Magical Mystery Brisbane Cricket Tour

So, I got to spend two weeks in Surfers Paradice and you didn't? Stink!!! But, What I can do is bring Surfers Paradice to the world. So enjoy.


Monday 13.9.99 Day One.

Ok, what can I say? on the 13th of September 1999 my fellow teammates, 5 parents, John Truesdale (the coach), Kelvin Eder (the team manager) and I left Christchurch International airport at 6:30am (NZ) destined for Brisbane International airport. As we have to be there an hour an a half early, you can imagine the time we had to get up. The flight over was quite a good one, unfortunatly the sky was clouded over so we didn't get to see the Southern Alps (local mountain range) as we flew over them. But, when the sun got over the clouds it couldn't have been more beautiful. The light bounced off the cloud layer beneath us and we had a sunrise just sitting there until the clouds broke to reveal the gold coast of Australia.

The movie was pretty crap "The Love Letter" I think (mega chick flick) and so I decided to set into my homework. Yes, homework. We were representing the school, nay our country, as an international sporting team but did that escape us from the wrath of our English teachers? No!

Anywho, soon enough (3 and a half hours after take off) we touched down at Brisbane Airport, greeted by 27 C weather at 8:30(AU) in the morning! Something that in our snazzy, black tracksuits we just weren't prepared for. After going very nervously through customs we got outside and managed (somehow) to find the vans that we had hired out. After some technical stuff with the company we were on our way through the beautiful international airport that is Brisbane's. 5 minutes after driving down an express way, everyone buzzing with excitement, we saw a sign that said "Leaving Brisbane International Airport". We just looked at each other in amazement, for the last 5 minutes we had been crusing down the freeway and a steady 65kph and we were hardly any further than when we started. This was the first of many surprises Brisbane had in store for us.

The next, was the road to the camp that just didn't seem to exist, but with only a couple of wrong turns/offramps going down the freeway we managed to find the abode that we would be staying in for a day until the other accommodation became available. The sign 'Dress Circle Holiday Village' came into view and the whole team gave an enthusiastic cheer that we were finally there. We were told that a couple of the rooms we had weren't going to be ready for about 2 hours, so we decided to put our stuff in the cabins we had and visit the local shopping mall ('Garden City Centre' I think) for some supplies. Ok, now this was a small mall compared to the others and it was huge compared to Christchurch malls. Luckily everyone had their priorities right and headed straight for McDonalds. Unfortunatly, we were greatly disappointed by the fact that Macca's sucks in Australia!!!! Pff, Aussie beef!? Then, after everyone was full, we headed for the Coles supermarket nearby. The service in that place is about as good as the drinks were in Macca's, we never went back. But we did get our food for the next 3 days. 3 days worth of food, for 4 people, and all it costed was was about $20(A) each, not bad, huh?

Arriving back at the Motor lodge we had about an hour to kill before we had to go to a cricket practice. This was when we got our first introduction to the ants in Australia. There are so many ants it is not funny. Any food left out and they are on to it. I think it was a knife with some jam on it or something that we left out on the bench as we went to the mall, and when we got back there werer hundreds of ants swarming round the place. Luckily for us we had insect repellant and a lot of ants in pain. But, everything happens for a reason, and while I was checking the cornflakes box for ants that's when I discovered the little kornies ball inside. It was soft and round with a little smilely face on it. Guess who indulged in a little indoor cricket before we left for practice.

Cricket practice was fun, but hot work. We only practiced for about 1 and a half hours so as not to wear ourselves out. We got home and it was about Tea time. Me, Glen and Kev started cooking up the sausages and chips while Tim relaxed on his bed, happy to be him. Now, forgetting to defrost the Sausies wasn't a good start, but, a little kiwi thinking and a sink full of hot water and we were away laughing. Without too much other fuss tea was cooked and we choked down a nice fatty dinner with loads of tomato sauce. A team meeting after tea and we had the night to ourselves. Lights out at 9:30pm (11:30pm where we were used to) A long 19 and a half hour day. We were glad to get the rest.

