Age: 33 Location: PA Your favorite Sabre?: Sanderson, Satan, Biron, Rhett is my #1 Defenseman & you are #2 (Sorry) but Rhett is really good. Favorite NHL team?: Flyers, Sabres & Hurricanes Favorite part of my page?: That you actually have one and you update it. WHO'S DA MAN?: The player that scores / you just did...I'm listening to the game on 3/20/00 | Comments: I hope you guys make it to the playoffs...... |
Jill - 03/20/00 22:04:30 My URL: My Age: 14 Location: Hamburg Your favorite Sabre?: MARTY BIRON!!!! Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: All of it! WHO'S DA MAN?: umm.... jay mckee! | Comments: My friend really likes Jay mckee and i reallyl ike your page alot! |
Adrienne - 03/20/00 00:44:54 My Age: 15 Location: Buffalo, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: YOU!!!!!! WHO'S DA MAN?: YOU!!!!! | Comments: THIS IS A REALLY COOL PAGE, AND I JUST WANNA SAY THAT YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOO COOL. I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH, ME AND MY FRIENDS ALWAYS JOKE ABOUT IT, THEY'RE CRAZY!!!!!! AND I THINK THAT YOUR PAGE IS AWSOME, 'CAUSE YOU MADE IT!!!! LOVE YA, **ADRIE** |
liz - 03/17/00 19:33:44 My Location: Depew ny Your favorite Sabre?: MAXIM AFINOGENOV Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: The wifebeater picture WHO'S DA MAN?: jay mckee (and matt barnaby) | Comments: CAN I BORROW THE HUMMER??? ha ha ha |
stephen - 03/14/00 23:31:18 My Age: 14 Location: jamestown Your favorite Sabre?: maxim afinogenov Favorite NHL team?: sabres WHO'S DA MAN?: you | Comments: great site jay-bird |
MaNdY - 03/14/00 20:53:22 My Age: 14 Location: eDeN Your favorite Sabre?: JAY MCKEE Favorite NHL team?: SaBrEs Favorite part of my page?: PiCz WHO'S DA MAN?: JaY McKeE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Comments: JaY mCkEe Is SoO hOtT, aNd A gOoD pLaYeR |
Amanda - 03/12/00 03:07:55 My Age: 14 Location: Tonawanda, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Cory Sarich, Curtis Brown Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee | Comments: Jay really cool web site! Great pics and you are cute too! |
Heather - 03/11/00 17:22:47 My Age: 17 Location: buffalo,ny Your favorite Sabre?: jay mckee Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: the pics! WHO'S DA MAN?: jay mckee | Comments: |
Sara Gerhardt - 03/10/00 23:16:42 My Age: 14 Location: Sydenham Your favorite Sabre?: YOU and Miroslav Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: YOUR pics WHO'S DA MAN?: YOU da man(sexy man) | Comments: Hey Sexy Man.Its me Sara, Kirks neice.Thanks for the autographs. Ilove them. Hope to meet you soon. Later, Sara Gerhardt Congrats on the wedding. Have a good honeymoon! |
Sara Gerhardt - 03/10/00 23:08:38 | Comments: |
Stephanie - 03/03/00 21:27:20 My URL: My Age: 16 Location: Lakeland Florida, formerly from Buffalo NY Your favorite Sabre?: Martin Biron and Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres of course Favorite part of my page?: the pic's WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee of course | Comments: Hey, I love the sabres so much, and i'm glad hasek's back. Good luck hopefully u guys amke it to the stanley cup. Your the best Buffalo. I miss Buffalo, and the best hockey team ever the Buffalo Sabres. Write back if ya get a chance. Your the BEst Jay McKee Love ya, Steph |
Dani - 03/03/00 03:51:36 My Location: Toronto Your favorite Sabre?: hmm, Satan and Brown Favorite NHL team?: Leafs, baby! Favorite part of my page?: the pic of Jay w/ the sign, you know the one... WHO'S DA MAN?: oh, this is soo hard, oh, they ALL are! | Comments: Well, even though you guys beat us in the playoffs last year, I still love ya Sabres! Hope they make it this year, won't be the same, won't be the same at all! |
Melissa - 03/02/00 04:00:52 My URL: My Age: 16 Location: Middleport Your favorite Sabre?: Cory Sarich Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: The hot pictures of Jay WHO'S DA MAN?: Cory, Miro, Jay, Rhett, Darren VanOene | Comments: Great site! Jay is definately a hottie. I got his autograph at the Lockport Mall before. He was nice. |
Sabres Fan - 03/02/00 02:38:14 Your favorite Sabre?: JAY MCKEE(duhhhhh) | Comments: To Jennifer- I think you should keep your thoughts to yourself, Jay McKee played great in playoffs, your little Wayne Primeau played like girl!! You must not be a fan of the Sabres, but believe I AM!!!!!!! |
Sabres fan - 03/02/00 00:14:34 Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee | Comments: To Jennifer, who signed the guest book afew places back: #1. Learn how to spell McKEE #2. Keep your negative, ridiculous comments to yourself. Jay played great in the playoffs. Were you watching??? GO JAY!! GO SABRES!!! |
Jennifer - 03/01/00 15:05:57 My Email:Princess2925 Age: 16 Location: Buffalo, New York Your favorite Sabre?: Wayne Primeau Favorite NHL team?: Sabres WHO'S DA MAN?: Primeau | Comments: Jay McKey I just wanted you to know its a shame when a no talent has-been can;t make the All-Star team like you. Your the reason why the Sabre's lost the Stanley Cup Finals. |
Taylor - 02/29/00 13:43:14 My Email:SabreGirl19 Age: 11 Your favorite Sabre?: Holzinger- (sorry Jay!!) Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: the pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: You are Jay!!!!!!! | Comments: I love watching you play for the Sabres and hope you never get traded! I also love watching you hit people. |
Nikole Rupple - 02/29/00 01:58:39 My Email:SabreGirl19 Age: 12 Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: The Pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY MCKEE!!!! | Comments: I really love you Jay and I wanna marry you!!!!!!!! |
Michelle - 02/27/00 03:48:46 My Email:Shelly7683 Age: 20 Location: Niagara Falls, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee and Biron Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: I like the whole thing personally WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay, you are | Comments: I think you have great tactics and work well under pressure, i always love the fact that you use your body to prevent goals from being scored by laying flat, not many defensmen do that, and it actually helps a lot. You have a lot of stamina and i think y u have a lot of promise. |
Patrick - 02/19/00 02:36:36 My Age: 10 Location: East Aurora Your favorite Sabre?: Miro Satan (sorry Jay) Favorite NHL team?: Sabres of course Favorite part of my page?: Pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Miro and Jay da men | Comments: Miro and Jay rock the house, oh and Jay keep up thehard hittin |
michael jones - 02/16/00 00:50:05 My Age: 32 Location: bakersfield,ca Your favorite Sabre?: hasek Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: first point ticket WHO'S DA MAN?: you da man | Comments: will be traveling from bakersfield, ca. on fri.17 for sat 18th game against the kings. would love the chance to get my sabres hat autograghed. thank you |
Shannon - 02/16/00 00:30:34 My Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee of course! Favorite NHL team?: SABRES!!! Favorite part of my page?: pics are great! WHO'S DA MAN?: #74 | Comments: The team is playing great. I hope they keep it up and make it to the playoffs where they belong. It's been a long time since we have heard from Jay in this guest book - let's hear from you soon, Jay!!!! |
McKee - 02/10/00 02:04:54 My Age: 23 Location: Oakville, Ont Canada Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Favorite part of my page?: PICS WHO'S DA MAN?: YOU DA MAN! | Comments: Jay, you guys keep tryin there! I have faith in you guys. |
Adrienne - 02/06/00 22:30:01 My URL: My Age: 19 Location: N. Tonawanda Your favorite Sabre?: Cory Sarich (sorry haha) Favorite NHL team?: Sabres (duh!) Favorite part of my page?: pics WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee of course! | Comments: Very nice site...I love the Sabres...keep up the good work Jay...keep hitting 'em, and give Cory some lessons! haha say Hi! to allthe boys for me! |
Sara - 02/05/00 23:47:44 My URL: My Age: 19 Location: North Tonawanda/Geneseo, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Varada (sorry Jay, i still love ya tho) Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo, duh! Favorite part of my page?: Its just too cute WHO'S DA MAN?: YOU ARE of course! | Comments: Awesome page dude! :) its just too cute. Best of luck the rest of the season. |
Josh Walker - 02/04/00 23:19:52 My Age: 23 Location: Perry, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Jay Mckee Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay Mckee | Comments: You are the NHL's best open ice hitter! |
Alison - 02/03/00 19:17:31 My Age: 16 Location: CORTLAND NY Your favorite Sabre?: JAY MCKEE Favorite NHL team?: SABRES!!! Favorite part of my page?: Photes WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY MCKEE | Comments: I really liked your web page my fav part of it is the pic's of Jay he is a really good player and HOT!!! I will come back alot to see if you up dated it!!! |
Amanda Lumadue - 01/29/00 13:22:51 My Location: Depew, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Photos WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee | Comments: |
jessica g - 01/28/00 05:50:11 Age: 15 Location: buffalo u know rep. tha buffalo sabres what what Your favorite Sabre?: Brown!! #37 dat's my man!!!!! Favorite NHL team?: BUFFALO SABRES YEAH BABY!!!!!!!#1 Favorite part of my page?: tha pics but it's all awsome WHO'S DA MAN?: tha bad bad CURTIS BROWN!!!!!!!!! | Comments: |
matt sproule - 01/25/00 02:18:27 My Age: 13 Location: fairport,N.Y Your favorite Sabre?: Mckee,LaFontaine Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay Mckee | Comments: |
john carr - 01/22/00 16:34:07 My Email:don't have one yet Age: 24 Location: lawton's N,Y. | Comments: |
john carr - 01/22/00 16:34:06 My Email:don't have one yet Age: 24 Location: lawton's N,Y. | Comments: |
Leah - 01/14/00 21:33:13 My Age: 14 Location: BUFFALO!!! Your favorite Sabre?: RASMUSSEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Favorite NHL team?: who else the SABRES!!!!!! Favorite part of my page?: photos and news!!! WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay Mckee....ERIK RASMUSSEN!!!!!!!!!! | Comments: Hey I <3 your page it really rox Sabs goal...#9 and #74 forever l |
Carrie - 01/11/00 00:08:56 My Age: 13 Your favorite Sabre?: Biron and Sarich Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: photos WHO'S DA MAN?: biron or Sarich | Comments: |
kaity - 01/10/00 23:51:18 My URL: My Location: BUFFALO NEW YORK!!!!!!!! Your favorite Sabre?: hello? JAY MCKEE! Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Jay McKee Wifebeater shot!!!! WHO'S DA MAN?: MCKEEEEEEE!!!!!! | Comments: hey i really love your site. it is really cool. i love Jay McKee so much, i have to say he's the only reason i watch hockey...and well Michael Peca, Rhett Warrener, Curtis Brown, and Cory Sarich are the other four reasons. :-) keep up the good work!!! |
