IceSpeedskating Statistics: Results, Samalogs, Splittimes and Laptimes of WCh

Ron Broersma's Icespeedskatingtimes Database


Last update : February 14 2000. Results of the World Cup Baselga (partly), World Championships 2000, European Championships 2000 and Olympics 1998 can be found by clicking the menubuttons below. Updates will take place on a regular basis, please check this site out again soon.


International IceSpeedskating Statistics: Season Rankings per distance, Overviews per skater, Rankings per distance/country, samalogs, results and cool links


World Cup Baselga di Piné, lap- and splittimes 1500 Men Group A

World Championships Milwaukee 2000, Samalogs and Final Ranking Ladies


World Championships Milwaukee 2000, Samalogs and Final Ranking Men

World Championships Milwaukee 2000, Split- and laptimes 3 K Ladies

World Championships Milwaukee 2000, Split- and laptimes 5 K Men

World Championships Milwaukee 2000, Split- and laptimes 1500m Ladies

World Championships Milwaukee 2000, Split- and laptimes 1500m Men

European Championships Hamar 2000, Samalogs Ladies and Men

Personal records from skaters all over the world 1999/2000, including distance-rankings (also per country) and much more

'Cool' links to great other speedskating sites

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The data on this site is not, I repeat not official. But I try to be as complete as possible.


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