Han & Leia escape the Imperial Fleet


C-3PO & Han:"Sir! Sir!! Might I sugg- Shut him up or shut him down!"

Han:"Well...We can still outmaneuver them!"

Han:"Oh, yeah? Watch this! Watch what!??"

Han:"I think we're in trouble...."

Han:"I dunno how we're gonna get outta this one!"

C-3PO & Han:"Sir! The possibilty of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3, 720 to 1! Never tell me the odds!"

Vader:"Asteroids do not concern me, Admiral....I want that ship - Not excuses. Yes, my lord..."

Han & C-3PO:"Sir, it's quite possible this asteroid is not entirely stable. Not entirely stable? Well I'm glad you're here to tell us these things! Chewie - Take the professor in the back and plug him into the hyperdrive!"

Han:"Don't get excited!"

Leia & Han:"Let go....Let go - Please! Don't get excited!! Captain...Being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited....Sorry, Sweetheart...Haven't got time for anything else...."

Han & Leia:"Scoundrel? Scoundrel? I like the sound of that....Stop that. Stop what? Stop that...My hands are dirty. My hands are dirty too...What are you afraid of? Afraid? You're trembling...I'm not trembling...You like me because I'm a scoundrel...There are no scoundrels in your life....I happen to like nice men. I'm nice men...No you're not, you're - "


Blaster being fired.

Leia:"I have a bad feeling about this...."

Leia:"I am not a committee!"

Captain Needa:"Bounty Hunters...We don't need their scum..."

Bossk growling at Needa.

Vader:"I want them alive.........No disintegrations."

Fett:"As you wish..."

Han:"It's not my fault!"

Captain Needa:"They're moving to attack position!?"


Next Stop.....Bespin

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