This page is dedicated to all those hockey fans out there brave enough to stand up to friends who show a liking of #88, the evil Eric Lindros. Remember, a true friend is a friend who will help you in times of need such a this. We here at the Eric Lindros Anti-Fan Association are dedicated to Anti-Lindros awareness and will stop at nothing to get our message across. Some say we're obsessed. Perhaps we are, but hockey arenas the world around are safer because to the constant efforts of the ELAFA.




Write the ELAFA Staff

You may find your success story on our testimonials page!

Hate Mail!!

See why the ELAFA loves the Nickel!






Disclaimer: This page has been written as a satirical look at the career of Mr. Lindros. In no way are we trying to protray Mr. Lindros as a homosexual or as a leader of any cult of any kind. All "testimonials" contained herein are ficticious. All hate mail, however, is real.