Catie Beth Cross - 01/07/00 01:37:38 My Email:CANCROSS Age: 13 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Miroslav Satan,Curtis Brown,Jay McKee,Stu Barnes,Cory Sarich,Martin Biron,Michael Peca, and the rest of the guys!!! Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: g-book WHO'S DA MAN?: Miroslav Satan,Cutris Brown and Jay McKee | Comments: NO GOAL 99!!!!!! |
Kelly - 01/06/00 19:08:41 My Age: 23 Location: Kingston,Ontario Your favorite Sabre?: Peca Favorite NHL team?: Leafs Favorite part of my page?: really neat WHO'S DA MAN?: All hockey Players | Comments: Congrats, Jay...Use to go to public school with ya..Who would of thought you be in the NHL...Wow way to go...Great playing watched some of your games...Really neat website...Anyways just thought i say hi and keep up the great work...Happy Y2K... |
Rae-Anne Charette - 01/05/00 16:32:59 My Age: 12 Location: Canada(Pt Colborne) Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo/Montreal Favorite part of my page?: your picture with your shirt off WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee | Comments: hey jay i really like you, you are cute. i went to your game last night(January 4 2000)you played great when you get a chance could you e-mail me thanx see ya Rae-Anne |
Shannon - 01/05/00 01:35:28 Location: Ontario Your favorite Sabre?: #74 baby!!!! Favorite NHL team?: SABRES | Comments: Since I am the 1st to sign the book in 2000, I would like to wish Jay a very HAPPY NEW YEAR and wish the rest of the team all the best for the rest of the season. GO SABRES |
Bonnie - 12/30/99 22:03:22 My Age: 16 Location: Boston Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Hockey school pitchure WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee | Comments: I would apreshiate it if you could email me back at Thanks! I like your Website. Sincerely, Bonnie Torno |
Joey Lela - 12/29/99 00:39:19 Age: 15 Location: Rochester, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Jay and Marty Favorite NHL team?: Sabres WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay | Comments: Sabres rock the house!!!!!! Good luck this season Jay and many more with the Sabres. Sabres kick ass and this is a way cool page!!!!! |
Manda McVay - 12/28/99 14:33:33 My Age: 13 Location: Freedom NY Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee and Biron Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: articles WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay | Comments: Jay you're an awesome player and say hi to Biron for me if you can find him |
Jenn - 12/26/99 21:13:08 My Age: 16 Location: Windsor, Ont. Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Detroit Favorite part of my page?: Pic of Jay and Mike Wilson!! WHO'S DA MAN?: Mathieu Dandenault and JAY MCKEE! | Comments: I love the page!! You should put up more pics of Mike Wilson even though he's not on the team anymore!! Keep up the good work. Best of luck to Jay and the rest this year. Congratulations on everything Jay. |
Leah - 12/26/99 20:24:10 My Age: 14 Location: Western Ny/Eden Your favorite Sabre?: Erik Rasmussen!!! Favorite NHL team?: Sabres (who else is there??) Favorite part of my page?: The pics!!! WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay!! | Comments: I absolutly love your page i'm gonna start a Erik one soon!!! |
Jessica - 12/23/99 18:56:20 Age: 15 Location: Buffalo, new york Your favorite Sabre?: wow, i have so many, Biron, holzinger, brown, mckee, peca, everyone on the team, We have a HOT TEAM!!!THERE ALL CUTIES!! Favorite NHL team?: BUFFALO SABRES Favorite part of my page?: JAY McKEE'S PICTURE IN HIS WIFE BEATER..HE IS SO HOT! WHO'S DA MAN?: THE WHOLE TEAM! | Comments: SABRES 2000 GO FOR THE CUP! |
Jon - 12/23/99 03:30:58 My Email:Uno_zero_321 Age: 15 Location: buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Zinger,Brownie,V,Rat Moose an Favorite NHL team?: Sabs Favorite part of my page?: pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: The Cheese or Rhett | Comments: |
Jon - 12/23/99 03:27:49 My Email:Uno_Zero_321 | Comments: |
Lindsay Biron - 12/23/99 00:33:11 My Age: 14 Location: NY Your favorite Sabre?: MARTIN BIRON! Favorite NHL team?: SABRES!! Favorite part of my page?: PICS! WHO'S DA MAN?: MARTIN BIRON!!! | Comments: HEY NICE PAGE-JAY IS SUCH A QT PIE!! BUT I LOVE MARTY THE MOST--MAYBE U CAN ADD PICS OF OTHER SABRES--JUST AN IDEA--WELL KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! :) |
Amanda - 12/22/99 21:17:56 Age: 15 Location: New York Your favorite Sabre?: Peca, and Biron Favorite NHL team?: Sabres!!!!!!! Favorite part of my page?: the photos WHO'S DA MAN?: The Sabres are da men!!!! | Comments: |
Katie Infante - 12/21/99 02:42:43 My Age: 20 Location: tonawanda, ny Your favorite Sabre?: #74 Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: All of the photos and info WHO'S DA MAN?: You are! no question | Comments: |
Dan R - 12/09/99 22:53:44 My Email:BigDMan81776 Age: 23 Location: Hershey, PA Your favorite Sabre?: Martin Biron Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Favorite part of my page?: all of it WHO'S DA MAN?: me | Comments: Good luck. Send me an autograph please. |
Mrs. Undertaker - 12/06/99 18:24:22 My Age: 28 Location: Windsor, Ontario Your favorite Sabre?: Wayne Primeau Favorite NHL team?: Detroit Red Wings Favorite part of my page?: The whole Thang WHO'S DA MAN?: Whippreems | Comments: Hey sister, long time we didn't talk... how've you been ???? i'm doing good, always causing trouble but what else is new...... cool site of you man..... keep up the good work. Love ya tonz, Sandra |
Jina Militello - 12/03/99 22:38:11 My Age: 18 Location: New york Your favorite Sabre?: Curtis brown Favorite NHL team?: Sabres WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay Mckee | Comments: Hey Jay, |
Jina Militello - 12/03/99 22:38:09 My Age: 18 Location: New york Your favorite Sabre?: Curtis brown Favorite NHL team?: Sabres WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay Mckee | Comments: Hey Jay, |
Jina Militello - 12/03/99 22:38:07 My Age: 18 Location: New york Your favorite Sabre?: Curtis brown Favorite NHL team?: Sabres WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay Mckee | Comments: Hey Jay, |
Jina Militello - 12/03/99 22:38:03 My Age: 18 Location: New york Your favorite Sabre?: Curtis brown Favorite NHL team?: Sabres WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay Mckee | Comments: Hey Jay, |
Jina Militello - 12/03/99 22:38:03 My Age: 18 Location: New york Your favorite Sabre?: Curtis brown Favorite NHL team?: Sabres WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay Mckee | Comments: Hey Jay, |
Jon - 11/28/99 05:59:19 My Age: 17 Location: Rochester, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Peca Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Obviously Favorite part of my page?: Photos i guess WHO'S DA MAN?: Shaft (you damn right) | Comments: |
Colleen - 11/24/99 02:27:44 My Age: 17 Location: Penfield Your favorite Sabre?: How does one go about choosing such things? I just can't do it. Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: The pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay, Jay da man | Comments: Um, how can I say everything in a few sentences?? Haha, that's a joke, I'm not obsessed. Actually, I really admire your skillful playing and other aspects of your personality, but, that must scare you since I don't know you. Ok, now, when you play Phil y on the second, you MUST win. Cause, I'll be there (fifth row, section 116), and my boss is from Philly. She refuses to let go of her homegirl roots. We've had some exchanges, and if Philly wins, well, I'll be forced to eat my words and I can't take hat kind of humility, it's too much suffering. Have a good day, eh. Canadian lingo, like it? |
Colleen - 11/24/99 02:11:16 My Age: 17 Location: Penfield Your favorite Sabre?: Zhitnick, Vaclav, McKee, Sanderson, Whooley, I can | Comments: |
kelly pilozzi - 11/18/99 18:59:44 My Age: 20 Location: buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: curtis brown Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: the picks WHO'S DA MAN?: the sabres are the men!:) | Comments: |
Jenna - 11/14/99 03:25:02 My URL: My Age: 14 Location: Dunkirk Your favorite Sabre?: Rhett Warrener and Brian Holzinger Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee, I suppose :) | Comments: Hey! This is a great site! I had no idea there was a Jay McKee site until's really cool too. |
kevin buisch - 11/13/99 05:33:16 Location: niagara falls Your favorite Sabre?: jay man, mike peca Favorite NHL team?: sabres no doubt Favorite part of my page?: all of it WHO'S DA MAN?: jay,mike,rob,dom,stu,what the hell everyone | Comments: jay nice page. congrat's on the goal you deserve it. you guys are playing great keep up the good work, and forget your loss tonight. |
- 11/11/99 13:03:36 Location: Buffalo, NY | Comments: Congratulations Jay on your first goal of the season! I hope there are many more to come this season! Don't make me wait another 127 games! That's just too long! Thank you so much for making my night of 11/10/99 one of the greatest!! |
chris mcnamara - 11/11/99 07:04:56 My Age: 28 Location: coconut ck., ft lauderdale Your favorite Sabre?: you Favorite NHL team?: sabres WHO'S DA MAN?: you | Comments: let me about that pen and about going out fla!!!! |
Jen Stoddard - 11/10/99 23:29:31 My Age: 18 Location: Kingston, RI Your favorite Sabre?: Curtis Brown and Marty Biron Favorite NHL team?: hmmm...Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: pics | Comments: Loved the autographed stuff...I never knew Jay played for the Thunder! |
Amanda - 11/10/99 23:05:16 My Age: 17 Location: Depew, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee, Curtis Brown, Cory Sarich, Martin Biron, Rhett Warrener, Stu Barnes, Geoff Sanderson...well everyone on the team basicly Favorite NHL team?: SABRES Favorite part of my page?: the whole thing WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee | Comments: Hi. I really love this page. Jay is my favorite player obviously, but I am glad that someone made a page for him. He is a great player and will continue to get better throughout the years. Keep up the good work!!! GO SABRES!!! GO JAY!!!! |
wendy horan - 11/10/99 19:24:05 My Age: 21 Location: buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: curtis brown Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: pics WHO'S DA MAN?: mckee | Comments: goooooooooooooooooooo saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssss |
John - 11/04/99 01:14:17 My URL: Location: Amherst Your favorite Sabre?: Shitnik Favorite NHL team?: GO LEAFS GO! Favorite part of my page?: The humvee graphic I hooked you up with. WHO'S DA MAN?: Jiggly Puff - ha | Comments: Yeah, I remember when this page was when it first started...ha! No, really it kicks ass. I'm amazed it was made so well with so little help from me. |