Tuesday 14.9.99 Day 2

After the previous day had been so hot, it was unbelievable how cold that night was. We went to bed in t-shirts and shorts and we were absolutly freezing, but, Cest La Vie, that's life. After breakfast and a team meeting, we were off on a 1 and a half hour drive to our next cricket practice location Ipswich Grammer. Kind of like a really rich high school here. It is a private school with yearly fees of around $10,000. The nets we practiced in were superb. This practice was a little longer because it was earlier in the day, but the temp was still around 21 C when we were practicing.

The early morning practice was a great idea. After that we went into the township (pop about 100,000) and we were eager to find another McDonalds. After all, everyone deserves a second chance. we were bitterly disappointed. But, once again, not a total loss because that's when we discovered McDonalds Cafe. $3.75 muffins, $1 cappichinos, brilliant. After we had walked around there for a while we all met back and started our long trip to our new place to call home, 'The Palmerston Towers'.

But as we were leaving Ipswich, I did happen to notice this 6 foot bin (looked like a clothing bin) that said... "Please dispose of needles and syringes ONLY in this bin, Thank you" AYE?????? I had to get a photo of that. After about 1 and a half hours out of 2 hours to our new place we had to stop off for petrol. That's when we saw the sign $9.95, and under the sign, piles of 24 packs of Pepsi.

As we didn't have much money on us at the time Me, Tim, Glen and Kev were only able to cash in on this deal by buying one carton of them, but $2.50 each with 6 cans, not to shabby. Then after a couple of worried looks from our tour manager we were off again. Passing all the theme parks we would be going to later on was quite a cool experience, but after travelling past it 7 times by the end of the week, it got very old, very quick.

After a bit we got to Southport, just outside of Brisbane and saw 'The Palmerston Towers' for the first time, we were pleased to hear that it had a swimming pool, a spa, and tennis courts. The rooms were great too, very spacious, and they'd have to be. Two more people joined our rooming group, two parents, Ron And Denise. They were cool, fairly laid back, and they let us listen to Pearl Jam, Exponents and whatever else we wanted to without any problem. Tea that night was, yup, you guessed it, Saussies and chips smothered in Tomato sauce. Nothing but healthy eating on this trip. We had a team meeting soon to follow and an episode of "Dawson's Creek" after that. The trouble was that Australia are about 1 series ahead of us and now the whole series we could watch in NZ is ruined. Lights out at 9.30pm again. We were't reluctant.

Wednsday 15.9.99 Day 3

An early 7.00am start and breakfast next to a very beautiful view that went perfectly with the day. At about 7:45ish we were off to Ipswich for our first game. None of us remember the ride being this long, but then, the day before we weren't doing it at this time of the morning. I started to read my book and after a long time we arrived at Ipswich Sports Centre at about 9.15am ready to start warming up for the game. The ground was HUGE, we were all astounded at the up keeping of this ground.

(This next small section is for everyone that has a clue what I'm writing about).

The number 1 oval had two full time grounds keepers to take care of the pitch, each of the other two only had one full time grounds keeper. There were about 8 pitches in the block and the one that we played on was first class. Except for a bit of greenery down one end. The pitch was immaculate. The outfield was almost as flat as the pitch itself and the grass would have been maybe a cm in height. The place we were at had a weather centre that was hooked up to Met-service (a national weather station)and run in Canberra. Whenever rain was forcasted for Ipswich the station automatically turned off the sprinklers. The boundries were huge (the same as the MCG for those who know), at one point Ipswich were able to run 4 runs without any overthrows. The ground had a couple of sidescreens but they weren't really in use. Now back to the rest.

