Welcome to Cloud City. While you are visiting here, be sure to check out the fantastic sights, including the carbon freezing chamber and variety of landing platforms scattered about.
Arriving at Bespin
Han:"Keep your eyes open, huh?"
Lando:"Hello...What have we here?"
From bad to worse...
Vader:"We would be honored if you would join us..."
Damaged Goods
Fett & Vader:"He's
no good to me dead! He will not be permenantly damaged..."
Vader:"Perhaps you think you are being treaten - unfairly?"
C-3PO being reactivated by Chewbacca NEW
Traumatic Childhood Experience
When I first saw the film at the age of eight, I cried my eyes out when Solo was frozen in carbonite! I kept yelling "Freeze Luke instead!" at the screen!
Vader:"I do not want the Emperor's prize damaged. We will test it - On Captain Solo!"
Fett & Vader:"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me! The Empire will compensate you if he dies...Put him in!"
The Classic Scene that almost wasn't
When the carbon freeze scene was first shot, Solo was supposed to reply, "Don't forget that, 'cause I'll be back..." Ford thought that the reply would have been too direct for Solo, and improvised the scene. What ended up on camera was pure gold.
Leia & Han:"I love you! I know..."
Fett:"Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold."
C-3PO:"Well, at least you're still in one piece! Look what happened to me!!"
Say Cheese, Tony!
Look closely at the back of C-3PO's head in this scene and you can spot Anthony Daniels' face...
Trivia Note
The actor playing the Imperial Officer in this scene is none other than Jeremy Bulloch, who also portrayed Boba Fett, but was replacing an extra who called in sick.
Leia:"Luke! Don't!! It's a trap! Noooo! It's a trap!!"
The Human Kangaroo
In the Widescreen version of the film, turn the brightness up on the TV and watch the bottom left corner of the screen during this scene. When Luke knocks Vader off the platform, you can first see Mark Hamill "hand off" the saber prop to a stagehand, then watch him bounce as he hits the trampoline in the bottom left corner as he drops off the side!
Vader:"The Force is with you young Skywalker. But you are not a Jedi yet..."
Vader:"All too easy..."
Vader:"Perhaps you are not as strong as the Emperor thought !" NEW
Vader:"Your destiny lies with me, Skywalker...Obi-Wan knew this to be true." NEW
Vader:"Impressive...Most impressive..." NEW
Vader:"Don't make me destroy you..."
How high up is he?
Truth be told, Hamill was only about ten feet up during this scene, with the reactor tunnel drawn in as a matte painting in post production.
Vader taking one on the shoulder
Luke screaming as his hand gets cut off
Vader:"You are beaten...It is useless to resist...Don't let yourself be destroyed as Obi-Wan did..." NEW
Turning Point of the Trilogy
So as to throw people off the true nature of the story, in the shoot of this scene, Lucas had David Prowse utter the line, "Obi-Wan was your father" and then had James Earl Jones dub in the true line afterwards.
Vader:"I am your father!"
Luke:"No! That's not true! That's impossible!!"
The Added Scene
I like the added scene with Vader in ESB:SE, adding the shuttle as a kind of tie-in with Jedi's start, but the continuity factor I found altered between the high tension escape of the Falcon mixed with the subdued approach and arrival of Vader on the Executor...
Vader:"Alert my Star Destroyer to prepare for my arrival."
C-3PO:"I thought that hairy beast would be the end of me! Of course I've looked better!"
C-3PO:"Artoo-Deeto! You know better than to trust a strange computer!"
Quick Reaction
It is too funny how quickly Luke shoots up on the "Father!" line...
Vader & Luke:"Luke! Father!!"
C-3PO:"I'm standing here in pieces and you're having delusions of grandeur!"
Luke says "May the Force be with you" only once throughout the entire trilogy.
Luke:"May the Force be with you." NEW