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This site and most content © 1996 - 2000 Don Harper


One of my major interests is the Rubik's Cube. I purchased my first cube in Pensacola, Florida in 1980. I had read about it in the "Toys and Puzzles" section of Omni Magazine. I managed to solve it (much to the surprise of everyone) on my own. Heck, I had to; at that time the only published solution was a "Mathematical Treatise" written by a professor in England (H.B. Thistlethwaite or David Singmaster?) I don't remember now. I have owned over 30 different types of cubes (I still have most of them), knew 5 distinct methods for solving it (I still remember 3 of them), and I can still solve the "standard" Rubik's cube in under 1 minute. My fastest time for solving the cube is 32 seconds (I did this back in 1981, and I became the 1981 Gulf Coast Rubik's Cube Champion, thankyouverymuch). Have a look around, and enjoy.
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