Jill - 10/31/99 05:33:53 My URL: My Age: 16 Location: West Seneca, NY Your favorite Sabre?: (former) Derek Plante, (now) Erik Rasmussen Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: The picture of him holding the sign "The Official Jay McKee Page" WHO'S DA MAN?: I'm sure you'd like me to say Jay McKee ;O) | Comments: This page is great, it really is. I just wanted to say that. I've been coming here for awhile now and never signed the book (I don't think) I'm sure Jay loves it. If you have a change visit my Rasmussen page (URL listed above) and my Derek Plante Page (ht p:// Thanks! Fellow Sabres fan - Jill |
Jaime - 10/31/99 05:07:40 My URL: My Age: 16 Location: cheektowaga Your favorite Sabre?: Curtis brown but i still love jay Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: The pics WHO'S DA MAN?: Curtis,Erik,Jay,STUUUUU | Comments: great page keep up the good work |
Sara Kusczak - 10/27/99 22:01:10 Age: 13 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Jay Mckee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Everything WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee | Comments: YA KNOW EVERYBODY ITS NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS WHO JAY WANTS TO MARRY, ITS HIS!!!!!! BESIDES I THINK YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY FOR HIM.IF HE LOVES HER HE SHOULD MARRY HER. ON OTHER TERMS GREAT JOB JAY YOU ARE A GREAT DEFENSMEN. I'M GLAD THEY SIGNED YOU. |
Matt Canfield - 10/24/99 19:16:20 My URL: My Age: 16 Location: idaho Your favorite Sabre?: Zhitnik Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: everything WHO'S DA MAN?: ME!! | Comments:![]() |
melissa - 10/15/99 22:53:18 My Age: 23 Location: suny buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Dominik Favorite NHL team?: sabres WHO'S DA MAN?: dominik all around! | Comments: Hopefully, Jay can play a little tighter defense than Jean-Luc did in the opening games. Like the website. How long does it take to do something like this? |
Sarah Moore - 10/15/99 04:34:50 My Age: 19 Location: Rochester Your favorite Sabre?: love em all Favorite NHL team?: Sabres WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay... | Comments: What's the deal with ripping on Jay's woman? None of you know either of them, so why worry about their personal lives? I mean I admit I'm jealous of this chick, but I can still admire Keezer for his skills. Anyhow, this is a wicked cool page, it brings ack many great memories. Keep it up, and I wish the best of luck to Keez and the rest of the boys this season! |
melissa franckoviak - 10/14/99 22:35:07 My Age: 23 Your favorite Sabre?: Dominik Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: pic of you+jay WHO'S DA MAN?: Dom | Comments: |
- 10/14/99 22:09:23 | Comments: I just read the e-mail right under this one. To whoever wrote that: In case you haven't noticed, Jay could have anyone he wanted. I don't really think it's fair of you to judge someone else's relationship. On a lighter note, it's great that Jay has signed. I for one am so glad he will be in Buffalo for at least 3 years. Keep up the good work this year Jay and GO SABRES!!!!! |
Andrea - 10/09/99 21:42:16 My Age: 17 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: HOT Pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee | Comments: Jay is HOT---That's all I have to say |
Shannon - 10/05/99 16:42:59 Location: Ontario Your favorite Sabre?: Jay, of course! | Comments: Three words: JAY, PLEASE SIGN!!!!!!! |
Lauren - 10/01/99 22:53:53 Age: 13 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: McKee Baby Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Awsome Pic of you in your shades WHO'S DA MAN?: McKee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Comments: Luv the Pics. Especially the one of you In your shades. Luved meeting you!!!!!! Your Pic is Hanging in my room. Wish you and Nicole the Best in the Future!!! |
Brittany Coppola - 10/01/99 18:34:46 My Email:USA1177 Age: 11 Location: Orchard Park Your favorite Sabre?: Hasek Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Emailing you WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay | Comments: Dear Jay I was wondering if you could get me and my team to met the Sabres. We would love it. |
Sara Kusczak - 10/01/99 00:00:23 Age: 13 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Jay Mckee Favorite NHL team?: SABRES Favorite part of my page?: Pictures especially the one of you and Nicole WHO'S DA MAN?: You are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Comments: CONGRATULATIONS ON PLAYING A WONDERFUL SEASON AND KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. CONGRATULATIONS ON GETTING ENGAGED TO NICOLE AND COMING INTO OUR GREAT FAMILY.(MY COUSIN) P.S. MY SISTER THINKS YOU ARE THE IDEAL MAN AND SHE SLEEPS WITH YOU EVERY NIGHT.HA HA!!!!!! EMEMBER DINNER? |
alissa reuben - 09/07/99 21:14:48 Age: 18 Location: buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: jay mckee Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: naked jay WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY MCKEE | Comments: will you marry me??????? |
- 09/03/99 17:37:04 My Age: 15 Location: fort erie, ontario Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: the pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee | Comments: I LOVE JAY MCKEE!!!!!!!!!! |
Dominique Donathan - 08/27/99 06:01:55 My URL: My Age: 16 Location: Buffalo, Ny Your favorite Sabre?: Martin Biron, Mike Peca, heck i love 'em all Favorite NHL team?: Sabres of course! Favorite part of my page?: Jay's e-mail WHO'S DA MAN?: Hasek | Comments: NO GOAL! And that ain't the end of it either. Just wait until Buffalo brings out all the big guns this year, you'll see. Oh, yeah, visit my page really good sabres stuff on it. And if you are going to the carnival on the 12th e-mail me especially if you are a teenage boy! |
Paul McCarrey - 08/13/99 18:47:20 My Age: 40+ Location: London, Ontario Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Detroit Red Wings Favorite part of my page?: All WHO'S DA MAN?: 1. Steve Yzerman 2. Jay's Dad &Mom | Comments: A big congratulations to you, Jay on both your great season and your recent engagement. I never would have known if your website was not the originator of a 'Virus' warning to my Harness Racing List. Please say hello to your Mother and Father for me (two f the nicest people I know - wish they were here in London.) I still display your signed 'Rookie card' proudly to my friends. I hope you are not planning to go bungee Jumping before your Wedding like you did the evening before another important day in you life!! If you followed the OHL last year, you know how well the London Knights did. This year, they will have to ride their good defense, as few forwards that are scorers are back. Watch out for John Erskine (Dallas draftee) in a couple of years; he is a eared fighter who was under wraps last year as he developed into a very, very good defenseman. Sincerely, Paul McCarrey |
Kristen - 08/09/99 03:52:11 Age: 24 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Curtis Brown Favorite NHL team?: Sabres WHO'S DA MAN?: Curtis Brown, Wade Redden | Comments: No Goal! |
vent - 08/01/99 16:38:16 My Email:vent2125@aol Age: 15 Location: west seneca ny Your favorite Sabre?: peca &mckee Favorite NHL team?: SABRES!!! Favorite part of my page?: jay pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: u and of course, jay | Comments: hey creator of this cool web page! i enjoyed flipping through the articles and the numerous pics. congrats on a nice job. u would make jay proud! |
carly - 07/26/99 18:09:31 My URL: My Age: 16 Location: Syracuse, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Mike peca Favorite NHL team?: Detroit Red Wings Favorite part of my page?: pics WHO'S DA MAN?: Im guessing...JAY MCKEE?!!! | Comments: *Awesome page* I love all your pics :-) |
Chrissy aka Rayzorgirl32 - 07/24/99 22:51:51 Age: 19 Location: USA Your favorite Sabre?: ROB RAY, Mike Peca, Dominik Hasek, Wayne Primeau, Miro Satan, Brian Holzinger, Cutris Brown, Geoff Sanderson, Rhett Warrener, Stu Barnes, and Dixon Ward Favorite NHL team?: Penguins Favorite part of my page?: Those pics!! DAMN! WHO'S DA MAN?: ROB RAY KICKS A$$ AND LOOKS SO HELLA SEXY DOING IT!!!!! | Comments: That pic of Jay in that hat and sunglasses has me cracking up! Just from viewing your page I got a really good idea of Jay's personality ;o) Too bad he's engaged :o( Lucky girl. Oh well....I've got Rayzor! Why am I complaining?!?! |
Debi F. - 07/22/99 18:16:21 My Age: 18 Location: Jamestown,NY Your favorite Sabre?: Rhett Warrener Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: all WHO'S DA MAN?: Rhett and Jay, itz a tie | Comments: This page kicks butt, Get more pics! |
Katie - 07/19/99 22:47:30 My Age: 16 Location: Buffalo NY Your favorite Sabre?: :-) JAY MCKEE!!!! :-) Favorite NHL team?: BUFFALO SABRES!!! Favorite part of my page?: well, i've only seen the photo page. and it's GREAT!!! WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY MCKEE!!! (and you for making this page!). | Comments: Thank you so much for making a website dedicated to my favorite BUFFALO SABRE, JAY MCKEE! |
kelly - 07/07/99 07:42:54 My Age: 23 Location: hawaii Your favorite Sabre?: wayne primeau & jay mckee Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: everything WHO'S DA MAN?: jay mckee | Comments: cool page, very informative & i love the pics :) |
Mark - 07/05/99 18:23:59 My Age: 22 Location: Thunder Bay, Ontario Favorite NHL team?: Boston | Comments: Jay, just wanted to let ya know I thought you had a great season. I was following you most of the way and I also wanted to congratulate on having a sweet plus/minus in the playoffs. I was really hoping you could have brought the cup back to Kingston. I wo ld have been back home in a second if you guys won. But, anyway. I don't even know if you'll get this but just wanted to tell ya I'm happy for ya. Do you still talk to anyone from home? Grennan P.S. I believe you told me in grade ten you were gonna request a trade???????????????? |
Matt Canfield - 06/29/99 04:49:53 My URL: My Age: 15 Location: Idaho Your favorite Sabre?: Stuey Barnes Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: EVERYTHING! WHO'S DA MAN?: STUEY BARNES! | Comments: HEY GREAT PAGE YA HAVE GOING HERE, ITS REALLY COOL |
mariah - 06/25/99 13:53:40 My Age: 19 Location: WNY Your favorite Sabre?: JAY Favorite NHL team?: Sabres WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY | Comments: GREAT JOB, KEEP THE INFO COMING....HEY DO YOU HAVE A PIC OF HIM AND HIS WIFE-TO-BE? |
Lauren - 06/25/99 01:04:51 My Age: 15 Location: florida Your favorite Sabre?: rhett warrener!!!!!!!!! but i also like woolley,barnes,& peca.... Favorite NHL team?: panthers Favorite part of my page?: pics WHO'S DA MAN?: sorry but..i gotta go with rhett!!!! | Comments: nice page! I'm becoming a sabre fan since rhett got traded there,hope ya dont mind! well good luck to the sabres! & take care of rhett!! :) but hes mine! hehe ;) |