The team that we played was a trial team for the First 11 for a school that had 33 cricket teams already. The day was very hot, around 29 C and it had about 90% humidity. We knew it couldn't be good when the guys on their team were complaining how hot it was. It was a long, hot, sticky game, but it was lots of fun. They batted first and we managed to limit them to 166/5. We then followed with a second best score of 114 all out, running out of wickets. Although we didn't win, everyone played really well and had a lot of fun. The game ended at about 5pm and the trip back was even longer than the trip there because the rush hour traffic had set in. Bumper to bumper over about 30kms and thinning out a little after that. But everyone was tired, and didn't mind too much. Now all the players thought that the trip back was long enough, but the driver (Mr Eder) didn't seem to agree and so he missed not one, but two off ramps to our seemingly close hotel. We got back about half an hour later than expected and decided to start on tea before the meeting. After laying down some chops, mashed potatoes and mixed veges it was time for the review of the days cricket and the M.V.P (most valuable player) was handed out. Jason Hill was the recipient for his contribution. Some of us retired to our rooms and others to the spa. Spa shuts at 9pm and after a new episode of South Park, we went to sleep - lights out at 9.30pm.

Thursday 16.9.99 Day 4

After another early 7.00am start and another beautiful day we were off again for Ipswich, This time playing the team that would probably be the First 11. It was another hot, dry day and the thundering sounds kept reminding us that there was airforce base about 1km from where we were playing. This team was much better than in the first game. It is a school that is known to have beaten the top teams in NZ. Their Coach said after the game that they had been aiming to score over 300 and roll us for less than 150. But it brought out the best in us, and we turned it into a good game. We managed to restrict them to 203/8 as they batted first. However, we ran out of overs and only got 169/6. Not enough for the victory, but in no way a bad score against a team of that quality. The game ended at about 5pm again and we stayed around and had thank you's to each other and stuff. Throughout both games, we really appreciated the hospitality that Ipswich Grammar showed us. There was a really good atmosphere between the 2 teams. After Tim had adjusted the scoreboard, we were on our way again. Another really long ride back, but even though we were getting used to the long rides, them, and the early mornings, were taking their toll on the players. Now you would think that Mr Eder had learned from the previous nights experience wouldn't you? But nope, he had other ideas. At least he only missed one off ramp this time. A marginal improvement. After a tea of Pies and chips in front of the telly, 8.30pm came we had another meeting. John considers the first two games very well played and commends us on the way we rose to the occasions. Kevin Trusedale recieved the M.V.P for that game. The coach's son getting the M.V.P, suspicious much! Anyway. As we were all beat, we turned in early again, lights out, 9.30pm.

Friday 17.9.99 Day 5

As we had a little further to go today we had to get up a little bit earlier. So at 6.45am the alarm went off and we got up. If you looked outside you wouldnt have guessed that it's was barely morning. The sun was shining and it was about 17 C outside. At 7.30am all ready to go we set out for St Patrick's sports ground. After travelling for nearly 2 hours we arrived at our destination at about 9.20am and to our surprise, not dissatisfaction, we found ourselves at a girls high school.

Turns out that St Patricks and St Kates have a joint sports field that is situated at the girls high school. This ground was a lot more like home, the outfield was long, the boundary had upside-down flower pots marking it out and it had a soccer field right next to it. The pitch however was still first class. This game got off to a very good start. We fielded very well for the shorter boundries and the bowlers had good line and length for the most part. We got them all out for 141 and then as we thought we had the game under the hat we walked out to the crease with very cocky grins our faces. They weren't there for long.

We can blame it on what ever we want, but the bottom line is that we screwed up. What should have been a win turned out to be the biggest defeat yet. We were bowled out for only 67 with everyone trying to hit the ball back to NZ. You should have seen John's face as each batter came and went. He was not a happy chappy. There was a sullen feeling as we rode back, however that soon went as we saw the night life of Brisbane.

