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Click here for the weather in Christchurch at the moment

Bede is on the net
(mothers, lock up your daughters!)


As you may have heard my homepage has been having some problems as of late. BUT, I am back on track and here are some of the things new to my page.

A Bio of my Cricket trip to Australia to experience cricket in another country well the first week anyway.

Pictures from the Tramp (hike) I went on to Abel Tasmen, check it out.

More pictures from the Tramp (hike) Check them out.

More pics of me with all my mates (yes both of them).

Something about me

I live in Christchurch , which is the principal city in Canterbury, New Zealand.

I am 18 and I have a twin brother Tim. I started doing a Degree in Recreation Management at Lincoln university (the equivelent of a college which is just out of Christchurch) in 2001 and I hope to be graduating halfway through 2004. So far I have passed all my subjects with a B average so I can't complain and I'm well on the way.

Now some statistics about my appearance. I have two brown eyes,a brown, white or red nose (depending on the time of year),about half a billion brown hairs, one mouth, two arms, two hands,(five fingers on each), two brown or white legs (also depending on the time of year),and two feet (each with five toes). I am 5'6" (and growing) and an absolute babe magnet (pinch me I'm dreaming).


Here is a picture of Me, you aren't allowed to laugh, you probably will but since it's my page I might as well go out on a limb and show the world who created it.
Or for a more interactive thing you can check out my web cam and hope it is running at the moment.

My interests

I enjoy a wide range of sports including rugby where I play fullback and cricket in which I am a wicket keeper who bats. I also play touch rugby, and Ice hockey where I play any position except goalie.

My favourite US team are the Nashville preditors I suppose! Sure, they suck, but I've got a hockey jersey with them on it so I guess that's the closest I can get huh?

If ya bored, check these out

Click here for Miranda Sokalski's page
(She's a legend in her own mind).

To my father, Allan Campbell's Homepage

Bede's Music page

This site is Kate's and she has done some pretty cool stuff in her life.

Here is the long awaited JOKES PAGE

Here is a Politically Incorrect jokes page.

Click here for my Facts site. (To the best of my knowledge these are correct.).


If you have somthing to say about my homepage
or just want to give me a bell
then send me an e-mail at

Or send me a message on ICQ, I love meeting new people.
My number is 10225725

And I am currently so feel free to send me a message.

Last updated December 2001

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