Rose - 06/24/99 17:32:39 My URL: My Age: 16 Location: Buffalo Area Your favorite Sabre?: CURTIS BROWN.... Sandman, Jay &Rhett... but they are ALL AWESOME. Favorite NHL team?: Sabres of course Favorite part of my page?: The pics... cos thats really all thats up now! The articles should be cool...i just joined the mailing list so thats cool....ahhh hell, the whole thing :) WHO'S DA MAN?: Curtis Brown... :) but Jay rocks the house too.. hehe. Him and Rhett(hope he gets better soon!) show the other team whos boss!! | Comments: Hey. You got some great pics on here.. I can't wait for the whole thing to be done. I am still getting over the whole 'tainted goal' thing... sigh... well, we will show them next year, oh yes we will. :) Keep up the good work and GO SABRES!!! |
Alissa - 06/24/99 17:20:55 My URL: My Age: 14 Location: Vancouver, BC Your favorite Sabre?: *Geoff Sanderson*....umm Mike Peca, Jay McKee & Brian Holzinger I ***hate*** Hasek!!!!! Favorite NHL team?: Vancouver Canucks Favorite part of my page?: Jay McKee, I like your Darren McCarty page 2 WHO'S DA MAN?: Brandon Convery, Chris Osgood & Bryan McCabe | Comments: Cool page!! Jay McKee is pretty cool!! :) Notice that my favorite Sabres are all ex-Nucks and Jay McKee is the draft pick we gave up for Mogilny. *Bad* trade....I hope Mogilny will start scoring some d-man goals!!! He's good, just uninterested. Anyway, th Canucks are *da bomb*!!! Oh ya, just an opinion of me: *Hull was IN THE CREASE and did not have possession of the puck!!!* |
Stacey - 06/24/99 00:24:14 My Email:VARADA1FAN@AOL.COM Age: 15 Location: BUFFALO Your favorite Sabre?: PECA Favorite NHL team?: SABRES Favorite part of my page?: EVERYTHING WHO'S DA MAN?: MCKEE | Comments: GREAT WEB PAGE, AWESOME PICTURES, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! |
Nikki Sherren - 06/23/99 17:09:03 My Age: 18...soon to be 19!! Location: Niagara Falls, Ontario Your favorite Sabre?: hmm....McKee or Warrener Favorite NHL team?: Rangers, and then the Sabres Favorite part of my page?: pics WHO'S DA MAN?: um...Mike Richter ;o) | Comments: Can't believe that you deleted the other page....maybe you'll get the cards eventually ;o) Anyways....great page. Nik. |
Sandra - 06/20/99 13:13:22 Location: Niagara Falls, Ont. Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee | Comments: Just wanted to say congrats to Jay and the rest of the team for a great series and a fantastic year. Though you didn't get the cup, (and unfairly so in many people's opinion) you guys are terrific and hopefully when it's not so painful to swallow, you can look back and see how truly wonderful you have been. Have a great summer Jay!!! |
Shannon - 06/19/99 18:35:15 Age: 26 Location: Ontario Your favorite Sabre?: JAY MCKEE Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY! | Comments: Good luck tonight in game 6. Too bad you guys will have to be in Dallas to win the cup in game 7, but your fans will be waiting when you come home!!!! |
James M. Pryal - 06/19/99 02:54:31 My Age: 22 Location: Escanaba, Mi Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Red Wings Favorite part of my page?: pictures of jay WHO'S DA MAN?: Joey Kocur (sorry) | Comments: Jay McKee may be one of the best defensemen in the game today. Doesn't get enough credit. But hopefully he gets a cup! Jim |
Aaron Stanger - 06/18/99 17:49:53 My Age: 22 Location: Mississauga, Ont. Your favorite Sabre?: you Favorite NHL team?: Detroit. OOPS! WHO'S DA MAN?: you | Comments: I'm glad to see that you have kept up the hard work and that you have become so successful. Former teammate Ottawa Valley Selects #44. Do you still have the point system going for hits? |
Clare - 06/17/99 01:06:53 My Age: 17 Location: Tarpon Springs,Florida Your favorite Sabre?: Miroslav Satan Favorite NHL team?: The Sabres Are The Bomb! Favorite part of my page?: The Pics WHO'S DA MAN?: The Devil and The Zinger! | Comments: Hiya Whats Up?? I Love Your Page Another Great One By Another Great Sabres Fan!!! If Anyone Has Any Other Sabre Pages Send Me The Link i'm Looking For New Ones! This Site Kicks Ass Keep It Kewl and Keep Up The Great Work! I Love Miro 4-Life! 24-7 |
Drew Canfield - 06/16/99 05:01:53 My URL: My Age: 13 Location: Poc. Idaho Your favorite Sabre?: hard to choose -Rob Ray-Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY MCKEE AND ROB RAY | Comments: Great page! First off i would like to wish you the best of luck in the finals. I lived in buffalo for nine years and had season tickets, but then my dad got a job offer here and we moved to boring old Pocatello Idaho! Now i have a satellite so we order t e NHL package! I have watched you every game you played with the sabres! I think you are the best defense men the sabres have right now, and would love to meet you! I play hockey and i scored 31 goals and had 14 assists. I won the MVP award in the regular season and the allstar game. Unfortunately our team lost in the finals in over time PS GO SABRES! |
nathan sliwinski - 06/12/99 22:08:44 My Location: castlerock colo. Your favorite Sabre?: dominic hasek Favorite NHL team?: colo avalanche Favorite part of my page?: pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: peter forsberg | Comments: |
Cheryl - 06/10/99 01:49:18 My Age: 22 Location: St.Albert Your favorite Sabre?: Jay Favorite NHL team?: Oilers Favorite part of my page?: The Pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay! | Comments: Just wanted to drop in and say Happy birthday MaryAnn! Once again, this is an amazing page! |
Jess McKee - 06/09/99 22:30:06 My Age: 22 Location: Ontario Your favorite Sabre?: Jay Of course! Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Your Pic's buddy! WHO'S DA MAN?: You are funny, your a McKee forsure! | Comments: Jay, Good luck. you guys will win! Go sabres Go! McKee's usually wear #18 what happened? If #74 works for you then kwel dude! I wish you and Nicole all the best in the future. Your Fan no other than Jess McKee |
Jill - 06/08/99 22:24:35 My Email:Braniac13 Age: 15 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Pics WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee | Comments: I think Jay McKee is a rising superstar defenceman!!!!!! He has alot of talent.............. Go Sabres!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #1 |
Jessica - 06/06/99 22:51:11 My URL: My Email:SabreChic@sabreshockey,com Age: 16 Location: Youngstown, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Peca, MCKEE, Warrener -- all of em! Favorite NHL team?: SABRES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Favorite part of my page?: everything rocks! WHO'S DA MAN?: McKee & Co.! | Comments: Hey! AWESOME page! I great guy like Jay deserves a super page and this is super-duper! Keep up the good work & GO SABRES!!! Go Jay! You and Rhett make an incredible D-Line! Keep knocking everyone out and making me smile! :) I know you guys can WIN th CUP! Let's Go Buff-a-lo!!! |
Jess McKee - 06/04/99 01:43:22 My Age: 22 Location: Ontario Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Pic's Jay hello! WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay your funny! | Comments: Jay, your doing great keep up the good work. You are a fine defenceman, McKee's always wear#18 what happened there? Oh well! it must be working for you #74. I hope you and Nicole have an awesome future together, McKee's know how to pick their mates huh Keep stayin tough cause we McKee's are tough! I hope you guys win the cup I will be cheering you on. |
Jenn - 06/02/99 03:00:57 My Age: 16 Location: Oshawa Ontario. Your favorite Sabre?: Peca, McKee, Brown, Sanderson, and Hasek. Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: All of it. WHO'S DA MAN?: Hasek. | Comments: This page rocks, can't wait to see it when it's finished and back up full. Well all I wanna say is the Sabres are going all the way this year and are gonna take the cup. Or at least I hope so considering I cheered for them the whole way through even the s ries against Toronto the home team, got called some pretty nasty things, so come on guys do it for yourselves obviously, but also try and do it for me. Awesome site keep it up, I'll be sure to check back soon. See Ya, Jenn. Smiles and chuckles and a whole lotta Hockey! |
deb - 05/24/99 17:49:51 My Age: 24 Location: buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: satan Favorite NHL team?: sabres...duh!! Favorite part of my page?: pics WHO'S DA MAN?: jay i guess..hee hee | Comments: hi ma! thought i would stop in for a quick hello. hope your doing good! |
Kaylin Slater - 05/23/99 22:38:36 My URL:http://LuvJ74 My Email:LuvJ74.AOL.Com Age: 12 Location: Williamsville,Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: JAY MCKEE!!!!!!!! Favorite NHL team?: SABRES!!!!!!!! Favorite part of my page?: Jay pics WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY MCKEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Comments: I love Jay so much!!! I've done the craziest things for him! And i love the pictuers of Jay ssssooooo much! But i hate the pics w/ Nicloe! If you want to put a pic of a girl......take a picture of this red head!I LOVE JAY MCKEE!!!!!!!! |
Leslie - 05/18/99 01:46:47 My Age: soon to be 21!! Location: Niagara Falls Your favorite Sabre?: Jay, Curtis Brown, Erik Rasmussen Favorite NHL team?: Sabres, Red Wings, Leafs Favorite part of my page?: all of it, too hard to choose! WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay, Erik and Curtis...LOl | Comments: hey Mary Ann, about time you updated this thing....LOL Anyway, since you already know how awesome I think you page is, I don't have to tell you again......take care! |
Kelly - 05/13/99 21:31:09 My Age: 15 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Brian Holzinger, Alexei Zhitnik, Geoff Sanderson, Michael Peca, Jay McKee, and of course Dominik Hasek Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: All of it, I can't choose WHO'S DA MAN?: My favorite players are of course!! | Comments: Sabres are going to go all the way this year, I just know it!! |
will carson - 04/22/99 14:56:21 My Age: 21 Location: west hill Your favorite Sabre?: geoff sanderson Favorite NHL team?: hartford whalers Favorite part of my page?: your pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: sandy's the man | Comments: Jay, great website. Congrats on your fine play lately, you've really come into your own this year. I was fortunate enough to watch you play a number of times during your days in the "O" with Sudbury and Niagara Falls. One of my best friends is Aaron Brand and I remember him saying how strong a player you were back then, and how much your play improved with the trade to Niagara Falls in 1995. Keep working hard Jay, you deserve it. You've come along way and your still growing as a hockey player. Your a class act and you've got a good head on your shoulders. Keep The Faith Your Pal & Fan Will Carson 1345 Altona Road #45 Pickering, Ontario L1V 6Y9 |
