90 classic draft picks #1
91 o-pee-chee #333
topps tiffany #333
92 bowman #28
classic best blue bonus #7 red bonus #7 92-93 fleer excel all-stars #2
92 o-pee-chee #551
topps gold #551 gold winners #551
stadium club first draft picks #1
ud minor league top prospect holograms #3 poy
#5 minor #66
93 bowman #86
classic best #BC7 young guns #7
stars of the future #5
leaf gold rookies #19
stadium club first day production #638
ud 5th anniverary supers #11 SP #280
94 bowman #489 best #1 #108 refractors #108
o-pee-chee #57
pinnacle new generation #20
score boys of summer #58
sportflics 2000 #160
stadium club team #50 1st day #50
ud elec diamond #185 fun pack #5
95 bowman #262 gold #262
cc #154 gold #154
emotion #102
flair #325 wave of future #9
leaf #369 gold #22
leaf limited gold bat patrol #22
pinnacle new blood #6 zenith #111
summit #115 new age #11 degree #115
select #173 #235 cant miss #CM11 certified #107
future #1
sportflix artist proof #162 UC3 #101 clear shots #9
SP foil #34 championship #26 diecut #26
studio #160
summit #115 new age #NA11
topps finest update #221
tsc #543 crystal ball #1 league champs #3 winners #543
ultra gold #347
ud predictors #H39 se #14 se gold #14
96 bowman #76 best #7 best cuts #5 preview #1
cc #374 crash yhe game #CG1 silver #CG1 you make play #19
gold #42
donruss freeze frame #7
e-motion xl #142
fleer #293 baseball 96 #6
flair #200
metal#129 mining for gold #8 platinum portraits #5
leaf all star mvp #11 gold #11 gold stars #9 picture #5
lumberjacks #7 preferred #40
signature series #25
pacific gold crown die-cuts #DC31 hometown players #HP7
oct. moments #OM8 prism #2 fence busters #7 gold #2
red hot stars #10
pinnacle #399 foil #266 #396 all star fan fest #21
essence of the game #5
first rate #4 project stardom #6 skylines #15
starburst #45 #166 team spirit #10
aficionado #127 magic #^ slick pick #30 1st pitch
summit foil #126 #161 hitters inc #14
zenith #55 #137 diamond club #20 mozaics #1 z team #7
score all stars #18 big bats #20 diamond aces #8
artist proofs #47
numbers game #19 reflexions #1
select claim to fame #11 en fuego #12 team nucleus
certified #7 #142 interleague preview #11 red blue #7
sportflix double take #3 hit parade #15 power surge #1
promotion #10
SP #26 baseball heroes #85
SPX #2 bound for glory #6
studio #72 stain glass stars #5
topps mystery finest #M4 world champs #177
finast #16 #141 #192 expressionists #6
laser #45 bright spots #14
tsc extreme player silver #10 gold #10
members only #48 tsc awards #8
ud blue chip #BC10
predictor #H35
retail predictor #R34
97 bowman best #9 best cuts #BC2 mirror #M19
circa limited access #8
coll choice all star #30 big shot #15 crash #2A-2B-2C
new frontier #NF30 toast of the town #T2
donruss armed #3 diamond kings #10 dominators #9
power alley #10 elite #8 leather #4
turn of the century #3 limited #23
cut to the chase #170 tin packs #10
x ponential power
flair show case #A10 #B10
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leaf dressed #18 get a grip #4 gold stars #5 knotholegang #9
leaf limited counterpart #23
metal titanium #4
new pinnacle #123 #194
pacific #235 card-supials #22 fireworks die cuts #15 gold
crown die cuts #22 prisms #79 gate #GA18 gems of the
diamond #GD112 sizzling #SL8B
pinnacle cardfrontations #7 home #1 passport #8 certified
#59 inside cans #15 red #59
mint bronze #9 coin #9
xpress far and away #9 swing #44
score blast masters #8 heart #19 highlight #11 stand #3
titanic taters #14 premium stock #193
skybox e-2000 #54 stardate #5
sp #25 inside info #22 marquee matchups #MM9 special fx #7
SI #33 great shots #1
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stad club #1 firebrand #F8 millennium #M6 puregold #PG7
studio #hardhats #12 masterstrokes#17
topps all stars #AS8 awesome #A19
team timber #TT15 screenplay #12
chrome #97 chrome all stars #AS8
gallery heroes #GH2 peter max #4 photo #PG5
ultra baseball rules #4 double trouble #11 thundercap #7
ud #246 amazing greats #AG5 long distance #LD18
memorable moments #2 predictor #2 ticket #TS1
ud3 generation next #GN10
zenith 8x10 #14
98 Bowman #70
CC sq #74 stickums #2
Donruss press proof silver #21 #158 gold #21 #158
long ball leaders #8 back to the future #3
power index #16 elite #7 #124 aspirations #7 #124
craftsmen #7
Fleer zone #9
Pacific #235 red #235 silver #235 gold crown diecut #1
in the cage #1 team checklist #15
Pinnacle museum #18 epix #E15 artist proof #18
Score artist proof #51 showcase #51 epix #E15
TSC one of a kind #1 bowman preview #BP7
never compromise #NC11
Topps stars'n steel #21
Ultra gold medallion #202G diamond producers #7
prime leather #7 double trouble #4
UD amazing greats #AG10 national pride #NP36