Welcome to Eulle's guestbook. If you have not signed it please do. If you have signed it in the past check again because the questions may have changed.

You can e-mail me and give me any suggestions to improve my web page at eulle23@yahoo.com

Sign Guestbook

rose orlik - 12/01/00 12:12:06
My Email:roseorlik@hotmail.com
Pooh Nicknames: tigger
Stupid Cuneo sayings: tigger is poo
FP Fan Club Member?: new orleans sector, so sort of, yes
If not member, becoming member?: tigger?
Favorite Dr. Seuse book?: green eggs and tigger, sorry i mean ham
Favorite NBA team: lakers

whom do you suppose tigger is?

Mike - 06/29/00 17:19:59
My URL:http://angelfire.com/ma3/stimazsite
My Email:MIKE3422S@AOL.COM
FP Fan Club Member?: No
If not member, becoming member?: mayb
Favorite Dr. Seuse book?: The one with the ryhmes, wait, thats all of them...
Favorite NBA team: Celtics/Trail Blazers

Yo What Up?? 2 Bad we could only win 2 games of basketball!!

Matt Dineen - 06/17/00 02:24:33
My Email:matt_dineen@hotmail.com
Pooh Nicknames: I dunno
Stupid Cuneo sayings: I think he is gay
FP Fan Club Member?: no
If not member, becoming member?: HELL YES
Favorite Dr. Seuse book?: Green eggs and Ham
Favorite NBA team: Cletics


Dirk - 05/14/00 02:05:15
Stupid Cuneo sayings: too many to name
FP Fan Club Member?: nope
If not member, becoming member?: sure
Favorite Dr. Seuse book?: i fish 2 fish

hey elewell waz up ? i just got bored and decided to visit ur home page. pretty cool; well i will ttyl. - DiRk -

JIMMY JIM - 05/12/00 01:56:52
My Email:JE85305@YAHOO.COM
Pooh Nicknames: WHINNY?
Stupid Cuneo sayings: NO WAY JOSE???
FP Fan Club Member?: NONONO
If not member, becoming member?: WHATEVER ELWELL
Favorite Dr. Seuse book?: THE ONE WITHOUT HIM
Favorite NBA team: ummm,...i dunno..Celtics?

Hello Elwell.....What's up

chris S - 04/12/00 00:51:03
My Email:chris333s@hotmail.com
FP Fan Club Member?: no
If not member, becoming member?: ya
Favorite Dr. Seuse book?: green egs and ham and elwell u must b dumb askn this question
Favorite NBA team: 76ers


You know - 02/21/00 21:55:11
My URL:http://www.espn.com
My Email:You know it
Pooh Nicknames: Pooh is good enough
Stupid Cuneo sayings: "Why go to the Cullinary School of Art? I can't draw!"
FP Fan Club Member?: Yes
Favorite Dr. Seuse book?: Green Eggs & Ham
Favorite NBA team: Celtics

Yankees suck

Tracy - 02/11/00 13:22:14
My Email:tinytracy@hotmail.com
Pooh Nicknames: huh?
Stupid Cuneo sayings: um.. what?
FP Fan Club Member?: No
If not member, becoming member?: I dont know
Favorite Dr. Seuse book?: one fish two fish red fish blue fish
Favorite NBA team: Dont have a favorite.

Hey! I care across your page and your pretty sexy! email me sometime, k?

Cindy - 09/02/99 04:11:54
My URL:cwelch@smcvt.edu
Pooh Nicknames: Carla and I are Pooh and Piglet
FP Fan Club Member?: no
If not member, becoming member?: no
Favorite Dr. Seuse book?: Oh the Places You'll Go
Favorite NBA team: Celtics of course

Hey Chris, it's been a while since I've talked to you but I decided to check out your homepage! It's awesome!

Joanna - 12/29/98 05:27:31
My URL:http://-
My Email:cshjoanna_07@hotmail.com

eulle23 you have quite a nice homepage but informative. overall, not bad!

Dakota Dude - 10/28/98 03:50:57
My URL:http://surf.to/dakota-dude
My Email:dakota-dude@bigfoot.com
Favorite Dr. Seuse book?: Green Eggs & Ham
Favorite NBA team: Boston Celtics

Cool page. Keep up the great work.

denise and amanda - 07/15/98 04:00:06
My Email:nike1grl69@aol.com
Stupid Cuneo sayings: oh my god there are donkeys flying in this room
Favorite Dr. Seuse book?: green eggs and ham
Favorite NBA team: bulls?