Rose - 04/20/99 01:37:58 My URL: My Age: 16 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Curtis Brown Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Well, that its about Jay. WHO'S DA MAN?: Curtis Brown.. but i love them all | Comments: Hello...nice start on your page. Jay's a great player! I cant wait to see what its gonna look like when its finished!! Ill be back... |
Amanda - 04/07/99 17:03:37 My Email:JM23874 Age: 16 Location: Buffalo NY Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee/Curtis Brown Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: all of it WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee | Comments: It is a great page cuz it is about a great hockey player!!!! |
Tina - 03/19/99 22:16:52 My Age: 18 Location: N.T. Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee, Cory Sarich(soon-to-be!), Curtis Brown, Wayne Primeau, Dixon Ward, Vaclav Varada Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo, then Dallas Favorite part of my page?: everything WHO'S DA MAN?: Cammi Granato!!!!! oh... man- Mike Modano, Jay McKee, Cory Sarich | Comments: Thanks for putting this together. Kind of disappointed because every time I get a chance to get Sabres autographs, Jay's not there. I'll get one someday, hopefully! Good luck to Jay and the rest of the team! |
amanda - 03/18/99 16:39:33 My Age: 20 Location: new york Your favorite Sabre?: CURTIS BRWN Favorite NHL team?: SABRES Favorite part of my page?: JAY MCKEE WHO'S DA MAN?: CURTIS BROWN | Comments: PLEASE PLEASE can you email me any of the sabres email addresses that you know? I love your site- Thanks a million -amanda:) |
Natalie - 03/05/99 20:35:16 My URL: My Age: 20 Location: Louisiana Your favorite Sabre?: Matt Barnaby Favorite NHL team?: Pittsburgh Favorite part of my page?: The pics WHO'S DA MAN?: Brendan Concannon (long story) | Comments: This is a great page. This guy is quite a studmuffin! |
Manda - 03/03/99 01:22:00 My Age: 16 Location: Small Town in NY Your favorite Sabre?: Alexei Zhitnik Favorite NHL team?: The Sabres!! (Duh!) WHO'S DA MAN?: Alexei Zhitnik (#44 Rules) | Comments: Well, I would just like to say that I think that the Sabres have the best looking and best playing men in the NHL. Anyway, if any of you have Zhitnik pics, be sure to send them to me!! |
Jessica - 03/01/99 23:11:22 My URL: My Age: 15 (almost 16!) Location: Youngstown, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Matthew Barnaby, Keezer, & Cory Sarich (AHL) Favorite NHL team?: SABRES ALL THE WAY!! Favorite part of my page?: EVERYTHING! WHO'S DA MAN?: The Rat & Cheese! | Comments: Hey - Great page!! I love the Sabres! I live for the Sabres!! Jay McKee has a bright future ahead of him and I can't wait until Sarich is moved to the NHL because he and Jay will make a super D-line for the Sabres! GOOOOOOOO SABRES!!!!!!!! |
Mike Knapp - 02/25/99 16:04:43 My Email:DrDread61 Age: 13 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Everyone Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Photos WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay | Comments: Please write back |
Jeffy - 02/22/99 09:21:07 My URL:/Colosseum/Park/6580/index.html My Age: 18 Location: Oshawa Your favorite Sabre?: Primeau, Peters Favorite NHL team?: Wings, but i like the Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Intro with Jay WHO'S DA MAN?: Andrew Peters and his brother Geoff | Comments: I thought i'd sign this guestbook since the one on your Peters page doesn't work. I've watched Jay play for the Thunder a couple of times and he is a great prospect for the Sabres. He is defiantly going to have a great career in Buff. Hopefully Andrew wil one day too! Keep this page rockin, and hopefully your Peters one can survive though these tough times :) GO JAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY |
Billie McAteer - 02/17/99 17:25:56 My Age: 23 Location: Rochester, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Wayne Primeau Favorite NHL team?: Avalanche Favorite part of my page?: Pic's WHO'S DA MAN?: Wayne Primeau | Comments: It's nice to see a place where I can check out how the former Amerks are doing! Both in hockey and in general! Great Page! |
Courtney - 02/14/99 16:09:49 My Age: 16 Location: Medina, NY Your favorite Sabre?: I can't choose!! I love them all!! Favorite NHL team?: Sabres of course!! Favorite part of my page?: probably the pics WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay and Matthew | Comments: This site was great. Nice pics! |
Dominique Donathan - 02/11/99 21:09:59 My URL: My Age: 15 Location: Buffalo, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Mike Peca Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: The E-Mail thingy WHO'S DA MAN?: Mike Peca | Comments: I love you page, keep it up! You can visit my site too. There are pictures of the Sabres on my page! |
Sarah Hulse - 02/10/99 20:56:34 My Age: 14 Location: Andover Ny Your favorite Sabre?: McKee and Varda Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Pics WHO'S DA MAN?: McKee | Comments: I love your page know any other sabres e-mail addresses?? |
Laura Zipp - 02/10/99 19:53:09 My Age: 18 Location: NC Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee (of course!) Favorite NHL team?: Sabres ;) Favorite part of my page?: the links WHO'S DA MAN?: don't want to offend anyone! (got nothing but love!) | Comments: Feel free to write to me if you ever get desperately bored. I promise I will write back! |
Ben Bigford - 02/10/99 03:55:07 My URL: My Age: 17 Location: Barker Your favorite Sabre?: Brian Holzinger Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Not sure yet WHO'S DA MAN?: Ben Bigford......wait...umummum....Jay Mckee | Comments: I always said last season that Jay was way better than Mike Wilson and should have been played and guess what, this year who's playing and who's sitting? Huh! I am soooo smart! |
Christine - 02/09/99 00:35:50 Location: BUFFALO! Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Pictures of JAY WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay Mckee | Comments: Sabres rule! Jay is the best |
Shannon - 02/08/99 04:38:07 My URL: My Age: 24 Location: Eastpointe,MI Your favorite Sabre?: Wayne Primeau Favorite NHL team?: Red Wings Favorite part of my page?: The pictures, especially the welcome picture. WHO'S DA MAN?: Mathieu Dandenault! | Comments: Great page. Love the photos! |
sara - 01/30/99 21:13:14 My Age: 11 Location: Cheecktowaga New York Your favorite Sabre?: Jay and Peca Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: The hot pics of Jay WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay's DA MAN | Comments: Your page is like totally awesome and i love the pictures. I can't believe that it came out so good!! |
Amy Rzadkiewicz - 01/27/99 21:30:41 My Age: 16 Location: Tonawanda, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee (of course) Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: ALL the pics of you WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY MCKEE | Comments: Hi! |
Nikki Sherren - 01/24/99 17:35:37 My Age: 18 Location: Niagara Falls Your favorite Sabre?: who do you think MA? Favorite NHL team?: Rangers and Sabres are a close second Favorite part of my page?: The pictures, I guess WHO'S DA MAN?: See fave Sabre | Comments: Mary Ann, I like the new pic you added at the beginning....anyway, all I have to say is that you better not delete this page...LOL... |
BRITTNEY BECK - 01/21/99 18:55:45 My Email:BEK@CGOCABLE.NET Age: 11 Location: WELLAND Your favorite Sabre?: JAY MCKEE Favorite NHL team?: BUFFALO Favorite part of my page?: THE PICTURES WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY MCKEE | Comments: JAY HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE MAN(EVEN WITH THE THUNDER,GO JAY!!!!!!!!!! |
BRITTNEY BECK - 01/21/99 18:38:26 My Email:BEK@CGOCABLE.NET Age: 11 Location: WELLAND Your favorite Sabre?: JAY MCKEE Favorite NHL team?: BUFFALO WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY MCKEE | Comments: |
Linda - 01/21/99 17:44:43 My Age: 23 Location: Montreal Your favorite Sabre?: Wayne Primeau Favorite NHL team?: Habs & Flyers Favorite part of my page?: Everything!! WHO'S DA MAN?: Mikael Renberg =) | Comments: Hey MA!! This is an amazing page on Jay!! Keep up the great work =) Gotta love the pix =o Take care and talk to you soon! Linda xx |
kim - 01/18/99 20:42:31 My Age: 16 Location: depew Your favorite Sabre?: jay mckee Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: everything!!! WHO'S DA MAN?: jay mckee and everyone else on the sabres | Comments: everyone on the sabres is awsome!!!!! |
Nicky James - 01/11/99 17:39:17 Age: 21 Location: Olean, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Derek Plante Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Garth Brooks!!!! | Comments: Derek is my favorite cutie on the Sabres, but Jay's a close second!!!!!!! Great photos. Go Sabres!!!!!!!! |
Charlene - 01/08/99 09:27:36 My URL: My Age: 19 Location: USA Your favorite Sabre?: Matthew Barnaby Favorite NHL team?: Sabres, of course! =) Favorite part of my page?: Pictures, I love the wifebeater shot!! =) WHO'S DA MAN?: I'll say Jay because he is cool, but DA MEN are Kevin Kreutzer and Steve Carter (minor league players), but Jay is cool! =) | Comments: I really love your page! It's terrific! I'll be coming back a lot! Keep up the great work!!!! Go Sabres! |
Krystal - 01/04/99 14:51:14 My Age: 15 Location: Getzville Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: the pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY #74! | Comments: i love the pictures you have, my printer couldn't keep up with me:) |
Cheryl - 01/03/99 00:23:50 My Age: almost 22 Location: St. Albert, AB, T8N 4Z7 Your favorite Sabre?: Jay Favorite NHL team?: Oilers Favorite part of my page?: Everything's great MA! WHO'S DA MAN?: You Know! | Comments: As always everything looks great MaryAnn. Did you know that you rock?!? |
Sarah & Christina - 01/02/99 16:11:17 My URL: 98º Turnin' up Da Heat My; Age: 17 Location: Lockport, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Jay and Vaclav and Willie and Curtis and Steve :( and Michael (that's Christina) and Matthew and Wayne. Favorite NHL team?: ummm, hmmmm, Flyers? No, no, the Leafs.....SaBrEs AlL dA wAy bAbY!! Favorite part of my page?: the pics and the email thingy WHO'S DA MAN?: hmm, tough question....Jay and Joseph Anthony Fatone, Jr...Justin Randall Timberlake (*N Sync) | Comments: your page is da bomb, we just gotta say congrats to Keezer on his How we doin' it? You know it's Big Willie Style , Baby!!! |
Laura S. - 12/29/98 17:40:11 My Email:SabBabe101 Age: 16 Location: s.bflo Your favorite Sabre?: Matt Barnaby Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: the pics..Jay is sooo hot WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY da man | Comments: i thought ur web page was excellent:)Jay is a very HOT guy and i luv those pics |
