Boys Soccer Team 98/99
Team Colours:
White strip with black trim, black shorts with white trim, white socks
Tentative 1998 Games' Schedule:
February 22....... Chilliwack, 2 games
March 14,15...... Lynn Valley Tournament, Vancouver
April 18.............. Commencement of League Play Gold division
April 4,5 ............ Mission Tournament
April 26 ............. Vernon Rep Trial Day
May 16,17,18..... Kamloops Tournament
June 10,17.......... Provincial Cup qualifiers
June 21.............. Abbotsford Soccer Weekend (cancelled)
June 27,28,29..... Kelowna Summer Classic
July 9,10,11,12... Provincial Cup Finals, Surrey, B.C.
October 17,18.... Kelowna Cup Finals, Kelowna, B.C.
Team's Level and Affiliation:
"A" Select Level
Central Okanagan Youth Soccer Association, Kelowna, B.C., Canada
B.C. Youth Soccer Association, Vancouver, B.C.
1997 Season Stats (as U-12 1997):
Games played 28 - Wins 17 - Ties 4 - Loses 7
Interior Champions
2nd. place winner in Provincial Cup Finals at U.B.C., Vancouver, B.C.
Last Season Stats (as U-13 1998):
Games played 40 - Wins 21 - Ties 6 - Loses 13
1st. place winner in U-14 League in Kelowna, B.C.,
Interior Champions
3rd. place winner in Provincial Cup Finals at Newton Park, Surrey, B.C.
Sponsors 97/98:
Our thanks go to Bank of Montreal and to Riverside Forest Products for their generous contribution.
About us:
The Kelowna Celtics U-13 Select Boys started in September 1996 as a U-12 Select team, part of the Select Program of the Player Development Committee of the Central Okanagan Youth Soccer Association in Kelowna, B.C. We are proud of our accomplishments since then as a team and individualy as players. We practice indoors until April when we are allowed on the outdoor playing fields. Two new players were added for this season to replace two departed ones. We hope to have some guest coaches and we have added some aerobics sessions this year. We are currently involved in regular league play in Kelowna until September with a break during Summer. League and Cup games promise to be a formidable challenge as we will play against strong teams from Rutland, Mission, Westside, Lake Country and Kelowna Clubs. The team will be attending a number of tournaments as well as part of the Select program. Provincial Premier Cup qualifying games were held in June and we won the qualification. As the Interior Champions we were part of the four finalists to the B.C. Provincial Cup again this year. The Provincial Cup finals were held in the Newton Athletic Sports Complex in Surrey and we earned 3rd. place this year.
Youth Soccer:
Youth soccer refers to the game played by boys and girls from age 6 to 18. Age groupings are known as Under-XX. For instance, a team of 10 year olds is called Under-11, a team of 14 year olds is called Under-15, and so forth. Currently the ages are based on a calendar year. When players reach the age of 19, they no longer fall within the category of youth, they become part of men (adult) soccer.
The game is played in mini fields with simplified rules up to the age of Under-10. After that, teams play in regular size pitches with full F.I.F.A. rules.
Kids are grouped according their ability in gold, silver and bronze levels. In certains regions these are known as A,B & C, or Premier, A and B.
For more information about the youth soccer structure in Canada click here.
Select Soccer:
Select soccer refers to a higher caliber than that of gold teams. Select Teams for any given age group are instituted by some Youth Soccer Associations in the Province. These associations receive special dispensation from the Provincial Soccer body to establish Select Teams. This is done so the association with a limited number of registrants for its region can compete fairly with much larger associations.
Select youth soccer teams are part of player development programs in their associations of origin. It is common in the Central Interior and Northern part of British Columbia.
Provincially only one representant team from the interior is allowed into the quarter finals by B.C. Soccer
Metro Soccer:
Metro soccer is similar in nature to Select soccer, with the difference that it starts at the Under-14 age level. It is the player development program of choice for those larger associations that do not have a "select" dispensation from B.C. Soccer. Metro soccer is the strongest caliber of youth soccer nowadays and it is common place in the Lower Mainland and Lower Vancouver Island regions.
Provincial cup winners in the Under-15 and up categories are allowed to represent British Columbia in the Nationals competition.
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