We were a bit preturbed as we were dropped off on the corner of a main street, and the first person to walk past was a fully-fledged vagrant. Plastic bags on his shoes, unkempt facial hair, suspect smell, the lot. But the funniest part about him was that under the arm with a tatty sleeve was a very, very new looking shoebox, kept in immaculate condition. We strolled around a bit until we saw it: "CRAZY CLARKS" the sign read. We were thinking, "hmmm... what kind of a store is this?" And that's when we fell in love with Crazys. It has everything at really cheap prices. Everything, really cheap. But, all good things come to an end and we had to say goodbye to Crazys. A couple of prezzies and about 2 hours later, we left Brisbane and started our way back to the hotel. This was the first and only time I slept in the vans. Some people made a habit of it. And some were very unattractive whilst doing it.

After we got home it was straight to our rooms, just mellowing out. That night we turned in at about 10pm and had a sleep in.

Saturday 18.9.99 Day 6

Saturday, sleep in day. All the cricket was over now and it was time to relax and enjoy ourselves. At about 11am most people were out of bed, so we decided to have a team meeting to give John a chance to tells us exactly what he thought of the game on the previous day. But despite that, Robin got the M.V.P for the game.

We also got to decide what we would make of the day and as the parents weren't too enthusiastic of "nothing" as an option we headed out to the local market. Very cool. This place had everything. Ties, shirts, flowers, dolls, bongs, EVERYTHING. I managed to score myself an Ice Hockey shirt for only $50 (about half of what I would pay in New Zealand) and everyone else got themselves a heap of stuff as well.

As we were driving to the market we noticed this huge, HUGE, building. "That's Pacific Fair" Mr Eder said. Now, there is no way to decribe the size of this place and I don't have figures on how big it was. As we were at the market that day, we didn't get to go into Pacific Fair, but we were promised a look later on. After a lunch of hamburgers and chips at the market we walked around the market until it was time to leave. About 2pm. So we piled into the vans and headed to where the Billibong Seconds factory shop was (hey, we're students here), so we shot past an ATM machine and headed south.

We saw the Billibong Factory shop(normal one, slightly cheaper but still expensive) and the Rip Curl factory shop (ditto). But, what wasn't there was the Billabong seconds factory shop. Where the hell was it? Well, we decided to go into the Billabong factory shop and ask, He said, yes it USED to be there but it was now over on the other side of Surfers, pretty close to where we were staying. So, we looked around the Billabong shop for a bit, scored myself a belt, went to the Rip Curl Factory Shop, some people bought stuff. But it wasn't until we were going to the recently moved vans that we saw the most beautiful sign in the world "Crazy Clarks" it read AND THIS WAS A WAREHOUSE SIZED SHOP.

So we stop drooling, picked ourselves up and sprinted through those glass doors. Man we spent some money that day. $5 polyester boxer shorts, $2 ankle socks, Tim's $2 beard shaver, EVERYTHING. When we were successfully out of money and Mr Eder had bought all his presents, we left Crazys and headed for home.

It was getting close to tea time and we had a problem. No food. So Tim, Glen, Kev and I headed out with Jonny, Jason, Malcom and Mr Eder. We got as far as Pizza Hut and our problem was solved. We can get food another day. All we could eat later, we headed back to the Palmerston and the spa. Got to bed at about 11pm that night.

Sunday 19.9.99 Day 7

Check out day, we got up at about 9.00am and were mostly packed from the night before. Out of there before 10.00am and very satisfied with our stay. It had been decided earlier on, that it would be a good idea to Go to Movie World on the Sunday because we had some time before check out and check in. So we arranged with the 'Equinox' to dump our stuff in the carpark, so we did that and headed to Movie World which opened at 10 am.

We got to Movie World and saw the lines into it, Big. We took a little extra time with the teller chick which meant that with our Bonus passes we could just go straight through with the next parks. When we got in through the gates, we followed Glen (who had been there before) straight to the Lethal Weapon Ride.