jaime schweers - 12/26/98 22:51:49 My Age: 15 Location: cheektowaga Your favorite Sabre?: JAY MCKEE Favorite NHL team?: buffalo sabres Favorite part of my page?: the pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: jay mckee | Comments: hi mary ann your page is great and i think jay is doing really good this year.hope to see more pictures soon.thanks for your time.jay is really hott. |
Steff KOz - 12/21/98 19:47:14 My URL:Under Construction My Age: 19 Location: Buffalo!! Your favorite Sabre?: Miroslav Satan Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Photos WHO'S DA MAN?: McKee | Comments: I Luv Your PagE!!! (even more i luv jay) Um I wish there were more like it!!!!! i myself am making a cute hockey player page and jay mckee will be included (of course) into it!!! |
Noelle - 12/19/98 22:13:14 My Email:Sabre74fan Age: 17 Location: Buffalo NY Your favorite Sabre?: Mckee, Brown, Grosek Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Pictures of Jay WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay | Comments: Great Website!!!! Go Sabres!!!! Good luck this season Jay!!! Sabres=Cup99!!!! |
Brian(Buffmaniac) - 12/11/98 00:08:26 My URL: My Age: 21 Location: Buffalo, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Mike Peca Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: The Pic Of Jay saying welcome WHO'S DA MAN?: God | Comments: Mary Ann, nice little page you got here. |
Jackie Weber - 12/07/98 02:42:32 My URL: My Location: Buffalo, NY Your favorite Sabre?: DUH!?! Favorite NHL team?: Do I really need to tell you? WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay | Comments: I really like your page. I think it is great. Keep up the great work. |
Tracy Breon - 12/06/98 15:30:49 My Age: 21 Location: Portland, Oregon Your favorite Sabre?: Mike Wilson Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo (ofcourse) Favorite part of my page?: Da Pictures 'n everything else too :o) WHO'S DA MAN?: MATT DAVIDSON (Amerks) | Comments: Hey Mary Ann, AWESOME page!!! Glad I finally got a chance to check it out! Keep up the awesome work :o) And keep cheerin' on those Sabres for me! Keep an eye out for Mr. Davidson too, heehee! LET'S GO BUFFALO!!! GO AMERKS GO \_. GO ICEMEN GO ._/ GO S INGRAYS GO \_. P.S. Sabres fans, feel free to email me! I love hearin from fellow Buffalo fans :o) |
Dennis - 11/03/98 15:18:08 My URL: My Location: Erie PA Favorite NHL team?: Pens (sorry) WHO'S DA MAN?: Hasek | Comments: Great page! Too bad Jay didn't play here in Erie after we got the Otters. Like how Jay put 'The Great One' on the ice a couple of times! |
Rhonda - 10/31/98 22:21:55 My Location: Grand Island, Nebraska Your favorite Sabre?: #74 Favorite NHL team?: duh! |
Danielle (SabreChic36) - 10/31/98 16:30:53 My URL: My Location: J-town, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Matthew Barnaby Favorite NHL team?: Sabres! Favorite part of my page?: Everything WHO'S DA MAN?: Well, Gotta say Jay and Matthew | Comments: What an awesome site. I know I've signed your g-book before, but I had to again. You have such a great site with awesome pics of Keezer! Keep up the great work and best of luck ! |
Stephanie Haley - 10/28/98 16:37:14 My URL: My Age: sweet 16 Location: Rochester, Ny Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee (and the late Steve Shields) Favorite NHL team?: SABRES! ( is there any other team?) Favorite part of my page?: Photos WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY! | Comments: Hey MaryAnn! What's up? Luv the page! Love the pics! Great job! TTYS! Keep up the good work! I'll be back again. ~Steph |
Carrie - 10/24/98 14:44:51 My Age: 24 Location: Las Vegas Your favorite Sabre?: Been so long I don't know Favorite NHL team?: SABRES! Favorite part of my page?: pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: I guess Jay | Comments: My friend BAMBAM gave me this address. I'm originally from Buffalo, and It's nice to know where to go to get the details. Chow. |
John from Amherst - 10/20/98 01:44:33 My My Age: ?? Location: AMHERST Your favorite Sabre?: Varada Favorite NHL team?: Sabs Favorite part of my page?: Kenny WHO'S DA MAN?: ME |
Joe Ferguson - 10/15/98 23:55:42 My URL: My Age: 18 Location: Buffalo, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: the picture of jay mckee WHO'S DA MAN?: Joe Ferguson | Comments: what a great page, it is a tribute to a living legend. jay mckee is cool. |
Cheryl - 10/10/98 00:45:43 My Age: 21 Location: St.Albert, AB, Canada Your favorite Sabre?: Jay Favorite NHL team?: Oilers Favorite part of my page?: Everything, esp. the great photos WHO'S DA MAN?: Ryan | Comments: Looks great as always, Mary Ann! I can't wait until you put that new picture of Jay up!! I received your letter the other day - thanks. I'll drop you a line when I get a chance. Luv, Cheryl |
*C* - 10/09/98 19:04:12 My URL: My Age: 20 Location: "Erie, PA" Your favorite Sabre?: they all get traded :o( Favorite NHL team?: the Sharks Favorite part of my page?: the links off of it.. LOL j/k WHO'S DA MAN?: today? how about Zehr? LOL | Comments: I might as well sign this again, since you corrupted my book. ;o) Okay, we kinda don't care as much about the O... we don't wait after anymore. That's good, right? LOL... just for Andrew and that's not until January. I'm assuming you'll be here for t at one. LOL...since he's Jay's "buddy" and all. And to think, if it weren't for ME you would never have had that little thing to make Andy your new bud. W! ;o) anyways--go Jay I guess. LATES!! ha ha |
Nikki Sherren - 10/03/98 18:13:02 Age: 18 Location: Niagara Falls Your favorite Sabre?: ANDREW PETERS Favorite NHL team?: Sabres and the Rangers Favorite part of my page?: The picture of Jay at the beginning holding the sign you made him hold up WHO'S DA MAN?: ANDREW PETES | Comments: You are crazy MaryAnn. You should make an official website on the Peters brothers. Talk to ya later!!!! Nikki |
Chris Palya - 10/02/98 03:54:53 My Age: 28 Location: Frog Level Virginia Your favorite Sabre?: Michal Grosek Favorite NHL team?: SABRES...of course Favorite part of my page?: the personal touches WHO'S DA MAN?: HASEK | Comments: Nice job, DARLENE!!! I'm just surprised there isn't a certain painted face picture on here...keep up the good work!!! |
Legolady - 09/11/98 17:46:13 My URL: My Location: Kingston, Ontario Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay | Comments: Very cool site. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAY~!!!!!! Please come visit us and say Hi. Your friends: Brandon, Jonathan, Sean, Lynn |
MaryAnn - 09/08/98 00:40:30 My URL:index.html My Age: 21 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: #74 :o) Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Cartman...LOL... WHO'S DA MAN?: Jim Breuer | Comments: just wanted to throw this in again quickly...LOL... HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY JAY!!! |
Jill - 08/21/98 15:05:27 My Age: 22 Location: Rochester, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: the gorgeous photos of Jay WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY!!!! | Comments: oh my god, this page is fantastic....I love it! Jay is totally awesome, and this page makes him look better. Whoever took the time to do this, THANK YOU!!!! Jay, I love you! |
Michelle - 08/17/98 19:28:40 My URL: My Age: 20 Location: BUF-FA-LO!!! Your favorite Sabre?: Zhit & Brown & BamBam Favorite NHL team?: Sabres & Sens WHO'S DA MAN?: My Fav Sabs....Zhit, Brown & Barnaby... | Comments: Nice page...There's a lot of info on the first page and it takes a while to load but it's worth the wait... |
Jill - 08/11/98 01:10:07 My URL: My Age: 15 Location: Buffalo NY Your favorite Sabre?: Derek Plante Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: the welcome picture WHO'S DA MAN?: DEREK PLANTE | Comments: GREAT SITE! I LOVE IT!!!!! I'll put a link on my page!!!!! Well TTYL! bye bye!~Jill |
roadrat - 08/08/98 20:32:52 My Age: really really old 55 Location: canada some where ??? Your favorite Sabre?: guess who. Favorite NHL team?: BUFFALO SABRES... Favorite part of my page?: everything u Genius... WHO'S DA MAN?: The Grim Reaper | Comments: MaryAnn you really are a Genius. Everything is in good taste and done with class. Keep up the good work and may you succeed in all you do (I know you will). Talk to you later.Have a nice day. gord. Yahoo.................... |
Jay McKee - 08/07/98 20:38:39 My Email:Keezrmail Age: 20 Location: I think everyone knows Your favorite Sabre?: Tough question Favorite NHL team?: Easy Question Favorite part of my page?: Impressed by MA's work WHO'S DA MAN?: Whoever you say :> | Comments: Mary-Ann....I guess it's about time I finally put something in your guestbook "A"...I'm very impressed with your knowledge of computers by the way this website turned out...It's very nice of you to promote me in this way...It's also very appreciated. I k ow you've spent a long time with this site and it looks better every day. thanks, Jay!! |
Anthony - 08/02/98 20:19:34 My URL: My Location: Tonawanda, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: The Buffalo Sabres WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay | Comments: Jay you are a great defenceman and I would like to see you stay with The Buffalo Sabres for many years to come. I always told my father that if you had played more in the playoffs then the team could have went farther than they did. Save Buffalo Memorial Auditorium!!!!!! |
Lisa - 07/30/98 17:27:14 My Age: 13 Location: Buffalo,Ny Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee!! Favorite NHL team?: Sabres!! Favorite part of my page?: McKee Pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee!! | Comments: Great Page!! McKee is the best. It's so cool that you could get him to send e-mail to his fans!! |
Melissa - 07/28/98 18:13:52 My URL: My Age: 12 Location: Cincinnati Your favorite Sabre?: Erik, Jay, Wayne Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Pix or e-mailing Jay WHO'S DA MAN?: Erik (Sorry) | Comments: Hey! I love the site! Thank for signing my Guestbook!! If anyone wants to visit The *Ultimate* Erik Rasmussen site the addy is above!! Sign the guestbook! Thankx!!!-Melissa |
Kari - 07/25/98 18:33:43 My URL: My Age: 27 Location: Niagara Falls, Ontario Your favorite Sabre?: Matt Barnaby Favorite NHL team?: COLORADO, baby! Favorite part of my page?: Love 'er all, MA! WHO'S DA MAN?: CHRIS GRATTON!!!! | Comments: Yo MA, I am finally getting around to checking out this lovely little Jay page! Not bad, luv, really. It's good to see da Cheese getting all this exposure. Kudos for such a nice page - but he's no Chris Gratton (hehe). See you at The Tragically Hip concer !!!! |
