You will find all informations about archery for disabled.
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IPC Archery
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Find the results of the major tournaments of the past:
Olympic Games
World and Regional Championships
... and more!
(now updated back to 1988)
visit our
Documentation Center
Development and Technical Programs
Our Sport Federation have started a project for the development of paralympic sports all over the world. Contact us for more details
Blind Archers
The movement of IBSA Archery exist and there are many countries involved with good athletes and competitions.
At the beginning of September in Bordeaux (FRA) there will be a competition promoted by IPC Archery and the first IBSA Archery meeting will be hostes to prepare the official birth of this new section of our sport.
Give a sight to the proposal of rules that is under development
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1998 World Championships
From the 1st of August to the 9th there was the biggest World Championships of the history!
Stoke Mandeville (GBR) hosted the 1998 edition of the Championships
136 archers from 30 countries partecipated in the tournament.
Look at Results and new Records
New entries
in the calendar
We have received some informations about tournaments in France. See the Calendar of Event
(other national tournaments).
If you want to promote your national competition use our Touurnament Registration Form.
You will find a place in our calendar
new disciplines!
Field and Ski Archery

Ski Archery programsare going to start in several country all around the world.
If you want to know more,
contact us!
New rules
Attention! IPC Archery is changing rules and the Sport Assembly will discuss the new rules at the next meeting in August, during the World Championships.
You can find a draft of the new technical rules in this site.
FITA have published the '98 Handbook. This new release is available on the net .
Order it or Download from FITA Web.
New Classification System
In Stoke the new Functional Classification System will be presented to all nations. Look at the final draft here!! |