We would usually have to stand in line for about half an hour, and I would do it . It is the best ride in the world. If you look at the picture you still can't imagine what it is like. But it is cool, take my word for it. But since we were first there, most of us got in on the first ride. We got to the front of the line and they took us into a movie room thing where you watched a movie with Lethal Weapon (the movie) clips. Then the doors opened and you lined up again to get various seats along the roller coaster thing. Your turn comes and you tighten your shoes, take off all loose clothing and you prepare yourself for something that you have no idea what will happen. To find out more, you will have to go on it. Cause like both times I was flying round the track I can't say a word. Kev, sitting next to me, though seemed to be speaking french or something *nieve smile*. After the second time on Lethal Weapon it was nearly time for the Police Academy Stunt Show that was an arranged meeting point.

Also very cool, with really bad acting and superb stunts with fireballs and cars. I am sorry to say however, that I was about two minutes to early going into the Stunt Show, because apparrently at the time, an Austin Powers street show was going on just outside, involving the man himself and femme bots.

We had all day so we decided to go and do everything straight away. With this thinking in mind we (Me, Glen, Jonny, Jason, Malcom) decided to go to the Wild Wild West Ride, a log floom ride. You know the kind where you are going along in a boat or something with the big drop with water at the end. We went on that one the most. After Wild Wild West we decided to move on for now, but we were definitly going back.

As we were walking around we met up with Tim and Kev who had heard from a couple of people who had been on Gremlins and said it was quite good. So we headed out to Gremlins, the ride started off showing bloopers clips since movies started basically and that was quite funny. From there a really bad acting employee pretended that Gremlins had taken over the studio (really badly) and we "rushed" out the "emergency" exit. But wait, it gets worse, from there we went very slowly round a well lit path with NEARLY real looking gremlins hanging off things NEARLY 3 metres away from you. Nearly trying to grab us. Well I'll leave it there and say that we finished that ride wondering what the hell we just did with the last half an hour.

We needed something to cheer us up so we decided to eat lunch while we were waiting to go on the Batman ride. This wasn't Jonny, Malcom, and Jason's scene so they left. The line was a lot longer than the Gremlins one which was a good sign. While we were waiting Mr Eder joined us. So for the next 10-20 mins we waited in line trying to eat our thick cheese sandwhiches on staleish bread. When we got to the front and ready to go through we were asked to put our lunch away, so the bin finished off the rest of our sandwiches. We'd grab a hot dog later.

We went into the Batman place which started in Bruce Waynes library, this set was pretty cool, and it was nice and dark. The wall opens and you walk into the bat cave where an unreal robot "batman" gives you the lowdown on what's been happening in Gotham City. Not the best, but bearable. From there we moved into the motion simulators which were very cool but the screen was a little close. Apart from that, a good ride. We came out of that and it was just about time to go to the Maverick Magic show.

Once again, bad acting but very cool effects. All and all, a good show. Then we caught up on that hot dog we had promised ourselves and made our way to a studio tour they had. Getting showed round all the studios was cool and we saw blue screen effects and sound effects actually used in movies. Tim got to get dressed up in a tight wee Superman costume, that left us all a bit giggly (it must have been cold out), and was put in front of a blue-screen to simulate flying. Feeling a little childish we decided to go to the Loony Toons ride and the Marvin The Martian 3D Movie.

We were quite impressed by the Loony Toons ride considering what we thought it would be like. Most of us rated it as one of the best. Then we made our way over to the Marvin Show and lined up. A very spinny show that left you with very sore eyes. Not what we expected. Well, we (Me, Tim, Kev, Glen, Malcom, and Robin)decided that we'd had enough disappointment for today so we all agreed to go back to Wild Wild West.

We loved it, so we did it again. Everyone liked it so much we decided to go and pull faces at the camera. So, we did. three more times. At the end of the day we had a satifying picture, 6 rides On Wild Wild West under our hat, clothes soaked right through and the biggest grins on our faces. A very successful day.

But wait, there's more. From there we went to the "Equinox" to check in. We arrived there at about 5.30pm that night and all our bags were where'd left them, always a good thing. We had a little trouble with the placings of people in rooms but that was soon over with and we settled in for the night.

Last updated 28 November 1999.

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