Cheryl - 07/23/98 18:37:09 My Age: 21 Location: St.Albert Your favorite Sabre?: Jay of course! Favorite NHL team?: Emonton Oilers (sorry MA!) Favorite part of my page?: My Pictures! Hee! The whole thing, it's amazing MaryAnn! WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY!!! (and Ryan) | Comments: Hey MaryAnn, amazing page! I had a spare minute so I thought I'd come on and check out your Jay page finally and I've spent half an hour and haven't even seen everything! It's beyond cool! So I better get going now though or else I'll still be looking l ke a grub when Brad gets here. Talk to you later. I hope you got my BELATED birthday card. Love, Cheryl |
murdock - 07/09/98 17:13:52 My URL: My Age: 16 Location: amherst, ny Your favorite Sabre?: zhitnik and primeau Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: its cool how the picture is there at the top with him holding the sign... cool WHO'S DA MAN?: i am the man | Comments: uhhh go sabres and larry quinn sucks. -tom |
nICOLE - 07/06/98 01:21:38 My Email:Niky30 Age: 19 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Jay & can't forget about Brian Holzinger! Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: I Like Everything That I see.. Especially The great pics WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay's Da Man!!!! |
Kristin (and Jamie's here too) - 06/18/98 20:29:39 My Age: 15 Location: Buffalo, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Matthew Barnaby & Jay McKee (also Jason Dawe, but he's gone now) Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: the HOTTie's pictures, oohhh the pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Mike Wilson-yeah right | Comments: The Sabres are the best, with a lot of "HOTTIES"!!!!! (Jay McKee) The page is da' bomb!!!!! GREAT JOB, we'll be sure to come back again! |
Leslie - 06/16/98 15:38:49 My Age: almost 20 Location: Niagara Falls Your favorite Sabre?: Jay Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: the wonderful pics of Jay WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay, of course! | Comments: hey Mary Ann, it's me again! Just wanted to tell you that the pic of Jay welcoming everyone turned out awesome. I totally agree with you and him, that's the one I liked too. Anyway, the page is awesome, Jay's awesome, you're awesome, Mike's awesome.... 'll let you decide. |
Melissa - 06/16/98 15:31:21 My Age: 12 Location: Cincinnati Your favorite Sabre?: Rasmussen-McKee-Brown Favorite NHL team?: Sabres!! Favorite part of my page?: Pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Rasmussen!! | Comments: I Love Your Site Mary-Ann!! I would never have the patience to make a site! I know I tried to make a Rasmussen page but I almost died! LOL! I come to this site EVERY day and EVERY night!! I hope "Our Guys" Jay and Erik get to play this year!! I know the a e EVERY game!! And then in the 7th game of the Stanley Cup Finals Jay is going to pass the puck to Erik and Erik is going to shoot and score and the Sabres are going ot have their First EVER Stanley Cup!! LOL!! Go Sabres!! Sabres are da'bomb!! |
shelley - 06/16/98 05:22:08 My Age: 23 Location: A far Away Land... Your favorite Sabre?: Erik Rasmussen (I have a thing for Ex-Gophers) and, of course, Jay! Favorite NHL team?: My loyalty lies with the Devils, even if my favorite player plays for the Blues Favorite part of my page?: The Welcoming Photo!! Nice Job MA!!! WHO'S DA MAN?: Isn't it obvious? This page is all about him! | Comments: Hey MA....I actually get to leave a comment this time!! LOL Just wanted to say what a great job you have done. Jay is lucky to have someone so sweet to be so loyal and dedicated to him! I really hope he gets the playing time he deserves next season, he is a BIG part of the Sabres future!! Keep up the good work! Someday you are going to have to show me how to do one of these, so I can do one for Chris...not that anyone will come visit..but I want one, dangit!! =Þ |
Marj - 06/15/98 05:35:29 My Age: 28 Location: Toronto then Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Darryl Shannon Favorite NHL team?: Leafs Favorite part of my page?: pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Darby Hendrickson (Sorry!) | Comments: I got your address from Cyndi from NJ. Good page. Maybe if I ever get my scanner up I can make one of my own! Put some Darryls on the page!! He's the sweetest guy! |
Nicole - 06/13/98 22:00:11 My Email:LuvSabre19 Age: 19 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Jay & Brian Favorite NHL team?: sabres Favorite part of my page?: photos WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY!!!!! | Comments: I luv You Man! |
Shannon - 06/13/98 21:07:21 My Age: 25 Location: San Jose, CA Your favorite Sabre?: UH Peca? Favorite NHL team?: Sharks Favorite part of my page?: The pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Niedermayer | Comments: MaryAnn - I came to your page because you asked us all to check it out. Little did I know I would be totally impressed!! Great job, its nice to see a fan so dedicated to their favorite player!!! Keep up the Excellent work and you can bet people will ke p coming back to check it out! |
eddie - 06/12/98 01:11:20 My Age: 16 Location: n.y. Your favorite Sabre?: peca Favorite NHL team?: buffalo sabres WHO'S DA MAN?: me =) |
Ann - 06/10/98 04:05:45 My Age: 20 Location: NJ Your favorite Sabre?: MICHAEL Peca Favorite NHL team?: Devils Favorite part of my page?: gotta love the welcome photo WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay Arnott | Comments: this page is too cute--keep up the good work! the world needs more jay |
bambam36 - 06/07/98 19:44:11 My Email:BAMBAM36 Age: 23 Location: BUFFALO Your favorite Sabre?: HMM BARNABY #36 Favorite NHL team?: SABRES....THEN DETROIT Favorite part of my page?: DA PIX WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY CAUSE I GOTTA SAY THAT | Comments: LOVE IT NOW YOU GOTTA TEACH ME HOW TO MAKE A WEB SITE KEEP LOVING DEM SABRES GO CHEESE |
Kate - 06/07/98 05:26:36 My Age: 16 Location: NY Your favorite Sabre?: Mike Peca Favorite NHL team?: NJ Devils Favorite part of my page?: PICS WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee | Comments: I'm really glad that someone is giving Jay the credit he deserves! The Sabres don't always do that. |
You know who I am - 06/05/98 18:36:52 My Age: 22 Location: Buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: Rob Ray Favorite NHL team?: Well Duh........Sabres!!! Favorite part of my page?: The time you put into this site. WHO'S DA MAN?: The Razor!!!!! | Comments: This is not fair, you made me come in here and sign your guestbook. Great site, too bad there is no Rob Ray stuff on it. LONG LIVE THE RAZOR!!!!!32 FOREVER!! |
Samantha - 06/05/98 16:02:06 My URL: My Age: 19 Location: Indianapolis Your favorite Sabre?: um.... Jay, I suppose, since I'm really not a big Sabres fan. Favorite NHL team?: Hawks, even if they DID suck this season. Favorite part of my page?: Pics! WHO'S DA MAN?: There are just too many.... Do I have to pick just ONE???? Well, since I'm in Indy, I have to pick one of "my" guys... :) Um... I'll have to go with Craig Mills... Or Ryan Huska.... Or Dave Hymovitz... or just about anyone who plays for Indy :) That includes Geoffy Peters :) Comments: I'm SORRY Maryann!! I just realized, when I finally got around to looking at your web page, that you'd asked me to sign your guestbook like a LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG time ago... and I didn't do it. And I KNOW it was a long time ago, bc no one had signe it yet when you asked me. Ooops! I'm really sorry. How could I take so long to look at this great wonderful tremendously fantastic page? Well, anyway -- if anyone would like to know why Jay is a curse, you can visit one of my web pages at Niala and Giarc's Little Web Nugget. BEHOLD THE POWER OF CHEESE!!! BEWARD THE CURSE OF JAY!!! Okay, I should get goin now. I'm really really really sorry I forgot to sign this earlier :) |
Janet - 06/04/98 23:58:11 My Age: almost 20 Location: West Seneca Your favorite Sabre?: Primeau, Grosek, McKee's growing on me thanx to you and leslie! Favorite NHL team?: Sabres of course! Favorite part of my page?: the pics! WHO'S DA MAN?: don't even make me choose! | Comments: maryann, the page is VERY nice! what can i say! you are doing a great job and i love it! i love the three amigos picture and can't wait to see more pics! good getting to know you, too! go sabres!!!! |
marissa - 06/04/98 18:27:34 My Email:Ris1027 Age: 16 Location: Niagara Falls Your favorite Sabre?: Mike Peca Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: The pics WHO'S DA MAN?: Mike Peca | Comments: i love the buffalo sabres. i've been watching them ever since i was six. they always bring excitement into the game. hockey is a great sport especially when there are players like mike peca and matthew barnaby around. |
Leslie - 06/03/98 05:41:38 My Age: almost 20 Your favorite Sabre?: Jay, of course! Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: pics WHO'S DA MAN?: Mike Wilson (jk!) | Comments: hey MaryAnn! I love it! It looks great! I checked the page as soon as I got to CA! Jay's awesome, as always...never a bad pic, that I can see. |
Maria - 06/01/98 15:56:59 My URL: My Age: 21 Location: Miami, Florida Your favorite Sabre?: Matthew Barnaby Favorite NHL team?: Detroit Red Wings Favorite part of my page?: Photos WHO'S DA MAN?: Uh let's see, Jay Eh? | Comments: Your page is very cute, Keep up the good work. Please, let me know when ever you update it. |
Holly - 06/01/98 11:10:51 My Age: 18 Location: Pittsburgh Your favorite Sabre?: Hasek Favorite NHL team?: Pittsburgh Penguins Favorite part of my page?: Pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: Jaromir Jagr/Ian Moran | Comments: Helllo! I have never even looked at Jay before so you have opened my eyes! Don't worry he is still yours! :0) Does he know you by name?? One of my favorite players, Ian Moran, knows me by name! Just wondering! I give hockey players like Jay and Ian a lot of credit for putting up with us! At least we aren't puckbunnies or anything! Great Page! -Holly |
Jeff - 06/01/98 03:57:33 My URL: My Age: 17 Location: Oshawa Your favorite Sabre?: Primeau Favorite NHL team?: Wings Favorite part of my page?: Pics WHO'S DA MAN?: Andrew Peters | Comments: This page just keeps getting COOLER AND COOLER by the day. You are doing an awesome job and keep up the EXCELLENT WORK!!!!! |
Danielle - SabreChic36 - 05/31/98 05:40:23 My URL: My Location: Jamestown, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Matthew Barnaby Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Keezer! WHO'S DA MAN?: on this page, Keezer!! | Comments: Awesome page, keep up the GREAT work and best of luck in the future!! Go Jay! |
Stephanie - 05/30/98 15:18:00 My URL: My Age: don't ask-LOL! Location: Ontario, NY (but I spend most of my time in Roch!) Your favorite Sabre?: Steve Shields, Keezer, Rasmussen Favorite NHL team?: SABRES!!!!!!! Favorite part of my page?: JAY! :o) WHO'S DA MAN?: Keezer!Keezer!Keezer! | Comments: MA,This page is the GOD of all Jay pages! Great Job! I wish I had a chance to meet him when he was in Roch.Oh well. Keep up the Good work! I'm commin' back again! |