I love you cuneo.(my sean). if you look underneith your bed donkeys will fly in your room too. it is fun because you can play with them. they can be green or blue or purple which ever donkeys you want so watch out........i love you sean

Steve - 06/29/98 04:20:50
My Email:Tea4Three@aol.com
FP Fan Club Member?: No
If not member, becoming member?: Hell, No!
Favorite Dr. Seuse book?: Green Eggs And Ham ('cuz it's in a BEASTIE lyric)
Favorite NBA team: What??? N.W.O??? Obviously the Red and Black

What the hell does anyone care about my comments? If you do care, E-Mail me. If I get any replies, I'll be very suprised. Then I'll open a can of Whoop-Ass and kick all yo asses. I'll do like the Undertaker and toss you off the top of a 20' high cage. Then I'll dive on top of you. Imagine what a 250 pound frogsplash from 20' up must feel like. Yeah, that's right! 250 pounds, and very fucking proud of it! Got a problem with that? Didn't think so! If you try to knock me, you'll get mocked. I'll stir-fry you in my wok. Your knees'll start shaking and your fingers'll pop. Like a pinch to the neck from Mr. Spock!

Colleen - 06/29/98 00:45:59
My Email:MMBTone213@aol.com
Pooh Nicknames: Jes is a cunt
Stupid Cuneo sayings: Two at a time I want...
FP Fan Club Member?: no, that's gay like conlon
If not member, becoming member?: shit no
Favorite Dr. Seuse book?: Horton hears a Ho
Favorite NBA team: Jetp

Kelly is stupid. She said she liked tha man in tha yellow hat. that's not true. she does not like men.

Kenny K. - 06/20/98 05:11:49
My URL:http://www.suckit.com
My Email:NikeKen 23
POOH nicknames: Elwell likes pooh!
Stupid Cuneo sayings: I can't leave my hotel room. It has a "Do Not Disturb" sign on it.
Do you prefer Devil Dogs or HO HO's?: I prefer ho's or skanks.
Favorite breakfast cereal: Whoever I wake up next to.
Do you enjoy Curious George? If so what is your favorite book?: Curious George sucks off Warren at the zoo!
Favorite NBA team: Any team with a white guy!

I like Warren's entry. Let it be known now that he can come down here and suck it. Just because he gives it to Cuneo up the ass doesn't mean he has to make fun of me. He's just asking for an ass whoopin 3:16 style. By the way, what's with all the pict res of black men on this site?

Colleen, damn straight - 05/13/98 03:01:17
My Email:MMBTone213
POOH nicknames: Pooh-tastic
Stupid Cuneo sayings: It ain't a sayin, but picture Cuneo dancin for me
Do you prefer Devil Dogs or HO HO's?: Hoe Hoe's
Favorite breakfast cereal: Frosty Flakes
Do you enjoy Curious George? If so what is your favorite book?: Curious George is a bad mamajama. My favorite is George Reads BlackMan Magazine
Favorite NBA team: Jetp

Cover up nakeds, please

Pat - 04/28/98 14:55:03
POOH nicknames: POOH licious
Stupid Cuneo sayings: Sean to do the dishes!!!
Do you prefer Devil Dogs or HO HO's?: Dogs Baby!
Favorite breakfast cereal: Lucky Charms.
Do you enjoy Curious George? If so what is your favorite book?: Cuneo loves men!
Favorite NBA team: Lakers

First of all cuneo loves the red muff! Second I like the picture of M.C. that you put on for pimpdaddy and I think that you should get more of varios differant people. Jim Gracia has done the horizontal lombada with Cuneo just for future referance. Denni Griffith gets it from Kenny K. up the poo pa!!!

Jim Gracie - 03/04/98 21:14:10
My Email:j_gracie@hotmail.com
POOH nicknames: Fuckhead
Stupid Cuneo sayings: AHHHH Uhhh.
Do you prefer Devil Dogs or HO HO's?: Ring Dings Be-atch
Favorite breakfast cereal: Frosted Flakes ( not that stupid cocoa shit)
Do you enjoy Curious George? If so what is your favorite book?: No
Favorite NBA team: Kansas City Faggots

Have a nice day!

Brian Curley - 03/03/98 22:37:40
My Email:Curley_Bria@bentley.edu
POOH nicknames: Pooh pooh ka-chu
Stupid Cuneo sayings: I want to make the gym longer!!!
Do you prefer Devil Dogs or HO HO's?: Ho Ho's
Favorite breakfast cereal: Honey nut cheerios
Do you enjoy Curious George? If so what is your favorite book?: yes, because he looks like Cuneo!!!
Favorite NBA team: Celtics and Heat!!!!

Well, besides that Cuneo loves men. I would like to see some pictures of Alicia Silverstone, Liv Tyler and other beautiful women. Make sure that these women lack clothing!!!! Also, make a web page of naked men for Cuneo!!!!!!!!!

