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the Batcave
Batman (The Joker):"This town needs an enema!"
Batman (The Joker):"He stole my balloons!!"
Batman (The Joker):"It's as though we were made for each other....Beauty and the Beast....Course, if anyone else calls you beast, I'll rip their lungs out....."
Batman (Batman):"Excuse me.....have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"
Batman (Batman & The Joker):"I'm gonna kill you......You idiot! You made me! Remember? You dropped me into that vat of chemicals!"
Batman (Batman):"I made you.....You made me first...."
Batman (Bruce):"....Made mistakes.....Then he had someone knock his lights out! Now you wanna get nuts?? C'mon......Let's get nuts!"
Batman (The Joker):"Never rub another man's rhubarb!"
Batman (Vicky & Bruce):"I just gotta know...Are we gonna try to love each other? I'd like to....But he's out there right now....And I've gotta go to work...."
Batman (The Joker):"You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?"
Batman (Goon & Batman):"Don't kill me! Don't kill me, man! I'm not going to kill you...I want you to do me a favor....I want you to tell all your friends about me....What are you!??? I'm Batman...." (148k)
Batman Returns (Batman):"Things Change...."
Batman Returns (Catwoman):"I am Catwoman.......Hear me roar..."
Batman Forever (The Riddler):"Riddle me this, riddle me that...Who's afraid of the big black bat?"
Batman Forever (Batman):"It's the car, right? Chicks love the car..."
Batman & Robin (Batman):"You get the ice....I'll get the Iceman..."
Batman & Robin (Mr. Freeze):"Alright everyone.....Chill!"
Batman & Robin (Robin & Batman):"I want a car....Chicks dig the car! This is why Superman works alone..."
Batman & Robin (Mr. Freeze):"You're not sending me to the cooler!"
Batman & Robin (Batman):"Hi, Freeze...I'm Batman!"
Batman & Robin (Robin, Batman & Mr. Freeze):"Nice Catch! You break it - You buy it....Grab the gem! Kill the heroes!!!"
Batman & Robin (Batman & Robin):"1 million dollars....2 million....You don't have it...3 million....I'll borrow it from you - 4 million...5 million...That's a utility belt, not a money belt...6 million...7 million...Never leave the cave without it..." (194k)
CLick the Boy Wonder for E Mail....No, that's not meant to be
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