Melissa - 05/30/98 03:53:30 My Age: 12 Location: Cincinnati Your favorite Sabre?: Rasmussen { Even if he really is an Amerk! } Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Everthiing!!! WHO'S DA MAN?: Rasmussen!! | Comments: I love the PAGE! I also like your other sites! I was not really sure who the guys were but the site was really cool! I think that the Sabres need to get Rasmussen and McKee playing cause they can show up a few players! { I can not name! } But I bet when w win the Cup it will be because of Jay passing the puck to Erik for him to score the game winning goal in triple OT in game 7!!! LOL! I can ALWAYS dream!! |
Lisa - 05/28/98 14:41:57 My URL: My Age: 20 Location: England :-) Your favorite Sabre?: Michael Peca Favorite NHL team?: Kings first, then Sabres :-) Favorite part of my page?: That I finally can get read of my page...hahaha just kidding :-) WHO'S DA MAN?: Well, it depends I guess...I'd say Nathan, or Vladimir, but that's just me! | Comments: Great start MA! Now get that link up to my page! ;-) good work and I'd be glad to offer you any help I can. <3, Lisa |
Heather - 05/26/98 22:31:06 My Age: 20 Location: LA, CA Your favorite Sabre?: Grosek Favorite NHL team?: Kings Favorite part of my page?: Da Bomb WHO'S DA MAN?: For real or in your eyes? I think Eric is Da Man & Ian is Da Bomb, but you knew that! | Comments: MA, Man you weren't kidding when you said you re-did the Jesse page. you butchered it! It was so cool before! It's a real shame that he has a problem with it because I thought it was very awesome and you obviously put a lot of work into it. He should be flattered! Anyway, let's hope the Kings can sign him and he doesn't demand too much. What up wit dat??? You gotta prove yourself before you can demand the big bucks! |
Sarah - 05/24/98 20:02:12 My Age: 15 Location: Buffalo NY Your favorite Sabre?: Michael Peca Favorite NHL team?: Flyers (Just kidding MaryAnn) Favorite part of my page?: the pretty pictures WHO'S DA MAN?: DOMINIK HASEK | Comments: nice page! love it! ~Sarah |
Michelle - 05/23/98 23:31:08 My URL: My Age: 20 Location: Buffalo, NY Your favorite Sabre?: Well, it's a TIE....Alexei Zhitnik & Vaclav Varada Favorite NHL team?: The Sabres :-) Favorite part of my page?: The Pictures!!!! Hey, don't you have any of Jay AND Vaclav?!?!?! lol WHO'S DA MAN?: DA MAN = Vaclav | Comments: WoooHooo!!!!!!! Has anyone noticed that every team we play in the playoffs so far do nothing but bad mouth us?!?!?!?! Hmmmmm, perhaps they're JEALOUS, eh?!?!?!? Well, LOVE the Page have to get some pics of Vaclav up .lol...hehehehe....... GO SABRES!!!!!!! |
Nicole Richmond - 05/23/98 15:09:59 My Age: 16 Location: hamburg Your favorite Sabre?: the keezer Favorite NHL team?: devs & sabs Favorite part of my page?: pics WHO'S DA MAN?: The Keezer | Comments: MaryAnn, great page! |
Ashley Griffith - 05/23/98 14:52:28 My Email:ICe Age: 13 Location: Woburn, MA Your favorite Sabre?: Matthew Barnaby or Jay McKee Favorite NHL team?: Boston Bruins Favorite part of my page?: Everything! WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee | Comments: I haven't spent much time on this website yet, but so far I like what I see! |
Danika - 05/23/98 01:18:29 My Age: 22 Location: Thunder Bay, ONT Your favorite Sabre?: Vaclav Varada Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: The Pics' WHO'S DA MAN?: you mean besides vaclav?? ummm...... | Comments: jay is definitely the hottest 20 year old in the leauge, i first saw him in the OHL, the Wolves were playing the Oshawa Generals(my hometown) he had to be like 16, he was sooo cute, this page is awesome! I just REALLY hope the girl in that one pic doesn't "belong" to jay, geez, all the hot guys are taken...we lost Matt Barnaby, now Mike Peca, who's next ???? anyway, great page but why is his hand down his pants??? (tee-hee) :) |
Melissa - 05/22/98 23:00:57 My Age: 12 Location: Cincinnati Your favorite Sabre?: Rasmussen & McKee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres {Who else?} Favorite part of my page?: Photos!!! WHO'S DA MAN?: Rasmussen {Sorry!} | Comments: I love the page!!! Is Christine Jay's Girlfriend or who is she?? I have met Jay once he was so cool! He is REALLY cute and REALLY nice! I got to meet him when he was an Amerk! We got a really GOOD pic! I like him w/ the brown hair better than the blonde!! LOL! He needs to start playing this Play-off season!! Go Jay!!!! |
Courtney - 05/21/98 04:47:47 My URL: My Age: 18 Location: Indianapolis Your favorite Sabre?: Jay McKee!! (and Hasek, corso!!!) Favorite NHL team?: Chicago Blackhawks Favorite part of my page?: The Awesome Pics!!!!! WHO'S DA MAN?: Alain Nasreddine!!! ;-) | Comments: Love the page!!!! You should get paid by these guys (Geoffy, Jay, Jesse) for the excellent publication!!!! Seriously, another awesome job! I love the pictures, and the articles are awesome, too. I had no clue lil Cheeser had been through so much. :-) Keep it up!! |
Corinne - 05/21/98 03:51:47 My URL: My Age: 20 Location: Erie Your favorite Sabre?: STEVE SHIELDS, duh! Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: uh, that guestbook entry a few down from here WHO'S DA MAN?: Steve Shields, was I supposed to say Jay? ;o) Comments: okay, this is the FINAL MaryAnn guestbook I'm signing so you better keep it forever and ever! LOL Anyways, it's nice to know that you think Jay is "Da Man" or whatever, but you know deep down inside that Steve really is. ;o) I guess J y is okay, but he's even better with that wonderful goalie behind him. Maybe someday soon he'll get to play again. LOL Hey--does everyone know that one of Jay's career highlights was playing on the same defensive line as Jesse Black, aka Da Bomb? |
Katie - 05/21/98 00:51:15 My URL: My Age: :oP LOL Location: Rochester, Ny. Your favorite Sabre?: Vaclav Varada Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Everything about it is pretty cool....the pics rule though. WHO'S DA MAN?: Well...if Jesse is DA BOMB...then I'll have to say that Jay is DA MAN! ;o) | Comments: Great page MA! Love the pics...especially the one of Jay in Rochester. I remember seeing him that night and I swear...even though that was just about a year ago he looks so little! LOL Anywho...keep up the great work. Can't wait to see the finished p oduct. |
Jennifer - 05/20/98 23:00:01 My URL:not yet---in the making My Age: 21 Location: Waterfront Your favorite Sabre?: Darryl Shannon and Jay McKee (Tie) Favorite NHL team?: Buffalo Sabres of course! WHO'S DA MAN?: JAY McKEE!!!!!!!!! | Comments: I just wanna say that your site is great, and that JAY McKee RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
KB - 05/20/98 21:18:57 My Age: 14 Location: buffalo Your favorite Sabre?: jay mckee Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: PHOTOS WHO'S DA MAN?: jay mckee |
michelle - 05/20/98 16:08:19 My Age: 21 Location: syracuse,ny Your favorite Sabre?: wayne primeau Favorite NHL team?: devs,wings,pens Favorite part of my page?: photos! great job ma WHO'S DA MAN?: uhh do i have to pick one? robert dome =) | Comments: hey maryann like the page so far! You're welcome for the pic of jay in roch. i'll be sure to tell dana all about the page. oh btw i LOVE the pic of mike, jay and wayne! keep up the good work! |
dominatrix39 - 05/20/98 11:59:30 My URL: My Age: somewhere after birth but before death Location: between here and there Your favorite Sabre?: DOMINIK HASEK Favorite NHL team?: THE SABRES Favorite part of my page?: the photos! WHO'S DA MAN?: if i have to tell ya, you don't need to know. | Comments: nice start. keep up the good work! |
Cathie - 05/20/98 05:31:01 Age: over ? Location: Kingston, Ontario Your favorite Sabre?: Jay and his buds Favorite NHL team?: Sabres Favorite part of my page?: rumblin hummer! WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay, of course | Comments: MaryAnn: Had to comment on your page! You've done an absolutely beautiful job - how DO you do it? and yes you are that crazy girl from Buffalo! Cathie |
Sandra Primeau - 05/20/98 00:21:12 My URL: My Age: 27 Location: Montreal, but soon Windsor Your favorite Sabre?: Whippreems (Wayne Primeau) Favorite NHL team?: Detroit Red Wings / Buffalo Sabres Favorite part of my page?: Everything WHO'S DA MAN?: Whippreems !!!!! And Da Fromager !!!! | Comments: What can i tell ya ???? Thank you so much for being there when i need you !!!!!! Being there when i have problems to talk to Whippreems ???? You're the best MA and i can't wait when we gonna all be together for the draft and we gonna celebrate the Stan ey Cup in da Buff with Killer !!! Love and miss ya tonz, and see ya soon... |
Andrew - 05/19/98 21:49:21 My URL: My Age: 17 Location: Oshawa Your favorite Sabre?: Wayne Primeau, Mike Zanutto Favorite NHL team?: Wings Favorite part of my page?: McKee Pics!!! WHO'S DA MAN?: (besides McKee) ANDREW AND GEOFFY PETERS | Comments: Its about time.....lmao. Great page, I just love all the Jay McKee pictures while he was with Niagara Falls. I love seeing OHL pictures, from an NHL Keep it up. My site now has some pictures (thanks to Courtney) which are pretty good. Kee up the Excellent Work and I hope McKee has a successful NHL career!!!!!! |
Jennifer Lisa - 05/19/98 20:32:48 Age: 19 Location: Buffalo/Toronto Your favorite Sabre?: Wayne Primeau Favorite NHL team?: Sabres WHO'S DA MAN?: Wayne Primeau!! | Comments: MaryAnn, Hey Hon! This page is really great but it would be like so much better if Wayne was on it more Lol!! But seriously we're really glad we all became such good friends! I obviously don't see what you guys see in him! But whatever you girlies love about him!! Ok love ya!! Bye! Go Sabres! #22 :o) |
Jane Tucker - 05/19/98 20:31:13 My Age: 32 Location: Southern Cally Your favorite Sabre?: Miro Satan Favorite NHL team?: Red Wings Favorite part of my page?: I like the pic of you and Jay :-) WHO'S DA MAN?: Hockey-Damian Rhodes, overall-my honey, Paul | Comments: Hi sweetie! Just stoppin' by to say hi. Jay sounds like a nice kid. Well, he loves cats so he has to be. :-) Paul and I are looking forward to seeing you next year. We won't let you get kicked out of the hotel :-) Thanks for being such a great fri nd. Love ya! |
Cyndi Johnston - 05/19/98 03:50:13 My Age: 19 Location: New Jersey Your favorite Sabre?: JAY MCKEE #74 (WHO ELSE LOL) Favorite NHL team?: Too many to list!! Top three are Leafs, Devils, Sabres Favorite part of my page?: All of it so far WHO'S DA MAN?: Jay McKee | Comments: Hey MaryAnn, good job so far with the page. Really approve of da cheese!! It gives other people a chance to view the Cheese that have never seen him before. WOW!! Well you will have to always keep me updated on when you are finished with it and all. Chat with you later. Can't wait to come up and cheer for the Sabres. Woo Hoo. Cyndi |