Eddie Murray Cards I Have To Trade
87 leaf #110 
   Ralston Purina #33
88 Fleer #567
   Topps #4 #51 #495
89 bowman #346
   leaf #110
90 fleer #404 
91 Donruss MVP #405
   OPC #86
   topps #397 #590
   ultra #166
92 donruss update #U8/22
   Leaf gold edition #396
   OPC #193
   tsc #795
   ultra #532
   ud #32 #265 #728 #753
93 leaf heading for the hall #4/10 
   ultra #78
94 CC #595
     donruss #386
     Fleer #573
     Fleer X-Tra Bases #64
     Leaf #313
     leaf limited #29
      score #36
      Score R+T #RT% gold rush #RT5
      tsc #341
      triple play #117
      ultra #347
      ud #341
95    Bazooka #78
      bowman best #60
      emotion #36
      Flair #33
      fleer #141
      Pacific #125
      Pinnacle #342
      ud electric diamond #341
96 cc #124 you make the play #28
      circa #4
      Emotion XL #53
      pinnacle #117 #154 #280 starburst #81/100
      Score #79 #366
      Select #60
      topps laser #74
      tsc #224 #293
      ud #105 #316 #382
      zenith #49
97 circa #4
      cc #40 #250 the big show #8/45
      donruss #115 #267 #298
      fleer #7 #550 golden memories #6/10
      Metal #5
      new pinnacle #139
      pinnacle #65
      x-press #14
      score #46
      SI #48
      tsc #36 #244
      topps #333
      ultra #398 fame game #18/18 top30 #23/30
      UD3 #20
98    cc #15 #149
      Leaf #24
      ud #20 #401 10th anniversary preview #60/60