* Editor's Talk *
7/21/05: Don't worry I am still around. Just not updating the site much these days. Been busy planning my wedding. If anyone is interested in helping out please email me. I would love to keep the site going just to help new cheerleaders out there. Also I have fixed what I think is all the broken links. I am so sorry about that. Pretty hard to view the site when they are all coded for the old site so it's nothing but broken links. I fixed all the pages but the main one when I did get back in November. Silly me. Really sorry!!!
11/8/04: Well, Spirts With Spirit - Cheers And More Online just really didn't go well after Yahoo Hosting stole our domain so we are coming back here to the free site and going to let it just be something I update not something I try to pay the bills with. Thanks to everyone that was loyal to our site.
9/28/04: Happy Harvest Moon day!
9/11/04: Let not forget all the men and women that died on this day 3 years ago or the millions of people that helped rebuild America and the world after that.
8/13/04: The 2004 Olympics is finally here! Will you be watching?
7/27/04: The 2004 Amateur Athletic Union Junior Olympic Games have started I will be down in Des Moines to help with ticketing so if you are there stop by and say hi!
7/4/04: Happy 4th of July! It's hot out there, make sure you drink lots of water if you are outside more then 30 minutes.
6/9/04: Summer is here but don't be lazy this summer and get out of shape. Make sure you workout at least for 90 minutes each week.
5/9/04: Happy Mother's Day! But not to take away from the lovely mothers out there I also want to do a little plug for something else. If you are 18 or older and from the USA, I think it's your duty as an American to pay attention to the election and vote this year. It doesn't matter who you voted for, just do your part, have a voice in what is happening in our end of the world and vote this November! Choose or Lose can help you if you haven't ever voted before.
5/5/04: Happy Cinco de Mayo! The 2004 Amateur Athletic Union Junior Olympic Games will be in Des Moines, Iowa this year. An estimated 50,000 athletes, coaches, parents and spectators will come to Des Moines for the 12-day event that starts July 27. There are more than 20 different events, including baton twirling, cheerleading, dance, swimming, gymastics, double dutch (jump roping), trampoline and tumbling. You do not want to miss out an such an important event!
5/2/04: I have updated the airdates a little bit. Also the cheerleading and dance section have a lot of new columns in them first the last week or so in the paper. All the links are now working in the gymnastics and twirling areas and I will work on the "others" site this week.
4/23/04: Thank you for emailing me saying the competition pages wasn't on the new site, it is now. I will look into adding comps as soon as I can for you. If you know of some, email them to me. I also adding our first contest on the new site. We really need to work at getting our new name out there so that people that loved this site before can find it again. It's tryout season and I don't want anyone to miss out any information that might be able to use for their tryouts.
4/12/04: I hope everyone had a nice Easter Holiday and spring break. I know I had a nice time on my vacation in Norway. But it is now time to start really kicking it up a gear. It is try out season for most spirit sports for this summer and next fall. So make sure that you are working out and keep in shape. If you haven't tried out before, make sure take the time to read up about the sport you are trying for, there are lots of great websites out there with information and tons of good books to read we even sell some in our Book Store. Just remember the most important thing is to relax and enjoy it, coaches can tell who really loves the sport and who doesn't. You can totally mess up your try out and still make the team if you show that you love the sport and truly enjoy it.
4/1/04: Happy April Fools Day!
3/28/04: I just found this really cute website that makes and sell custom spirit dolls. They cost about $150 including shipping but the dolls are wonderful and look just like the teams they come from. They also make dolls to do for fundraising events. Take a moment and check out the website at MSD Mall.
3/9/04: Ok, updated the link below so it takes you to the book page I really did update and not the old one, sorry about that. I fixed all the links that I got emails about, thank you.
2/18/04: I updated the book website and added a lot of great new books and new pictures and prices, I also added more books for other spirit sports and coaching!!!
1/22/04: I am still working on the links. But I would like to give a special thanks to Ms. Pineapple, without her help all of my files would have been gone forever. If you haven't visted her site and you are a cheerleader, take a minute and check it out! It is an amazing site.
1/02/04: I am currently switching all the links to the new domain address. If you find a dead link, please email it to me so I can fix it. This site should be working smooth by the end of next week, I am hoping. Thanks for waiting.
1/01/04: Happy New Year! Out with the old and in with the new right? Well the new is SPORTS WITH SPIRIT (SWS). Cheers And More Online is gone and Sports With Spirit is here to stay. We are keeping up with the times and making the switch to spirit sports for good! There is a big spam ad on our old site so don't be confused, this is the real thing!
12/26/03: My host company (Yahoo) sold my domain to a company that is trying to cash in on the fact that Cheers And More Online is a household name. It's now nothing more then a big ad to sell stuff and spam. It's so sad, since they pretty much kicked me out of my site and then sold it for a lot of money to someone else because I am so high up in the search with major companies. I wrote to the BBB to see if there was something that could be done but I guess there isn't. Yahoo said it was an error due to the fact that I had a Geocities free account for 5 years before I had the domain in 2000 and somehow instead of renewing my domain they kicked me off it. They said my domain was in high demand so the sold it minutes after it was free so I couldn't even buy it back if I wanted to.
HISTORY OF SITE: Cheers And More Online has been around since 1995. The site had 350,000 viewers in the 2000-2001 alone. Cheers And More Online is now one of the most copied spirit sites on the web, so I know you love this site! In 1999, I added other spirit sports to the site. In 2000, we made some major changes here at Cheers And More Online: I finally got our own domain (cheersandmoreonline.com) and I took that chance to do some major updating. In 2001, we added more pages like a 2nd Scholarships page, Comp Dates & better way to list TV dates. In 2002, the front page got a major makeover with the help of Monia. In 2003, Yahoo sold our site to someone else and we got a brand new domain Sports With Spirit just in time for 2004! Each spirit sport now have it's own main page with links to all the fun stuff to do here at Sports With Spirit formally Cheers And More. So click on your favorite spirit sport and start having fun.
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Last updated on September 28, 2004.
Cheers and More Inc ¤ 2855 Jordan Ave ¤ Suite 307 ¤ Minnetonka, MN 55305
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