Tony Gwynn Cards I Have To Trade
85 Topps #600 #660
87 leaf #235
     topps #530
88 donruss #164 mvp #BC6
      topps #360 #669 all star #402
89 bowman #461
      donruss #6 #128 mvp #BC20
   Fleer #631 #634
      topps #570
90 donruss #86 all star #705 mvp #BC4
      fleer #157
      Score #685 
91 bowman #647
      donruss #243
      fleer #529
      leaf #290
      o-pee-chee #59
      topps #303
      ultra #303
      ud #255
92 donruss #425 #441
      leaf #206
      score #625 #887
      tsc #825 
      topps #270
      triple play  #219
      ultra #277
      ud #83 #247 #717
93 donruss #126
      fleer #138
      leaf #28 gold all stars #9/20 heading for the hall #2/10
      tsc #538
      select #5
      studio #100
      ultra #472
      ud #165 on deck #D14/25 then and now #TN11/18
94 bowman #120
      cc #122 #344 silver #122
      donruss #10 special edition #10 diamond kings #DK11/30
                        dominators #B1/10
      fleer #665 all stars #39/50 provision #9/9
      Fleer X-Tra Bases #372
      leaf limited #152
      pacific silver prisms #35/36
      score #12
      sportflics #25
      tsc #151 #537
      topps #620 gold #620
      triple play #167
      ultra #280
95    Bazooka #30
      cc #61 #73
      ccse #27 #160 silver #27 #160
      emotion #187 masters #4/10
      flair #201
      fleer #560
      Pacific #362
      pinnacle #291 pin redemption #17/18 team pinnacle #TP9/9
      score #561
      tsc #475 virtual reality #261
      topps traded #7
      topps embossed #6
      ultra #233 all stars #8/20 gold meddalion all stars #8/20
               league leaders #6/10
      ud predictor league leaders #R27/60
96    Bazooka #124
      circa #186 
      cc #2 #290 #408 you make the play #17/90
      fleer update #U224 headliners #8/20
      Pacific #198
      pinnacle #205 #267 #336
      score #16 dugout collection #15/110
      Select #59
      tsc #23 #301 silver #301 gold #301
           extreme players bronze #301
      Topps classic confrontations #CC9 star power #1
      ultra checklist #B4/10
      ud #116 #377 #450  diamond destiny #DD32/40
            hot commodities #HC19/20
            predictor retail #R57/60
      zenith #91 #150
97 circa #150 boss #7/20 limited access #6/15
      cc #56 #210 all stars #23/45 big shots #19/19 the big show #39/45
            stickums #19/30 
      donruss #3 #407 franchise features #15/15
      fleer headliners #7/20
      metal #219
      new pinnacle #71
      pinnacle #42
      mint diecut #21/30 no coin
      x-press #13
      score #249 #535
      select #3
      tsc #219
      studio #124
      topps #410  sweet strokes #SS7/15
      ultra leather shop #6/12
      ud #492
      ud3 #35
97-98 Diamond Points 48 points as of 8/19/98
98 Bowman #22
   CC #6 sq #43 #480 stickums #23 Bobbing Heads #23/30
      Star Quest Singles #19
   Donruss #22 #167
   Donruss Update #372  #410
   Fleer #250 #315 In The Clutch #8/15
        Vintage #52
   Metal #178
   Pacific Paramount #237
   Pinnacle spellbound #1 #48/50
   Pinnacle Inside #37
   Pinnacle Performers #8 #145 Launching Pad #7/20
   Pinnacle Plus #83
   Score #50
   Score R+T #9 #264 Showcase #PP157
   SI #55 #131 #189
   SI #48 #90
   SI World Series Fever #56
   TSC #113
   Topps Gallery #119 Player Private Issue NNO
   Topps Opening Day #1
   Ultra #108 #216 gold medallion #21G double trouble #12/20
        artistic talents #14/18 fall classics #13/15
        Pizzazz #491
   UD #15 #136 #458 #500 #539 All Star Credentials #19
       10th anniversary preview Edition #55/60
 99 Topps #75 Lord Of The Diamonds #12
    Ultra #59 The Book On #13