Justin McMaster - 02/28/98 16:23:05
Stupid Cuneo sayings: Lisa C is a Ho
Do you prefer Devil Dogs or HO HO's?: Devil Dogs
Favorite breakfast cereal: Fruit Loops
Do you enjoy Curious George? If so what is your favorite book?: The one when he goes to the zoo
Favorite NBA team: Lakers


Pooh Richardson - 02/02/98 15:42:51
Do you prefer Devil Dogs or HO HO's?: Devil Dogs
Favorite breakfast cereal: Captain Crunch
Do you enjoy Curious George? If so what is your favorite book?: Yes, but I don't know the names of any of his book's
Favorite NBA team: What do you think?

I'm glad that you are a fan of mine and that you take an intrest in sport's. I do like the question about any knicknames that I have. I found your homepage very interesting and entertaining. I am glad that I have a fan somewhere. Keep up the good work Eu le. P.S. I won't put down the trivia question because I wouldn't want to ruin it for anybody else.

Jane Eggers - 01/16/98 19:42:54
POOH nicknames: Tiger
Stupid Cuneo sayings: bottomless cup of tea ?
Do you prefer Devil Dogs or HO HO's?: Devil Dogs
Favorite breakfast cereal: Granola
Do you enjoy Curious George? If so what is your favorite book?: Yes! I like them all !
Favorite NBA team: Definitely not the Celtics

Cool home page ! I like the pictures.

Dennis Griffiths - 01/07/98 21:37:03
POOH nicknames: POOH-TANG
Stupid Cuneo sayings: Queer!
Do you prefer Devil Dogs or HO HO's?: HO HO's
Favorite breakfast cereal: Frosted Flakes
Do you enjoy Curious George? If so what is your favorite book?: No, But I sleep with him after Keystone meetings
Favorite NBA team: a tie sonics and the calvs

visit the new location www.keenyloves/sandy/spicegirls/dannielle/nwo.com This web site is just to sweeeetttt!!!! its time for me to kick a little ass 3:16 style.

Kenny K. - 12/12/97 00:53:22
My Email:VniIaSpice
POOH nicknames: Pooh Jack Swiiiiing
Stupid Cuneo sayings: No Clu-neo, King Kong Cuneo, Hideo Cuneo
Do you prefer Devil Dogs or HO HO's?: Break open the dogs
Favorite breakfast cereal: Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Do you enjoy Curious George? If so what is your favorite book?: Have not read about Cuneo
Favorite NBA team: C's baby!

Not bad but would be better with some pictures of Emma Lee Bunton (Baby Spice) or the prettiest blonde in Woburn (Sexy Spice-D.M.)

grandmaster pimp campo - 12/12/97 00:50:07
My Email:Mariahs_dreamlover@yahoo.com
POOH nicknames: if you spell it backwards its HOOP
Stupid Cuneo sayings: GRIMACE!!!!!!!!!!
Do you prefer Devil Dogs or HO HO's?: Ho Ho's
Favorite breakfast cereal: Cookie crisp; Count Chocula; Nintendo cereal (old school!!!’
Do you enjoy Curious George? If so what is your favorite book?: The one where he sits on the man in the yellow hat's lap.
Favorite NBA team: Lakers


Here you go grandmaster pimp Campo

KELLY - 12/11/97 01:57:53
POOH nicknames: I DUNNO
Stupid Cuneo sayings: 2-Pac is ALIVE!!!!
Do you prefer Devil Dogs or HO HO's?: Gimme the Dogs.
Favorite breakfast cereal: None of the above.
Do you enjoy Curious George? If so what is your favorite book?: I like the man in the yellow hat.
Favorite NBA team: Basketball s....

Does heaven have a ghetto?

colleen - 12/08/97 19:02:09
Stupid Cuneo sayings: i oughtta whip out my... sean!!!
Do you prefer Devil Dogs or HO HO's?: devil dogs
Favorite breakfast cereal: frosted shredded mini wheats
Do you enjoy Curious George? If so what is your favorite book?: george rides a bike
Favorite NBA team: celticp

sean..to do the dishes sean..to clean up my room sean..to do the laundry sean..an' in the bafroom.

Quasimoto - 12/06/97 21:43:05
Stupid Cuneo sayings: Crazy boots Cuneo
Do you prefer Devil Dogs or HO HO's?: Devil Dogs
Favorite breakfast cereal: Cocoa Puffs
Do you enjoy Curious George? If so what is your favorite book?: Yes, George goes to the zoo
Favorite NBA team: Dallas Mavericks


Sandra Simms - 12/06/97 19:22:00
Stupid Cuneo sayings: Whatever!
Do you prefer Devil Dogs or HO HO's?: HO HO's
Favorite breakfast cereal: Muesli
Do you enjoy Curious George? If so what is your favorite book?: Never heard of it!
Favorite NBA team: Spurs

I think it is great! Chris rocks!

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