Greg Maddux Cards
87 donruss rookie #52
90 leaf #25
92 Bowman #148
Pinnacle team2000 #32
Score impact players #77
topps gold #580
Ultra award winners #24
93 Bowman #550
Finest regular #85 jumbo #85
Leaf gold all star with nolen ryan #R19
Select aces #4 chase stars #9
Staduim Club murphy #126 master photos #27
Topps black gold #12
triple play league leaders #L2
Ultra all stars #9 award winners #1 #22 performers #6
ud gold #448 gold #535
94 Bowman best #R36 #X101 refractor #R36
cc gold #183
Donruss award winner jumbos #2
finest #209
Flair hot gloves #5
fun pack #131 #184
Leaf gold stars #8 limited #87 gold all stars #18
Pinnacle museum #11 team pinnacle #9
score gold rush #524 #624 gold rush #624
Select crown contenders #CC2
SP die cut #54
Stadium club super teams #ST1
Topps gold #499 traded finest inserts #1
Triple Play #14
ud electric diamond #320
95 bowman #406 best #R15 refractors #R15
cc gold #63 silver #63 silver #67 se gold #60
gold #142 silver #142 common #249 gold #249
silver #249
donruss all star #NL1 elite #51 mound marvels #1
fleer team leaders #15
leaf goldstars #9 limited #115
pacific gold crown die cuts #1 prisms #4
pinnacle museum #244 preformers #PP12 red hot #RH12
team pinnacle #TP1
score rules #SR15
sp silver #31 special fx #29
fall classic #7
sportflix #45 double take #12
summit #30 #189
ud elec diamond #49 predictor award winners #H27
special edition #151
zenith #37 z team #8
96 bowman #67 refractor #1BP14 atomic
refractor #BBP14
bowmans best refractors #85 mirror image #9
circa acess #14 boss #27
collectors choice gold #6 silver #6 #8 gold #8 silver #8
gold #40 #268 silver #386
gold #396 gold #709 silver #709 gold #754
silver #754 gold #22
donruss press proof #394 diamond kings #15 elite #68
freeze frame #5 showdown #3
finest #G145 gold #G145 bronze #G145 silver #G145 #S1 gold #S1
bronze #S1 silver #S1 #S235 gold #S235 bronze #S235
silver #S235
flair #205 hot gloves #6
fleer tiffany #299 team leaders #15 zone #7
fleer update tiffany #232 diamond tribute #6
leaf bronze #192 gold #192 silver #192 gold #19
hats off #8 picture perfect #3 statistical standouts #6
leaf limited pennant craze #6
leaf preferred press proof #12 staremaster #8 steel #53
gold #53 silver #53
leaf signature #3 gold #3 platinum #3
metal platinum #134 titanium #5
pacific gold crown die cuts #DC28 hometowns #HP2
october moments #OM1 prisms #P6 gold #P6
flame throwers #FT7 redhot stars #RH8
pinnacle essence of the game #2 skylines #3
artist proof #1 #154 artist proof #154
team pinnacle #9 team spirit #1
pinnacle aficionado #22 artist proof #22 #199 artist proof
#199 magic numbers #2 slick picks #14
score all star #10 diamond aces #7 dream team #9
dugoutcollection #B1 artist proof #B1 gold stars #17
numbers game #6 reflextions #17
select artist proof #7 #159 artist proof #198 claim to fame#2
en fuego #4 team nucleus #12
select certified artist proof #32 #137 artist proof #137
interleague preview #2 select few #6
sp baseball heroes #89
special fx die cut #1
sportflix artist proof #8 artist proof #143 double take #5
promotion #2
spx #1 gold #1 bound for glory #5
stadium club extreme players bronze #132 gold #123 silver
#123 extreme winners bronze #EW1 gold #EW1
#EW1 metalist #M6
studio #18 bronze #18 gold #18 masterstrokes #8 stained glass
stars #4
summit ballparks #8 positions #6
topps classic confrontations #CC15 masters of the game #19
mystery finest #M2 power boosters #3 profiles #NL4
topps chrome #3 #125 refractors #3 #125 masters of the
game #19 refractor #19
ultra gold medallion #160 #585 gold medallion #585
gold medallion #5
gold medallion #B8 diamond producers #5 gold medallion #5
gold medallion #6 respect gold
medallion #4 gold medallion #5
ud predictor hobby #H44
zenith artist proof #13 #134 artist proof #134 diamond cuts
#18 real diamonds #18 mozaics #1 Zteam #5
97 bowmans chrome #79 refractors #79
bowmans best #40 atomic refractors #40 mirror image #M13
refractors #13 atomic refractors #13
circa super boss #11 icons #6
rave reviews #6
collectors choice new frontier #NF36
donruss press proof #7 gold #7 gold #423 press proof #449
gold #449
donruss elite gold #4
donruss preferred #6 starmasters #13 tin packs #12
finast #158 #294 embossed #158 #294
flair showcase style #44 diamond cuts #10
hot gloves #10
fleer tiffany #263 decade of excellence #6 soaring stars #8
glowing stars #8 zone #10
leaf dressed for success #1 get a grip #1 gold stars #11
statistical standouts #7
metal titanium #5
new pinnacle interleague encounter #7 keeping the pace #2
pacific #240 blue #240 card supials #24 prisms #82 ltblue #82
platinum #82 gate attractions GA19 gems of the
diamonds #GD113 sluggers abd hurlers #SH8B
pinnacle museum #189 artist proof #189 bronze #189 gold #189
silver #189 cardfrontations #1 passport to the
majors #1
pinnacle certified #83 red #83 #143 red #143 certified team
#19 gold #19
pinnacle inside club edition #16 cans #10 dueling
dugouts #15
pinnacle totally certified platinum red #83 blue stars #83
#143 blue #143
pinnacle X-press metal works #10 silver #10 gold #10
score highlight zone #7 stand and deliver #2 premium stock
#215 #520 common showcase #215 #520
select red #23 blue #23 #2 mirror
blue #2
sky-box e-x2000 #57
sp #23 inside info #6 marquee matchups #MM13
si extra edition #75 #173
spx #7 bronze #7 gold #7 bound for glory #3
cornerstone of the game #3
stadium club matrix #196 patent leather #PL5
studio #88 silver #88 gold #88 master strokes #12
SI great shots #4
topps hobby masters #HM3
topps chrome #49 refractors #49
topps gallery players private issue #26
topps stars #17 always mint #17 {97}all stars #AS1
ultra baseball rules diamond producers #6
fielders choice #12 starting role #7
UD #65 #260 predictor #3 hot commodities #HC19
zenith #8
98 CC evolution revolution #ER2 sq#88
Donruss press proof #35 #161 silver #35 #161 gold #35 #161
Elite #122 asperations #5 #122
back to the future #7 diamond kings #2
Fleer power game #12
Pacific #241 red #241 silver #241 team checklist #15
gold crown diecut #2
Pinnacle museum #14 epix #E21 purple #E21 artist proof #14
Score artist proof #9 #265 showcase #9 #265
all stars #19
TSC never compromise #NC8
Topps etch-a-sketch #4 hall bound #7 mystery finest #ILM3
stars n steel #26 holographic #26
Ultra gold medallion #122G diamond producers #8
prime leather #8 epix #E21
UD amazing greats #11 diecut #11