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  Jumping Dolphins  
Lets jump right in  OK!
Mud is a Diving club based in Hattiesburg Mississippi. Yes your right there are not very many places to dive in Hattiesburg.Knife We are close enough to the Gulf Coast to be very functional as a dive club  in lower Mississippi. There's Biloxi and Pascagoula that offer some rig and wreck diving ,which is less then two hours away. Gulf Shores Ala. has diving too and not to forget Destin and Panama City Beach Fla. for some good diving fun.Diver Swimming
The club has been on diving trips to the Bahamas ,Cancun ,and all places in-between . The club decides where we will go at the monthly meetings. If interested we have our meetings EVERY SECOND THURSDAY night of the month
at 7 pm at O'Charleys restaurant {in the back room to the right }.
How did this get started ?
OK Hand SignalWell a bright handsome young lad named Morris with a few good friends decided to start the club here in Hattiesburg. They found there was a large amount of people that dive that live in the surrounding area of Hatt. BC Image. So why not have a club to help the divers in this area dive more often . The more people that dive the better the rates  and not to mention more chances to dive. If you don't dive and wish to learn Mr. Bill will teach diving almost every month out of the year. If you need more info on the club or diving instructions then you can reach me Chops at 1-601-582-8532 .
Here are some of the sights I have seen since I started diving with the MUD club a few years ago . Enjoy the sights and please check us again soon for we will update the page from time to time.
Cave Image
Clown fish 
Well that's all for now for this is new to me {chops}.If you have any comments please email them to me. We want this to be a great site.
      This site was designed by Chops & Clarence your Cajun Connection
A Dancing Coon  
Email me at Ya'll come back now !!! Ya hear!!

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Chops Meyers

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