Nothing but the Oakland Raiders
Here you will find various information about one of the greatest teams in football history. So just sit back, relax and enjoy.
NOTE: I have a new type of font for the titles of my sections called Pastor of Muppets. If all you see is a normal bold faced font for the title then you don't have this font. Click here if you need this type of font. It's in zip format so you will need an unzipping program. After you've downloaded it just put it with all your other fonts on your computer, this folder is probably in the Windows folder when you go to Windows Explorer.
This site is constantly changing!!!!
What's New
August 16th, 1999
I put up the Raiders win from this last Sunday. Will try to put up the newest roster as soon as possible.
Planned Sections: There is a slight possibility of me putting up an image section. I dunno, I'll have to wait and see
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since Febuary 12th 1998.
This site was coded entirely with HTML, is maintained by Jacob Richards and was created with Netscape Communicator in mind.
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Jacob Richards.
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